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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

MDxx - Experienced - Electrifying my brain


Jun 6, 2010
I've been reading threads on BL for a while and am very impressed with the rational pleasant way most people are here. I'm sure I'll do the rounds at the other sub-forums and introduce myself there too, but I have enjoyed other people's trip reports so much I thought I'd start here.

I fist took MDxx in 1997. I was very lucky in that my first few pills were sourced very reliably and from what I've read since I guess to have contained a good whack of MDMA and in a couple of cases some of the strong MDMA plus MDA tickler tablets that did the rounds then (pink callies, california sunrise).

So obviously I was introduced with a bit of a bang, but there are plenty reports about great experiences so I thought I'd share something more sinister.

This report is going to be about one new year's eve ( 1998 ) when me and two friends bought A bagful of crumbly Mitshubishi brand tablets and 3 tickets for a rave somewhere out of town (we were all from London).

On the train to the rave this massively dodgy looking bloke got on with two little hoodrats and started checking me out with his old-rat like eyes.

Me and my friends, obviously hyped up had been chatting about the rave quite boisterously (we still hadn't taken any pills yet) and I saw him lean over and whisper to his little companions just as we were getting off the train.

We got off and after checking behind me there seemed to be nothing to worry about but about five minutes down the road the old guy ran out from somewhere and came up behind me and put a sharp knife to my neck, and his 16 year old proteges came out with their little knives and cornered my mates.

He told me to give him my ticket for the rave...we definitely had been talking too loudly...

Feeling quite uncomfortable I took out my wallet and handed him my ticket. My friends seemed to follow suit.

The guys 'escaped'. We were all a bit shaken, being boys that like to think they can look after themselves then get robbed at knife point.

We took an inventory and these little pricks had only taken our tickets. All our cash and our bag of drugs were intact...there was only one thing for it...

There used to be a phone number you could dial in London that would tell you where the squat parties were. Just an answerphone message that directed you to a point where you'd probably be able to hear the madness if you couldn't see it yet. Im sure there's still one now but I guess that time of my life is over. The old mumber started 0208 959xxxx for anyone that remembers)

So we got the first train back to London and headed for Euston Road where there was a party happening.

This place was the most extreme squat party I ever went to, though I never went to many, preferring a bit of comfort while I was on mindbending chemicals.

There were a few older guys 40 or 50? I was only 18 at the time. They were stumbling around on Whisky and Ketamine which the makeshift bar had a big sign advertising. But this was a derelict building and the floor was covered in rubble so they kept falling over and smashing their face. 2 of them were bleeding quite badly from their face.

I guess by this point we'd have dropped a pill each.

There was a little gang of 10 year olds. Probably traveller kids, having a riot, like it was a playground. The party went about 5 floors up and the stairs were jam packed with people. Bear in mind that this was a derelict building so who knows how sturdy the stairs were.

Then these tiny kids, bored with queuing to get up stairs, monkey up the outside of the stairwell. Past everyone, up 4 floors. When they passed me one of these kids said to another 'Shall we get some more acid?'

We found a dancefloor and by this time the pills were kicking in. Me and my friends started dancing. Before long everyone was 'wearing sunglasses' and my friend had his eyes shut and was moving his hands very deliberately over one spot of the dancefloor.

He worked in Marks and Spencers at the time and when I asked him what he was doing, he said he was 'trying to scan a jewellry box' and thought he was on the tills at work.

This to me, in retrospect, sounds like the pills were probably strong on the MDA front.

None of this so far was a very positive experience. Obviously now I can see that the Set and Setting couldn't have been worse! So I found the drugs having very litte pleasant effects.

There was a strobe light in front of me and I discovered that if I started at ot I would get fluttering eyes and trip out which seemed to be the best it was going to get.

Then the fluttering eyes became a fluttering brain then it started to feel like I had 240 volts in either ear and my whole body seemed to jolt and I felt my legs giving way but I don't think I collapsed. I must have somehow 'earthed' and torn myself away.

I managed to rejoin my friends and I think I probably said something about having nearly died. They were so good to me, laid me down, brought me water stroked my head. I must have recovered, because I don't remember much else and soon enough it was light and we were stumbling round this office block looking for an exit.

We ended up jumping out of a hole that had been smashed into a ground floor window. Out into the sun into the path of a young family.

I remember feeling particularly off-key for the week or two following that experience. Very emotional and slightly crazed.

But I wouldn't blame the chemical I ingested that night, as I had been somewhat irresponsible by carrying on when my mind was still in some kind of shock, from the knife being held to my neck.

Whatever the physiological effects of that 'thing' at the strobe (seizure? fit?) it wasn't permanent. I am very good health generally despite my lifestyle. However the cumulative effects of years doing MDxx can be felt mentally, but there are so many people who have never done recreational drugs that are prescribed SSRIs and the like that I think maybe I'd be a bit mental (bipolar?) anyway.

I wish I hadn't abused MDxx in my youth like I did. I take it one or two times a year now and it still feels great but if I hadn't had a few drinks and someone offered me it I would get an electric burning feeling in what I can only guess are my seretonin receptors and probably decline. Too much.

I may edit this if I can think of anything to add, but I hope someone can get something from it, and it feels good to give something back to this great site.
Thanks for that. Sounds like the 10 year olds handled their drugs better than you did ;-) Great story--drug culture / history is fascinating. More!
Thanks for that. Sounds like the 10 year olds handled their drugs better than you did ;-) Great story--drug culture / history is fascinating. More!

Ha ha I'm sure they did! But I don't think their sense of mortality had developed yet whereas maybe that was the night I got mine...

Glad you enjoyed it.