MrGeezer, GHB synthesis


Nov 19, 1999
It's really easy. Use the directions on They're good. You just need two chemicals, GBL and NaOH. GBL can be ordered from certain chemical co., but the one I've been getting it from stopped selling so I need to find another. NaOH can be bought as Red Devil Lye at any major grocery store, Food Lion definitely has it. Many people say not to use Lye as a substite but Lye is NaOH, research it. It has worked for me perfect every time, and NaOH is hard as shit to get.
peace, head
Cool, thanks for the info.
If i try it, i'll let you know
Enjoyment starts with an "E"
Bad news: GHB became a scheduled narcotic on January 1st of this year. GBL has joined the list of regulated and watched precursor chemicals. Every chem supply company that I know of has discontinued the sale of GBL.
Good news: 1,4 butanediol is not watched and is very easy to get. It can bee synthed to GBL which then can bee synthed to GHB.
Red Devil Lye is technical grade NaOH. It contains more impurities than reagent grade NaOH. Reagent grade NaOH is easy to find. It's also very cheap. Let me know if you would like the URL for an online supplier of this.
I've made G with Red Devil Lye and ASC grade NaOH. The difference is very incredible.
not true...Gamma hydroxybutyric acid can still be obtained for a very short period of time. Gamma butyrolactone (GBL) can also be obtained, (although the food supplement guys have sold a lot of people down the drain). Call them up and they sound like little cops real stern "we don't carry that stuff no more"""" 1,4 butanediol is similar(BD) but it has to be broken down in the liver which puts more strain on can get all this stuff though...some guys are trying to be creative in marketing these products, but a reality is " this is a whole new market place for you guys....don't accept misinformation, and find out who is making some of the good chemicals illegal and for what reasons.....God you guys have this internet thing.....we had trouble making a phone call in the 60's...come on.....plur