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Mdma isnt working


Aug 3, 2014
Im pretty new to bluelight but it seems that mostly everyone knows what they are talking about. I am having a predicament with my trip/roll. For about two months rolled about once a week for 2 days each time, every time I rolled I got euphoria with my senses of touch and hearing and mood, by the end of the day I still feel good but I get some negative effects such as dizziness and stuff. This time (it was from the same person) , a month 1/2 or more later, I have taken a couple shots of the mdma powder with coffee and I don't feel anything really, I am getting spurs of uneasiness where I have to move around, jaw clenching, muscle fatigue and pain in my lower back but that is about it. I DID NOT TEST, and m not sure what is going on this time

Any ideas?
bunk shit this time, even though it came from the same person, if it was real you wouldve felt something after a month and half break. sounds like you got some nasty stimulant on your hands

don't trust people test your shit or be at least 100 positive where the shit originally came from, not from a hand me down chain of dealers that are all going to say its good when its not.
Well the thing is that is not a street level dealer and i no its pure because it has all the characteristics of pure mdma powder. and I have someone rolling with me and he feels it. Thats y I dont understand whats going on.

srry for not specifying that befor
"For about two months rolled about once a week for 2 days each time"

Well, you are abusing it. What happens is that the effects fade away, and eventually you just get the negative effects. Continue doing what you do, and you risk losing the ability to roll completely.

You need a long break (months). When it's time for a new roll, test your stuff, and dose correctly (1-2 mg/kg, redose 0.5-1 mg/kg after 1-2 hours, one or two times at most). The best thing is too not redose at all. At least 1 month between rolls.
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I've tried Mdma crystals now from two reliable but completely sources in New York, and Leeds UK (both tested good with kit) and it hasn't done much at all, whereas everyone else who had the same stuff were flying and having a great time. It felt very similar to an MDEA pill which I had in 94.

No idea what's going on, I've had pressed pills with MDMA in them in the past which have worked perfectly.
Even if it isn't from a street dealer you should still test it. But this probably goes down to tolerance. You didn't mention how high you usually dose.