Methadone tapering, the final milligrams

Disagree it does not matter what dose you come off as any dose can "set off" acute wds. I came off 3gms of poppy pods once before not even a tablespoon when it takes cups for me to get high and even that set off an acute wd phase. Low doses can still set it off its just less and less intense obviously the lower you get. I also disagree about taking it down slowly *especially with heroin.QUOTE][/QUO

Again not sure why people are getting at him like this he made an excellent point. He didn't say you can't taper heroin he said he heard that its useless.. and again I agree with him *somewhat. But its definitely not "the most inacurate statement" someone can make. No way at all.

Lets explore the reasons. Tapering pods can be a bitch mainly cause of variations in dosing. And they have a longer half life then heroin. But I still use to get fairly consistent batches of poppies as I never bought them on the streets so I kinda knew the quality as long as I always ordered from the same supplier. STILL, there was plenty of times even buying from the same person that I was thrown into wds countless times due to this reason of heterogenus quality.

I'm using poppies as a reference for heroin. Now look at heroin. Even shorter half life. That means its not ok if you miss your dose buy more than a few hours. And trust me this happens a lot when I taper sub and thank god it has such a long half life. If you work and live a busy life the longer the half life the better off you're likely to be.

So again not seeing how that was such an "inacurate" statement.
Worst thing with heroin is when your supplier doesn't have it, you start asking anyone, and then that even compounds the likely hood of you getting unknown potencies. Add that to the absurdly short half life and no I'm not sure I'd say tapering is "useless" but I'd say that with heroin it absolutely makes the least amount of sense.

You can absolutely do it no doubt. You'd have to buy about 100 bundles from the same person just so you can somewhat standardize the potency. And THEN having that much *HEROIN* you'd have to control that obsessive/compulsive feedback loop that tends to be strongest with heroin. Like "oh all I need is just a bit more and maybe I'll nod .. but damn I was suppose to be tapering with this shit why is it so hard?". With sub its 1000 times easier to control your use and taper. With methadone too. But I'd still think sub would be better just cause it’s a partial agonist.

Anyway my point is he made a totally fair statement and has the right to say that. I do not think what he said was inaccurate at all he was just voicing one side of the debate. Those who think tapering heroin is worth it and those who don't. Noones more "accurate" then the other here we all just have our own ideas and beliefs.
I'm tapering off methadone not heroin..... And what about poppy seeds? I this post left me thoroughly confused.
I'm tapering off methadone not heroin..... And what about poppy seeds? I this post left me thoroughly confused.

Well heres a very fundamental explanation for you.

Heroins half life = 10mins
Morphine = 3 hours
Poppy pods/poppy tea = 8-12 hours depending on alkaloid balance and how different alkaloids are processed in the body.
Methadones half life = 36 hours
Suboxone = 37 hours

Generally in terms of tapering, an opiate with the shortest half life is hardest to maintain a consistent level in your blood. The slower the dissolution from receptors (opiates leaving your brain) the less intense wds and usually easiest to taper.
So in terms of what was said by soundsystem, about tapering heroin not making sense or making least amount of sense, it makes sense. Although that does not mean you can't do it. It just means a lot more commitment making sure you are dosing at shorter more precise intervals so you can stablize and get the hell off the opiate. For poppies people generally feel best dosing twice a day. For suboxone or methadone its much easier to only dose once a day, although some people still do it twice I'd imagine those are the ones with bad diets/sleep cycles. Or maybe just genetics that process it quicker idrk.

Tapering poppies is not that difficult imo I was only dosing once a day and although I didn't particularly like how I felt 12 hours after dosing it wasn't exactly brutal. Try to go that long without heroin it might be a lot more brutal. Do it with methadone or sub and its a breeze. If you are getting tons of veggies/berries/probiotics/vitamins and tapering slow it is very possible to come off an opiate regardless of half life. Just like I said certain compounds take a lot more commitment imo.

I don't really want to rant any longer but maybe you see where I'm coming from now. Maybe not. All I know is what soundsystem said wasn't really as far off as 2 people in this thread were trying to make it.
Wait till you go into WD then get some suboxone. You should be able to completely taper (and comfortably) with just a handful of them.
Sorry to not get back to you right away - and I'm on my fone so apologies in advance for typos.

I went to a general practitioner - not a clinic. It was charged to my insurance as a reg checkup but was like $115. He also gave me a discount card for the suboxone films and I didn't end up paying anything. That was cool, and I was lucky. Not sure if the card is still around.

I know many folks who get em off the street and others whose doctors prescribe subutex which, for the generics, is pretty cheap from what I hear.

I started at 12 mg a day which was crazy. After a few days dropped to 8 and then to 4. By the third week I was at 2 mg and dropped slowly from there. I took my time but it is usually done in a two week taper. Maybe others can wean in bc it might be different coming from methadone.

I'd say if you could get your hands on about a dozen 8mg films/pills you could do it, but plan a taper and stick to it.

Oh and yes, my self-imposed methadone taper took me from 75- about 35 (no pain) right off the bat. Then I started just skipping Taking my takehomes. Mostly bc I just wanted to see what would happen and at what point I would start to hurt. I had enough stockpiled that I could not drink at the clinic and then measure out an accurate dose with an oral syringe.