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MDMA not working


Jan 25, 2014
Hello, I've taken MDMA several times. My boyfriend and I split 12 points on New Years and he was rolling so hard he felt like he was going to pass out. And I didn't feel anything. I had a long battle with depression but hVe been off my mess for at least six months. Is there any way I can roll? Help me?!
Maybe you should focus on your depression and not drugs friend. And 12 points meaning 1200mg? Ahhh that's not good or not mdma or VERY cut
You're not giving us much to work with here. Are you taking any meds atm? what meds did you take in the past? did you test to confirm what you have is MDMA? when was the last time you rolled? were you on another drug when you took the MDMA?

There's almost no detail in your post besides splitting an absurdly excessive dose with your bf and not getting an effect from it(assuming that a point = 100mg). Honestly, if you take that much frequently it's not surprising you're not getting anything out of it anymore.
Are you sure it was official MDMA (reliable source)?..are you on any meds for depression currently?..theres a wide range that could be problematic here, as stated above, you don't really give much to work with...
You're not giving us much to work with here. Are you taking any meds atm? what meds did you take in the past? did you test to confirm what you have is MDMA? when was the last time you rolled? were you on another drug when you took the MDMA?

There's almost no detail in your post besides splitting an absurdly excessive dose with your bf and not getting an effect from it(assuming that a point = 100mg). Honestly, if you take that much frequently it's not surprising you're not getting anything out of it anymore.
I am not currently depressed and have been off my medication for over six months. And 12 points as of 120$ worth. And it was molly sorry I didn't specify that.
Also, i am referring to useing it five or six times over the past year and have never rolled before on it. I keep trying but I need advice on why it isn't effecting me
Also, i am referring to useing it five or six times over the past year and have never rolled before on it. I keep trying but I need advice on why it isn't effecting me

So you're saying you've tried rolling five or six times with confirmed MDMA and had no success? It could very well be because of the Prozac(especially if you tried rolling while on Prozac). It's not unheard of to not be able to roll after being on SSRIs even after stopping them. Did you not get any effect at all from it? not even a slight speediness/increase in energy/general amphetamine effect?
I was on several SSRI's for only 8 months, mainly citalopram, and the first time I tried to roll I took 3 tested, high quality beans, and felt nothing from any of them. This was about 7 months after quitting SSRI's. Now its been about 3 years, and I am finally able to feel what rolling is all about, but still have never "blown up" or felt anything besides slight music enhancement, nice feeling throughout body, and lights are bright as fuck. Other than that, nothing spectacular for me, even with high-grade MDMA. But everyone is different, and maybe it will just take you some more time, given Prozac's long half-life.
50 mg for three or so years

This is a considerable dose taken for a long time. Obviously I can't be 100% positive, but this is most probably why MDMA doesn't work for you.

Taking a high dose of SSRIs over a long period can cause changes to the Serotonergic system. Mainly long term reduction in SERT (the protein MDMA uses to enter the vesicles and do it's thing) and receptor downregulation (MDMA may cause your brain to release Serotonin, but the part in your brain that receives the signal is less sensitive to it). I reckon it'll take longer than 6 months for the changes to reverse themselves.

The best advice I can give you is to wait 6 more months and try again.
When you try it again buy a test kit.
Eating 12 points of random chemicals is going to get you killed and destroy your brain.
Even if it is good mdma 100-200mgs is a good dose.

All these uneducated rollers are crazy.