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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Meth/ IV 50 cents? - 1st time IV - Insane Rush finally felt from IVing


Apr 2, 2017
So I've done methamphetamine probably 3x before all were alright to mediocre experiences, snorted & tried to smoke but got scared. I've always had a thing for needles & medical practices so when I got the chance to finally slam something it was coke, didn't feel much, then I got into H and loved the hit of the head high but no rush ever. But my night started with 2 experienced Meth users who both helped me learn to slam anything, but of course I hadn't tried Meth for fear of missing. Friend poured half a 30 sack in spoon I said all that for us 3? They both laughed "yeah we'll be fine" , he set me up with 20c and he never misses didn't hurt didn't feel it come on, just was like snorting it kinda sorta felt energetic then really talkative of course all the usual but nothing special. In fact I was only IVing Meth b/c we couldn't get H, I'd choose it over Meth any day... Until 12 hours passed & left went home, took shower got stuck on a few things then headed back, I wanted to reup once, and I am so glad I did. This time he set up everything the same, same shards, even the amount 20-30c but with less water. And everything was going as usual. He had the plunger all the down and I sighed, said ty but then... A solid 20sec later. The most intense feelings I have ever felt hit me all at once. I said "woah I just this Hey um I" (stuttering beyond belief just trying to inform them I was feeling a rush) then I coughed a little and ears started piercing ringing, my face felt numb the tingle I normally would bearly feel ran up my spine neck face, all physical pain from work that day vanished, for my friends watching it must have been hilarious. I became instant failing around stood up then down then threw off hoodie, hands all over my face trying to understand this feeling and then my friends who let me go 1st both had at it while I literally ran over to air conditioner breathing in out wide eyes sitting in front of it, then standing, then sitting, opened window I ran over to them and said guys pls just tell me even if it's not true u can't throw up on Meth! Right?! Of course I had to take breaths in between words in that one sentence, 1 friend knew about My fear of throwing up & I could already see sweat pouring from his face his wide eyes and he kind of yelled HEY! Don't do what u usually do analyze and try to fight it you're fine enjoy it, as he was talking steady I had my hands all over my face, lifting shirt up and down trying to cool down, putting hands in the air (I'm assuming I did that multiple times trying to "breath better") they're both wide eyed smiling loving the fact that I was having a rush but after my friend was trying to calm me down I lost motor coordination for 1-3min and everything he had just said had an echo! I said woah hey then before I could tell him I was like wtf! Even my own voice is echoing in my head what is this! My friend touched my shoulder as I grasped the wall to catch balance n before he could talk I remember saying what no I can't relax this is insane! You are a traser right now, lights aren't just brighter I feel like I can see everything! I ran to mirror and was in awe of my pupils, at that time my other friend said haha no don't get stuck in a mirror and I didn't. I got stuck on the fact that I couldn't control strongest impulse to try to explain what I was feeling, and something they hadn't seen before I'm sure, My actions I couldn't control myself the least bit which shocked me... I was openly flailing, kept touching my face moving my head side to side standing sitting pacing looking out back window grabbed phone & kept repeating this is crazy this is what I have literally been waiting for. Every drug except for MDMA once had let me down, always expected more, but this time I finally got it. After that initial euforia was gone but the compulsive talking and actions didn't stop. For 8 hours I think. I annoyed my best friend so bad I had to keep going to another room and trying not to talk but I had to! Gave him a back rub thought if I had a task I'd shut the fuck up. But literally my head got tingly hands cold sweat when I sat there trying not to speak what came to mind which was everything! I had a comment to say for everything I was seeing on TV, & more and more questions about his 1st Meth rush came to me it killed me to not talk I gave up after probably 8 minutes and was off again. Switching from subject to story to comment. & my poor friend was on Ritalin many years as a child-teen when it 1st hadn't been tested so when hes on one, he was almost quiet. Calm and only grinding his jaw trying to get me to just give him a min of silence out of the whole day I spent going off. Music/headphones shut me up but it was still hard, reading on bluelight kept me occupied only until I wanted to ask questions again. I drank liquid ate a little, but the entire first half of that high, was so intense and new to me I didn't care that I kept talking or acting on every impulse to move or touch things. I was spun out. Sorry for extremely long report this was all just so new to me, and I know totally normal for everyone else's 1st exp but it took me my 5th time doing Meth, & 2nd IV that day to get a real rush.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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You may want to make some paragraphs. That wall is relatively unreadable. Otherwise, nice to hear you had a good rush but be careful with IV meth sometimes those eye balled doses can do things to you that you didn't think meth could do.
You may want to make some paragraphs. That wall is relatively unreadable. Otherwise, nice to hear you had a good rush but be careful with IV meth sometimes those eye balled doses can do things to you that you didn't think meth could do.
Yeah I was not high on anything when I wrote that out but I knew it would be a mess of a story because I like ordered details and a damn lot of them. Nonsense for others but I can relax knowing my experience won't be forgotten and I don't need to experience it again, IV Meth is insanely harmful and risky. Drugs give experiences I like to not forget and they only take away from the quality physical and mental self I could be, only if I don't discontinue use, because then they take away from who you were and could have been. Chemically speaking. The imbalance and damage caused is irreparable in some areas of some brain activity on most substances you choose.
I prefer puffing cause damn. Just damn! Im not particularly fond of railing, not because of the needle, but it just seems like it would be a nightmare calculating a euphoric dose when quality and purity are hard to ascertain easily. I smoke in incriments to assess when to leave good alone. Id probably panick with intravenous usage as soon as my ears rang. I am a little bit of a speed coward, as I like it to come on smooth before strong. Im guessing thats the exact reason people do it though?
That's how I was when I tried to smoke once my friend showed me how but we didn't have a P so we were kind of chasing the dragon with it & I got too scared so I tried like 3x wasted a lot according to my friend lol & and it ended with me only getting one small hit that I tried not to inhale / hold its pretty bad when i can slam anything anytime but have always been scared to smoke anything b/c I don't know how much to take / how it'll hit me/how strong.