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Methylone plus amphetamine


Dec 13, 2005
We normally take around 20mg of Dexedrine, then 3 hours later MDMA when I want to roll while dancing. Never an issue.

I never tried Methylone, but apparently it is easier on your serotogenic system than mdma, and a lot of folks seem to enjoy it.
Would 10-20mg of dextroamphetamine + 100-150mg of methylone 3 hours later would be a dangerous combo for an individual who can tolerate amphetamine + large amount of MDMA?
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Not more dangerous than MDMA + dexedrine no. As you probably know the side-effects are going to be worse as well as the after-effects. Don't go into the experience expecting an MDMA-like roll (it's a bit like it, but not much) and you won't be disappointed

I assume you're taking both the amp and the methylone orally? If so, those seem to be sensible doses, shouldn't cause too much problems. It's probably a bit less healthy than when you take methylone on its own, so avoid doing this too much, test your product (I'll add the untested prefix, if you are testing your product just tell me and I'll change it), keep your doses on the low side and take care to eat well, sleep enough and keep hydrated. It's not because you can tolerate a certain drug or drug combo that it can't cause any harm of course so use common sense.

Studies show that methylone has about 3x less affinity for SERT (serotonin transporter) but it has comparable affinity for NET (norepinephrine transporter) and DAT (dopamine transporter) which means that if you add a dopaminergic drug like dexedrine, you're going to get comparable effects on dopamine and norepinephrine than when you would have combined it with MDMA. This is something to be aware of. It's probably not hazardous at the doses you're taking, but excessive dopamine release has been linked to an increase of oxidative stress in the brain (though usually under abnormal circumstances, like very high body temperature and dehydration), so again, use common sense and don't dose too high
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Thanks so much BlueBull! Yes this is tested substance with raegents. Both substances taken orally.

Good advice, just didnt know if this was a big nono like mixing MAOI+MDMA or similar, since methylone is said to be a bit more energetic than MDMA, plus wiki shows it is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Will keep doses low.

PS. Not taking it s a replacement for MDMA, just want to see what the new kids are taking lol.
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No problem. Have fun!

I'll add the (tested) prefix then. Good job on the testing, keep doing that every time you take a drug and you'll avoid a lot of potential problems. It's not like mixing an MAOI+MDMA no, don't worry. Again it's probably more unhealthy than taking methylone on its own, but it's not going to kill you, cause permanent damage or mess you up for weeks if you use common sense and implement some common harm reduction techniques, roughly the same ones you would use when you take MDMA or methylone on their own, with added care taken to hydrate a bit more often, keep a closer eye on your body temperature and keeping your doses lower than with dexedrine or methylone on their own

One more reason to keep your doses low is because methylone is indeed a bit more stimulating than MDMA, which could lead to overstimulation when another stimulant like dexedrine is added. This is not dangerous, but it can be uncomfortable and a bit overwhelming. It also leads to increasingly severe physical side-effects like jaw grinding, random muscle twitches, eye movements/twitches, trembling legs,. You'll avoid this by adjusting your dose a bit downwards
Just got back home from the club. Thanks so much BlueBull, my expirience for anyone who wants to mix same:

Me and my GF did same:
11pm. Took 20mg of dextroamphetamine IR
2am. Dex euophoria wearing off, took a cap of G to help with anxiety from dex
3am. Anxiety back. Took 100mg of Methylone
3:30am. I notice anxiety is gone, I am social and friendly again. My GF is still anxious.
4am. Feeling jelloeeish. Nothing like a ROLL, but feels good, super happy. Cannot dance, body feels havy and sedated. My GF is complete opposite, feeling super energetic and happy, and dancing off a storm.
5am-5:30am Happy feeling is going away, took a cap of G. Holy crap this stuff has short duration.
5:30am another cap of G
6:30 took an additional 50mg of methylone (didnt quite feel it this time, but it did add a bit of happiness).
7:30 Methylone wearing off again, feeling sad from Methylone comedown.

Overall I see why people take it. Wouldnt call it rolling, quite a different experience, but not terrible :)

PS. We took it as we took MDMA for NYE, and I dont like rolling more than once a month. I am sure substituting bk for MDMA is just as bad if you do it too often tho.
PS. We took it as we took MDMA for NYE, and I dont like rolling more than once a month. I am sure substituting bk for MDMA is just as bad if you do it too often tho.
Ah, but methylone is bk-MDMA/MDMC, it is closely related to MDMA. They work in roughly the same way, though methylone releases less serotonin (about 30% of what MDMA releases). This means that they are cross-tolerant to a degree and if you're avoiding MDMA because you already rolled on NYE you shouldn't be using methylone in stead. If you want to use another drug during an MDMA-break you should look for one with a lower serotonin release, like for instance some hallucinogens, alcohol, GHB, weed, cocaine... Even dexedrine on its own would be a better idea, since it releases mostly dopamine, which recovers much faster than serotonin. Methylone is not ideal if you want to take a true MDMA-break, it's too closely related to MDMA to not cause any cross-tolerance. Now it's true that the cross-tolerance will not be very big, but you seem to want to keep yourself to a minimum of a month between rolls, which is good, so I think in that case this is something important to note

All that aside, nice to hear you had fun :D interesting to hear what this combination feels like. I think you felt sedated because of the GHB you took during the night, but it's only a guess. I found methylone to be pretty speedy on its own, so I imagined it to be even more stimulating combined with dexamp
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