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Messaging the Admins of PillReports


Oct 29, 2007
I was wondering if anyone had ever tried to contact the administrators/mods/whoever is in charge at PillReports- I know they are probably pretty busy, but I sent them a message a couple of weeks ago about possibly updating the list of suspected contents for the pills. I know that if they are to reply it's going to take awhile, but I've never even received some type of confirmation letting me know that they have received my message. Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on this... do they ever reply? Did my message even make it to a person? Any information would be awesome. (And, if this isn't the right forum, I apologize, feel free to send this thread on it's way to the right one- I figure Supprt would be another good forum.)
edit: I went back to PR too see if I could find a copy of the message I sent, so that maybe it could be passed along if it's been lost somewhere... but no luck :(
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RavenousBlonde (pr mod) has always answered me in a timely fashion, try her. (use the mail on this site)
I assume you would like piperazines added since they seem to have flooded the states?
I suggested this a while back but don't think it's happened
That, and either removing the 2C-B option or simply replacing it with Research Chemical- I mean, look at Ecstasydata- they have never tested a pill that ended up being 2C-B, but 5-Meo-DiPT has shown up (and is supposedly showing up again). It just seems like that category needs to be explanded.

But thanks for the advice, I will definitely try her as soon as I remember everything I said in the message.
I see your point. If all these peeps claiming they had ingested 2cb had actually ingested it they'd be running back for more. That stuff was great and totally lacking in negative side effects for me and some mates years ago. I dont even think the claims of foxy are correct as that shit was the most poisonous, horrendous experience of my life with side effects lasting months maybe years as its been at least seven and I still have some bad memories of it.
Yeah I know but you could order grams online for pennies a dose at the time.
That shit worries me cause the active dose is 2mg. Can you imagine if they screwed up the mix and had pills with 100mg of 5meo-xxxx in it. Unless someone is using old stocks I doubt we will see it in pills again I hope
nikol said:
I was wondering if anyone had ever tried to contact the administrators/mods/whoever is in charge at PillReports- I know they are probably pretty busy, but I sent them a message a couple of weeks ago about possibly updating the list of suspected contents for the pills. I know that if they are to reply it's going to take awhile, but I've never even received some type of confirmation letting me know that they have received my message. Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on this... do they ever reply? Did my message even make it to a person? Any information would be awesome. (And, if this isn't the right forum, I apologize, feel free to send this thread on it's way to the right one- I figure Supprt would be another good forum.)
edit: I went back to PR too see if I could find a copy of the message I sent, so that maybe it could be passed along if it's been lost somewhere... but no luck :(

Hi there! We've been a little busy at PR lately, and we can't respond to every email we receive, even though we do read them all. Just for future information, Pill Reports is a separate entity from Bluelight, so using the Support forum on BL for a PR problem will get you a lot of confused looks. :)

Since I'm not the one who read your email regarding additional contents :) could you please let me know what you'd like to have added? I'd be glad to make any suggestions to the people who make those decisions. Feel free to post here or PM me if you wish.

Thanks! :D
Just to add my .02 to the discussion...I too have noticed a lot of people claiming 2Cx compounds. With all the research chemicals available nowadays people really, really need to get a testing kit. As woodpecker stated, a lot of these RC's have an extremely low active dose and that is dangerous (and possibly deadly) territory to wade in. Unfortunately a lot of the users these days have never had a genuine, unadulterated pill, and more than likely wouldn't like it if they had the real deal. You have to take every report on PR with a grain of salt, especially if they have no testing results. I'm afraid if we open up too many possibilities of content choices, reports will be even worse than they are now; particularly since the people making the reports probably don't realize what they've really had. But, we're always open to suggestions.
Hmm, I thought I typed a reply and I don't know where it went...
Anyway, mainly the reason I propose a change is because even without testing, the point of the reports is to try to give an educated guess, right? Oftentimes educated guesses can be made as to things other than MDMA/analogues- such as meth/amp, DXM, various other chemicals. I feel that only having 2C-B to represent the entire class of research chemicals is very badly representing them- especially given that when looking over ecstasydata's archive, there aren't any 2C-B pills, but there are 5-MeO-DiPT. I just think that the category should be expanded, because the only option at the moment are those list these miscellaneous chemicals are either unknown or adulterated- and neither of those statements are necessary true.
And the reason I posted the question here was because I was wondering if anyone else had ever tried to contact the staff, and if so if there were any suggestions for me...