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My best trip yet


May 7, 2017
I'm no stranger to psychedelics, I was introduced to the altered state 10 years ago and have been using it as a form of therapy. I was a psychonaut long before I knew there was a term for it and I've always responded very positively to psychedelics even when I've had terrible trips (you can't have the good without the bad). I usually share my trips on these forums under different names and this time I'm "HappilyOverwhelmed" and the substance on the menu is 2C-B, thanks for reading :)

Everything's been leading up to this trip...ever since I first started using psychedelics this particular state of mind has flirted with me, giving me little glimpses of its beauty but never fully immersing me in the experience. When I tried 2C-B for the first time I was left in severe pain. At the time I had a bad back, wasn't exercising and the trip greatly exacerbated the pain, all I could do was writhe in agony for several hours.

The next two times would also be short flirts with the immersion being ruined by the people I was with...not intentionally but it made it clear that this was a very sensitive experience that would need to be navigated with precision if I was going to get what I wanted.

And so I had my weekend planned. Me, MDMA and 2C-B. I know when to take the 2C-B, how much and what to expect so I could safely navigate its waves....only I couldn't get the MDMA... but I don't want to till next weekend... but you already know if you force it you're just going to ruin the trip and you're gonna wish you waited... but it's been so long since I've tripped and I was SO READY this weekend... fuck it, I can always get more if I need it next weekend!

So happy I took the risk

60 mg of 2C-B. Please don't ever consider taking this amount unless you're very experienced with psychadelics.. there are so many points this trip could have been a disaster and most likely wasn't only because I know how to surf the trip....trust me I've been there, I know insanity and psychosis and it's always terrible.

It's around 3PM when I drop the first 40mg, I just got done with all my errands for the day and made sure there were going to be no interruptions for the rest of the night. I start playing some Overwatch, anything that keeps my mind off the fact I just took psychedelics is always the best way to start my trips.

3:30PM - The nausea has come and gone I expect to be feeling the beginnings of my trip soon...hmmm I was expecting a bit more to be honest... I drop the other 20mg of 2C-B and go back to playing Overwatch. Don't think about it.

4:00PM - I'm completely sober. Did I kill the trip? Was I expecting too much? I took more than enough that I should be feeling something even I killed it.... maybe it's not 2C-B?

4:30PM - No tripping for me tonight. Oh well....better to find out now than later, I'd be pretty frustrated if I wasted my first MDMA slot this year on a bust 2C-B experience maybe this wasn't as pure as the guy thought it was. At this point I jump on my laptop and I start researching DOM, another substance I have in the queue that I plan on taking soon.

15 minutes later I'm suddenly thrust-ed into the throngs of the most intense trip. It's unbelievable how quickly I went from sober to full on psychadelic. The nausea came back 3 times stronger and I felt my stomache bloat a good deal but luckily these effects didn't last long. I went out into the kitchen, smoked a few bongs of marijuana, went back into the room and put on the first 2 hour techno mix that didn't sound terrible

Any words that I attempt to use will never adequately describe how I felt for the next 4-5 hours. I never thought I could feel this way...the experience was far greater than I could imagine. I honestly don't feel like there's anything better (maybe a different best instead?). If there is, I don't think I have the mental faculties to process it. There's no point in comparing it to sex they're completely different things. It wasn't just the physical pleasure it was the full affirmation of everything I was and everything I believed in. This was my subconscious reward for working so hard at and achieving a better life... I earned this opportunity to sit with the most beautiful potentials of my mind

So I lay there, my mind completely void of all thought, the full receptor of everything that was to come. Meditation has always come easy for me and I balanced expertly on the line between clarity and immersion, gently toying and prodding with my altered state. Oh...that's a nice sensation. Now I understand why people compare 2C-B to MDMA... they're very different but the euphoria is what's to be appreciated.

Now the physical sensations are becoming more intense than I've ever felt on MDMA, the music no longer exists as sounds coming out of my laptop it has begun to merge with my being in a way I've never experienced before. I was no longer registering the sounds with my ears but literally every fiber of my being. I could feel the song reverberating through my muscles and joints as my body began to gyrate with the beat. I could feel the bass pumping along my fingertips as they moved, somehow forming the rhythms I was experiencing.

i still felt (relatively) in control of the trip at this point but was quickly losing my grip with reality. The music was now propagating from my stomach where the sounds played for the world from the very tips of my fingers and toes. The stage was set and I knew exactly what role I was playing. Here I stood as the greatest conductor the world has ever seen and with my body I was going to play the most enchanting melody for the only audience that actually mattered...myself.

I played and it was amazing. That little bit of control silently exited the stage and I was left vulnerable to a beast I've never encountered. This beast was unrelenting and it demanded full compliance. There was no choice to even resist but why would I when I've come this far? I knew I should fear it, I met other's of its kind and they can be temperamental, nightmarish things. Instead I gladly relinquished myself, allowed it to consume my being and felt myself slip from sanity once again.

For a long time I was a slave to the music. There were no thoughts, no body, no concept of now just pure unrelenting bliss. As the beat would pick up so would my heart rate and breathing. Loud audible groans of pleasure kept escaping my raspy breaths as I twisted and contorted on my bed. I could hear them as if there were coming from somebody else and I was privy to a perspective where I was observing myself tripping.. kind of like how you feel when a part of you realizes you're dreaming but you're not fully lucid yet.

As the music reached the peek of its crescendos all i could do was grip onto the sheets and hold on for dear life. My entire body would orgasm in the most intense way and wave after wave of pleasure racked my body in a way MDMA never has. I bit my pillow, I crossed my legs, my eyes rolled and I made sounds I've never heard myself make before. Sometimes it would leave me shaking and gasping for breath. I think I may have passed out a few times as I would get this sudden jolt and intensity and a feeling reminiscent of waking up.

Sometimes I just lay there completely still just overwhelmed with everything I was feeling. I was also highly sexualized and my hand would naturally find its way to my crotch... not as any sort of masturbation but because the touch felt great. To show for state I was in, apparently things were leaking for a duration of the trip and it was a slick mess down there.

Anyways.... I rode this state for quite a while, certainly long enough for me to get my fill. Several times I thought to myself "How many times can I possibly be forced to orgasm?" and I would think I was returning to sobriety only to be pulled further into the trip. After what felt like hours things finally settled down enough to where I was able to sit up, look around the room and go pee.

I don't know...I feel like I'm tarnishing the memory by trying to put it into words. There's an entire component of the trip I can't even begin to describe...just this incredible feeling of wholeness that'll I'll hold onto for the rest of my life. The comedown was nice and smooth and I beamed the entire time thinking about the gift I just gave myself.


I focus on all the good things in the above report, but to re-emphasis that this dosage isn't something to fuck with I need to mention there were several very difficult moments. At one point I started to convince myself that the onset of the trip was too long and the trip too intense to be 2C-B. I must have taken something else, I don't know what and I don't know the effects. What if it's like some new research chemical, I just overdosed and I never become normal? That's one of my bad trip wells where I convince myself I've gone insane and I'm never going to return to normal. It has a sneaky way of manifesting itself.

Another point I started getting some strong muscle spasms across my chest and back. It would cause my entire upper body to convulse unexpectedly and somehow I had missed the part about muscle spasms being a side effect during my research. So I almost convinced myself I was in danger of having and potentially dying from a seizure. Then I realized I didn't care if I did, nothing was going to stop me from experiencing everything I could in this moment...not even death.

So I lay there for 4-5 hours moaning and wheezing like a dying walrus while twisting, contorting and apparently convulsing on my bed. Thankfully I was alone because that would have probably be a pretty frightening sight.