My 2 Worlds have Collided!!! BYE :(me go now!

Its Chaos

Nov 1, 1999
im out of here.Love you all.Might be back.Hard not 2 come back.But have u seen the sinfield episod where,George's 2 worlds collide.Thats whats going on...
Thanks everybody,for all the info,all the laughs,and everything.
This has nothing to do with comeing down or fealing shit.
I hope i come back,but i'll only look.

pEacE LovE aNd HappinEss
p.s.I still love E.
Bye, you will be missed. Drop in to let us know every now and then what the other world is like!

If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
Hey Chaos,
I know you have your reasons for doing what you have to and I wish you all the best in whatever it is you are trying to achieve.
You have my email address so please continue to email me and I hope to talk to you soon.
Hey Chaos,
It'll be sad to see you go, I've only just recently realised how much you make me laugh

Goodluck in your endevours, please don't make yourself a stranger, pop your head in once in a while.
Have fun exploring your new life. I know I will.
See you on the other side bro

chaos, please don't go....
if your two worlds are colliding maybe after the impact they can join together as one motherfucking big world!!as in a collision no energy is lost!
or maybe its that you just need to talk to someone from one of the other worlds to get the phuck out of this world...but if thats what you think you need to do then reacess the situation.
but what i'm really trying to say is that there is only one world.. that which you choose to create for yourself , so if you have created more than one world and your worlds don't attract one another then your going to do your head in after a while. so its probably best that you choose one or the other...or maybe just do a little compromising.

anyway i don't think you should leave blulite, as i know how much it means to you... maybe just slow down on the usage!!
...u'll c it when u believe it...