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RCs MXE(Methoxetamine) Experiences?

chicken hoagie

Jan 1, 2014
I'm looking into ordering some MXE but would like to hear some anecdotes from the bluelighters here..similar to ketamine? Does it produce psychedelic or dissociative effects? is a "K-HOLE" experience acheivable with MXE?
It's better than Ketamine and you can surely find yourself in an M-Hole if you dose high enough. It's a pretty rare compound these days since its been banned in China which was the main producer of MXE. But I've seen it going around over the past year in certain circles.

It is a dissociative and probably the best one ever invented by Bluelights very own F&B. You should be very grateful for having the opprotunity to try this compound in this day and age. It's a top class drug, if you are into Ketamine you will not be disappointed by Methoxetamine. :)
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Methoxetamine is a stimulating long acting dissociative compared to the short sedative nature of Ketamine.

Ketamine was more pleasureable but Methoxetamine was certainly very good. Both have their uses. The M-hole's never immobilized me, could walk around in futuristic landscapes. Unlike a K-hole that is as far as I know mostly entered in a horizontal position.
Personally I like MXE a lot more, because it has a psychedelicness to it than ketamine does not, and I find it much more colorful and euphoric, and best of all I remember the experience very well, whereas with ketamine I tend to forget most of it.

Also, MXE in moderate doses, where you're not trying to hole, if one of the most wonderful drugs there is. It simply has this magic that I have never seen in another drug.

One of the downsides to MXE is that the duration is substantially longer (but not really long, like 4-5 hours) and it also leaves you unable to sleep afterwards, whereas with K you can transition right into sleep. K is much more sedating.

Of all drugs, MXE is in my top 5 for sure. ketamine is definitely not.
Well when talking ranks and order indeed MXE is IMO also way above Ketamine. But it has a certain depth to it and duration. It seems like a stimulant and I could hole and walk around. The holes were indeed very lucid. Even daily use worked fine.

So like I could use Ketamine for some pleasureable dissociation now and then. Methoxetamine was way more ingaging. And reinforcing, went through 5 gr bag's within a few weeks. The fact it is so long acting and stimulating make it less usefull as a simple and pleasurable substance as Ket. But it's probably one of my top fives too.
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MXE is one of the most beautiful and powerful substances I've ever encountered. It can be a sedative, a stimulant, a psychedelic, a dissociative or any combination of the above depending upon dose. It can be whatever you want it to be. The afterglow can last for days. It can alleviate opiate withdrawals. It can send you to hell but you couldn't give a fuck. Too much can be a very difficult experience which can be perceived as a 'bad trip', but no where as difficult as a classic hallucinogen would provide as the dissociation removes you from it. However, the confusion can be intense at high doses and unlike other posters on here, it is definitely NOT a substance I would use in public.
I've had M-holes where I wouldn't be able to move, only experience, if that isn't sedating I don't know. It can be physically in high doses but your mind is still going nuts. The fancy of mxe is that i could use it in public with friends, in areas like psychiatry where absolutely no drug use is allowed and no-one would know whereas with ketamine, they would find out as soon as I would have sniffed the half of my line and motherfuckers would try to pull me out the bathroom already. I think i used this about six months straight. somehow anxiety was it's main effect of withdrawl for me which is unheard of. I noticed the same after intense use of 2-f-dck. It's powder texture is so much easier for quik usage. Defineately worth trying.
I've had M-holes where I wouldn't be able to move, only experience, if that isn't sedating I don't know.
But did you fall asleep during or pretty fast after the hole. Or did it keep you awake for quite some time after.

I can fall asleep on Ketamine and 2-fluoro-deschloro-Ketamine. Or will have very restfull sleep after the exp. A characteristic Methoxetamine imo not shares with the Ketamine dissociatives. Keeps me wired in a weird way long after the peak.
Aeon psyche you label it sedating, based on that you can't move. Which is basicly dissociation at action. I find the dissociation of MXE way more lucid and less impairing as Ket and 2f-dcK. And in now way would I call it sedating, debilitating would be more correct imo or partlal parelization.

Yet you find it keeps you up long after. Which matches my experience with this unique dissociative gem. A stimulating disso, thanks F&B, did a bluelighter really bring us this wonderfull addition of it's class?