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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(MDMA + MDA 0.5) - Hallucinations From Hell

Sipp Syrup

Jan 20, 2013
If you don't want to read the background information, just skip to the good stuff in bold.

The MDMA was hard crystals that had a light brown tent to them. The MDA was a white powder mixed in the same bag.
I've had .2 of molly crystals that would kind of turn to powder after being handled before. It was alright, but only did it that one time before this trip I'm about to explain.

I let .2 of this MDMA MDA combo dissolve in my mouth, and wasn't feeling much after two hours. So I was told to crush it up, put it in water, and drink it. I then took another .2 with water; equaling 0.4 grams total.

About 20 minutes later, the rush hits. This is a familiar feeling... I immediately relate the feeling to the time I ground up 2 grams of the most potent and crazy looking shrooms I've ever had. I had never felt that good in my entire life, just in bliss. Felt like another world. I took a bong hit, and before I could exhale; I had to run to the sink and throw up. I thought this might have been a sign of overdosing, but I still kept enjoying the feeling with some friends. Long story short, ended up leaving to walk around in the dark with them and had a bad trip. I then went into some crazy mental state for a month or so. It was some kind of psychosis from a dopamine overdose I think, and I regret everything I said to anyone during that time.

Now back to the story. The MDMA + MDA rush produced that similar feeling from the bad shroom trip. It was even more powerful, though. I felt so good, that I just couldn't take it. Wanted to lay down and go to sleep, but felt like I'd never wake up again. Then I thought I might go crazy again from this similar feeling, and gagged myself to throw it up. When I was done I took 1mg of xanax because I thought I might have been having a panic attack and my heart was racing so fast. I then felt amazing for 2 hours. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes at one point. All I saw were shapes rotating as they replicate and turn. I decided to pick out the green triangle to focus on, I then started going through the center of it into this tunnel comprised of replicated and rotating triangles (one after the other would turn as I went through it). I finally reached the end, and it was black; nothing at all. Then Jesus' face appeared as a large image, then a small alien head grew from the center to take over the whole visual frame. Next thing I know, I'm seeing a lot of extremely evil faces smiling as they morph into shape. I then opened my eyes because it was weird. I figured that was pretty wild and was now coming down. So I took more... .1 dissolved in my mouth (bad advice I was givin' btw, it put a sore on my tongue). I just enjoyed the overwhelming feeling of happiness and love towards everything, and how perfect I felt. I also discovered I like house music when I'm on it. Now for the crazy shit... Buckle up

The Good Stuff

I'm coming down now, it's 5:30 in the morning, and figure it's time to go to bed. So I smoke a bowl of white rhino.

I noticed a weird pattern on the walls that caught my attention. It was just there, as real as can be. Then the most beautiful circle appeared in front of me; it looked like a hologram with neon colors. But there were other weird shapes making up the circle which was mostly green and had some neon orange things around the center rotating. Just an extremely intricate design with many shapes and designs making up this circle. So I lean forward to try and see the detail better, but it then turned into lots of enormous green rotating gears of a machine. I looked somewhere else, and saw a metallic robot animal running on a treadmill type thing. First it was a big rat, then another time it was something like a cheetah or dog. Next I see a glassy transparent (almost invisible) person standing inside my house looking out the window (I'm outside smoking). He had glasses on with his arms folded, just moving his head around observing. I thought that was really weird, so I went back inside. I looked at my TV that was off, and in the blackness I see green binary code. I then look up and see green electromagnetic lines surrounding my computer. And every single letter was shaking on the computer like how the apps do on the iPhone when you delete one. This is where shit gets fucked...

I sit down, turn the lights off, and I start seeing tons and tons of shadow people. But it was frightening, because they were attacking me. Lots. Just coming up to me and beating me up. I'm just sitting there watching constant shadow people come towards me fighting. Then a mummified looking monster without a nose appears with some sort of double barrel shotgun aimed at my head. He just walked into me and I go through the gun seeing all kinds of screws, gears, levers, etc. Then he was gone, and more aggressive shadow people. I get up and look at the wall, and I see a bunch of shadow people hurting each other and suffering in pain. I just kept spinning in a slow circle looking at every wall as if it was one big movie projector screen. I didn't like this at all for some reason, and felt it was a dark place that I didn't wanna go to. Now keep in mind I'm never scared for my mental health during any of this, it was just so much cleaner than shrooms or acid. But the things I was seeing were too evil to keep watching.

So I lay down to try and go to sleep. I had a rotating fan on, and could see the air move and blow in the same transparent way the guy standing in the window looked. Then dead people are flying all over the room and coming towards me. Men and Women. So now I'm really wondering what the fuck is going on... But I never freaked out, and just put the covers over my head and laid there for an hour. I decided to look up and see if any of the shadow people or dead people were still around. I turn to the right, and the fucking grim reaper is standing there with a machine gun over his waist! He also had the staff knife thing (scythe) in his other hand, and a shadow of blackness for his face. I said fuck that, and went back to sleep. I think I had to take another 1 or 2 mg xanax to finally get to sleep.


By far the most interesting experience I've ever had, and it raises a lot of questions.
-Why does everyone see similar things? I've seen people report the metallic robot animals, the rotating circles, the binary codes, and the grim reaper. Shadow people are common with amphetamines though, right?
-Does our body think we're dying and merges with a parallel spirit world?
-Why were the shadow people and dead people so aggressive? Why did they beat me up? So odd, and I can't find anyone that's had that happen.
-Why so much GREEN visuals? Had green closed eye visuals on shrooms too

I'd love to hear similar experiences, because this stuff just blows my mind. These hallucinations have made me rethink everything, and it's hard to grasp. They could very well just be just pure hallucinations from a DRUG. But how real it was just keeps eating at me. I've never had anything like this happen, and I've done a lot of stuff. Also, after doing .2-.3 a few more times after, it seems the magic disappeared. Like a tolerance has built up somehow. So I'll probably not do any for a while, and I'm not sure if I'll ever do .5 again.

**Update 2014**

I've not been able to come across this specific hallucinogenic chemical called "MDA" since that experience. It was one of the most profound experiences of my life that will never be forgotten.

A year later, I recommend MXE as my newest profound drug.... Life is one hell of a trip. Next is DMT ;)
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very interesting, I enjoy the darker side of tripping more so, its always more profound and vivid because it can be so unpredictable. however the grim reaper with a machine gun, that may be a little much
Good report. I've had pretty severe hallucinations (both usual and hypnagogic) after using strong stimulants. I think it's bit like the hallucinations you get when you're sleep deprived - as I imagine stimulants would increase the speed aty which your brain becomes exhausted. This being said, MDA is well known for causing hallucinations.

Anyway, Many people with mental illness (me included) see dark shadow figures also - it's certainly a common hallucination. One could argue that they're representative of some other realm or plane, but I'd rather posit that it's just that uniformly dark figures are easy for the mind to create. Furthermore, like psychedelic trips, all hallucinations are driven by the mind (obviously) - so they probably 'beat' you up because you we're scared of them, which caused your mind to produce such an effect. If you experience it again, look at them and realise they aren't real. Kind of obvious, but when I have hallucinations I just concentrate on what I'm seeing and then eventually come to be at ease with them.
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I don't know if anyone can fully answer your questions, I think King may be right about the shadow people though.

I have never done MDA, I have done MDMA, I have never hallucinated on that. In fact, MDMA takes my HPPD away.

Needless to say, sounds like an intense ass trip. Sounds like the shit kids are scared to see under their bed as children.
Anyway, Many people with mental illness (me included) see dark shadow figures also - it's certainly a common hallucination. One could argue that they're representative of some other realm or plane, but I'd rather posit that it's just that uniformly dark figures are easy for the mind to create. Furthermore, like psychedelic trips, all hallucinations are driven by the mind (obviously) - so they probably 'beat' you up because you we're scared of them, which caused your mind to produce such an effect. If you experience it again, look at them and realise they aren't real. Kind of obvious, but when I have hallucinations I just concentrate on what I'm seeing and then eventually come to be at ease with them.

I figured it could have something to do with a mental illness, but I don't know which one. Maybe schizophrenia?

I wasn't scared when the shadow people were appearing or attacking me. I've read about the shadow people before, and knew it was a result of taking a large amphetamine dose. So I just sat there enjoying it, trying to see as much as possible. I wouldn't say I was happy or scared, maybe just kind of numb trying to comprehend everything. However, I believe it was the suffering shadow people that were torturing each other on my walls with a firey light coming from the bottom and illuminating their silhouette figures that eventually scared me. I probably thought it was hell. Then the flying dead people definitely made me scared, and obviously the grim reaper was terrifying. I'm wondering if it was just my paranoia manifesting itself through these aggressive shadow people attacks. I get paranoid on too much cocaine.

Thanks for the replies! Just trying to find some insight out of all this. I was also on .3 when I wrote this report last night, and the shadow people were not aggressive. They just seemed to be playing tricks and laughing at me.
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I figured it could have something to do with a mental illness, but I don't know which one. Maybe schizophrenia?

I wasn't scared when the shadow people were appearing or attacking me. I've read about the shadow people before, and knew it was a result of taking a large amphetamine dose. So I just sat there enjoying it, trying to see as much as possible. I wouldn't say I was happy or scared, maybe just kind of numb trying to comprehend everything. However, I believe it was the suffering shadow people that were torturing each other on my walls with a firey light coming from the bottom and illuminating their silhouette figures that eventually scared me. I probably thought it was hell. Then the flying dead people definitely made me scared, and obviously the grim reaper was terrifying. I'm wondering if it was just my paranoia manifesting itself through these aggressive shadow people attacks. I get paranoid on too much cocaine.

Thanks for the replies! Just trying to find some insight out of all this. I was also on .3 when I wrote this report last night, and the shadow people were not aggressive. They just seemed to be playing tricks and laughing at me.

I can't say what. Mental illness is tricky, and I personally don't buy into all these labels. Unless you're still experiencing hallucinations, delusions, or thought disorders I'd probably say that you don't have schizophrenia. Even if you we're, a psychiatrist would likely label it as drug-inducded acute psychosis until you had a second episode. So I wouldn't worry yet. To be honest, if anything you'd most likely have psychotic depression (aka. PMD: Psychotic Major Depression), as it is well known that severe depression - such as that caused by MDMA - can manifest itself with symptoms of psychosis. If this is the case it may well fade over time. If it doesn't, then you might have an issue.

I should say however that hallucinations from MDMA and MDA have for me in the past persevered for some time. I had a particularly poor experience with MDMA once and ended up in what I thought was hell, and one major aspect was rapidly blinking eye's covering the walls, rotating and turning into butterflies. To this day, I still experience this at night - although it has faded over time. Of course I'm more prone to such phenomena due to my medical history, but it nonetheless worth noting. So if you do still experience some residue hallucinations similar to what you saw that night I wouldn't be worried unless they get worse or more detailed. I wouldn't continue to take drugs until they've faded either.

Lastly, paranoia could certainly manifest itself as aggression from the shadow people. Paranoia is, after all, driven by irrational fear. To go back to my experiences, a year or so back when I had my worst psychotic episode I had an bout of extreme paranoia where I believed the government was using spies to monitor my behaviour. Up until that point I'd only ever seen people in my room, but after this fear set in they started to appear outside my room - in the places I thought the government spies would be. So I definitely think paranoia could modify their behaviour. But, again, I think it really depends on the person.
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Got MDA once accidentally and had a lot thinking it was normal mdma.
Its pretty intense and the visuals like the real patterns are totally amazing It looks so real and interacts with the environment as if its totally real. Best psychedelic experience i had.

I had a lot and I never saw real hallucinations like those shadow people though but there is a definite corner of the eye shadow people effect and forms. I was stupid and drove on them and the worst was road lines becoming snakes standing up in the road. There is a sense of reality and control, unlike LSD for example which even the thought of driving would make the car lights look like demon eyes and make me flee in fear.

But large dose mdma like i used to abuse it does create shadow people stuff sometimes. Mixed with MDA could be the answer. How they acted however might be due to your mind though.
Shadow people of mda i don't know, ive had realistic hallucinations but they don't last long and are rare. I think its probqbly the marijuana, weed itself is pretty psychedelic for me in a bad way.
Bumping thread for more people to see in case anyone else has seen same things I described. I actually got here by randomly googling "mda hallucinated green lines".

Update: It's been almost a year since this experience, and I still think about it a lot. The things I saw were unforgettable and too real for me to comprehend.

I just kinda had a similar experience but not even comparable. I've been on good, off white, waxy cocaine for a few days now with not a lot of sleep;
I was outside smoking some top notch rhino and saw a dark creature dancing inside my house with a faint glassy figure person appearing inside as well, but right by the window like the guy with glasses during the MDA trip.

This was nothing compared to what I saw before, so I decided to mess around. I asked to stop moving and show your face, which happened and had two eyes. I then said this is bullshit you aren't real and immediately the door moved open. Not much wind and no A/C was on so that's kinda weird. Then I got on the computer to do this, and started seeing moving green sphere blobs made of those green lines that were coming out and around my computer in my first post.

I now see them as yellow, and when I concentrate on them it's like a movie playing on my computer as if I were the camera and it's moving through and around intricate geometrical structures, tunnels, buildings, and roller coasters tracks. I just focused again as I was typing and was going through a giant tunnel that kept leading to different tunnels, and it would stop and decide which tunnel to go into for a brief second. After I reached the end I was on tracks again and that all I could see. Then I saw a white feathered creature just flapping its wings and flying until it turned around and went into a different looking tunnel. But basically as I type this I see faint circles or buildings or shapes all over the place, and if I stop typing and focus on one, my vision dives into it, and thru the tunnels to different path ways... And as I typed this out I came out the tunnel over an ocean and was circling an island until I was distracted by something.

I just looked at a dark place in my room and focused. My vision got darker and darker until a big red present with a big red bow appeared, then a red suitcase, then a naked lady with red hair facing the other direction.

I'll report back if I see anything else. These crazy visuals have to be from an over worked and exhausted brain since cocaine is not a hallucinogen...
Maybe its the weed when I'm overstimulated... Just glad there's no dead people flying around, zombies, the grim reaper, or my heart beating fast enough for a heart attack lol.
Those things looked so real and would fuck with me. I've been different ever since; much faster thinking, but bad nerves & blood pressure problems (I'm in my early 20's).
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Just sounds similar to amphetamine psychosis. You took a pretty large dose of MDMA, and then MDA as well. If you had already come down on 4 points of MDMA and then added MDA into the mix which is notoriously more hallucinogenic in nature I can see this happening. I'm rather stoned though so I might be misreading the report.
Quit doing cocaine for a few days and get some Seroquel or Zyprexa.
Anyone else have any similar effects while on cocaine like I posted a couple days ago?

I feel slight effects of psychosis after from my last post after stopping, but not much.

Just feel a very speedy brain with lots of thoughts. But it's not like my thoughts are irrational or illogical, I'm just sped up it seems.

And my heart is still going pretty fast lol. I'm about to take a big break from the hardcore stuff for a long time.
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I did .3 of some good clear MDMA last night... It was a great night, but would have been better if the doses weren't taking gradually.
I knew re-dosing is not advised, but had to take it slow with a newbie. Was fun :)

I'm still tripped out about seeing some of the same MDA visuals from just 24 hours of no food and good cocaine. They are not similar chemicals, so could just be natural reaction from stimulants?
Seems pretty scary to me actualy. I dont know why but i cant handle MDMA hallucinations. They always creeps me out.
Seems pretty scary to me actualy. I dont know why but i cant handle MDMA hallucinations. They always creeps me out.

It was very scary, that's why I won't forget it. I hope I live to see the day where science can explain these things.

Could be sub-conscious hallucinations, or different dimensions interacting/death of the body.

While having sex on MDMA the other night, she saw me painted blue as the walls were changing lol.
I'm sure that smoking marijuana while on such a high dose of MDMA is what triggered the majority of your paranoia and psychosis. Every time I smoke a bowl whilst rolling, my high gets really uncomfortable for a while and I feel off. It's rather shitty because I'm a daily smoker and always WANT to smoke more, but can't because I don't want to further ruin my roll.

One time, after unknowingly being dosed .5g of MDMA by a friend (some friend, eh?), I shared several bowls with some of my peers (they were strangers) and began to hallucinate these elaborate conversations with the people that I was sitting amongst. When I would finally come to, I realized that I wasn't having a conversation with anybody at all. My eyes had been rolled back into my head for the duration of the dreamed up conversation and my body was shaking. After this happened a few times, I realized that it primarily happened when the bass was building in songs playing on a nearby iHome. As soon as the drop occurred, I'd snap to and people were giving me weird looks. It was really uncomfortable to say the least. That's the extent of hallucinations that I've had on MDMA, though. My point is that it's triggered by the marijuana.
The effects of MDA (which also occur on high dose MDMA experiences because about 10% of MDMA is converted to MDA in the body) seem to be more deliriant than psychedelic to me, in that the hallucinations don't seem all that meaningful and are often arbitrary and weirdly creative; also they temporarily try to get passed off as reality. Just like in a dream, very odd things can be taken seriously... but I think with MDA you tend to snap out of it rather soonish as if becoming lucid in a dream. It's like short spin-offs.

I only got mild hallucinations on MDMA before but I got some pure MDA crystal stashed away. Unfortunately I don't really trust taxing myself with such drugs anymore and I heard MDA is particularly heavy... but I am still very curious about it.
These hallucinations have made me rethink everything, and it's hard to grasp. They could very well just be just pure hallucinations from a DRUG. But how real it was just keeps eating at me.

Yeah it's nice when you come away from a trip with thoughts like that, I remember being completely convinced that The Devil was real one time after I'd experienced a very evil and dark trip.. it was amazing

Thanks for the read :)
I believe certain drugs open specific doors.... And my god are these doors amazing :)

MDA>MXE>DMT is what I'm thinking is the key to understanding all that is. - from my personal perspective of course