Meth Recovery using Alternative Substances(Yes im Serious)


Mar 12, 2017
This should probably Go somewhere else but i Caint Post in Other places

So Meth(C10H15N) Is a Rather Harmful Substance if you Smoke it like Weed(Cannabis).
When i first started 11-2016 nobody told me not to do that lol so I fried my brain. I quit again 8 Days ago
I had to get a tooth pulled because the Care source Dentist was old and Shity at his job. so my root canal failed
They prescribed the standard Vicodin and Ibuprofen 800Mg. I quit the day before Surgery. Now my biggest side effect of Withdrawal was waking up in Sweats. The Vicodin stopped that. I used Weed once the Vicodin ran out and am still Crutching with it. Some people would say this isn't True Recovery or something along those lines. I believe that even Quiting Meth using this method is still better then Continued daily meth use. Also Beings that it is Memorial day weekend I bought a bottle of cheap whiskey. (It should be Noted that i Drink A max of 10 Times a Year.) Im just interested on Others experiences with this. :)
you sound fine man, that honestly was an intelligent way to use the tools available to you to return your brain to homeostasis.