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MDMA induced psychosis?


Oct 11, 2012
Hey BlueLight,

I'm posting on my phone (so substance has been tested). Tl;dr at the end.

I'm posting in regards to my friend, we'll call him J, who made me rather concerned. He's 20 years old, 220~lbs, and he dosed 120mg and about 1.5-2 hours later an additional 100mg alongside a few drinks. Last night I was at a friend's house, M, with several others and we had a few choices of substances to use. Myself and 4 others decided on doing psilocybin mushrooms, while J and the rest decided on MDMA and alcohol. A few hours later when everyone was coming down I was sitting at a table with J, M, and another friend K. J started speaking, but a lot of it was incoherent. It seemed a lot like schizophasia, or word salad, where everything he said had no connections with each other, and I began to feel concerned. He thought he was at home at one point, he said he left his marker on the ceiling (he never had a marker); he was in an overall confused state. He also seemed to be having mild hallucinations. I'm aware that hallucinations are possible on MDMA due to MDMA being a mild psychedelic along with the metabolite MDA.

J's older brother had schizophrenia, so J may be genetically pre-disposed. J seems to be in a lot of stress lately as well and if last night was a cause for concern then I'd much prefer if J went through early intervention before it possibly gets out of hand.

I'd also like to note that J has used MDMA with alcohol countless times already, and he's always in a state of stupor, but I've never seen him like this.

Tl;dr Can MDMA induce symptoms of psychosis?

Thank you.
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Hey buddy. I'm sorry to hear that about J. It must have made his friends very worried. Any idea on how J is feeling now?
One of my good friends is prone to delusional thinking, and he takes mdma a lot but cannot smoke weed. I think he has some sort of delusional disorder, but these episodes have happened to him on comedowns occassionally, and it would be scary to watch.. It's like he is in a trance and forced to think these false beliefs.
Also, if J has been taking mdma for the past couples weekend in a row, or in large amounts, it could get to his head easier because this is what happens to my friend.
Is J able to smoke weed? If he isn't, maybe he should refrain from taking mdma as often as he does.
Sounds like he had too much MDMA. I have done that once or twice and had the most random sentances come out of my mouth with no connection to anything and couldn't explain why I had just said them. Maybe next time lower the dosage and not mix with alcohol. Its scary when it happens coz I've rolled plenty of times before and never experienced it till heavy mdma use this one night and I think it freaked out people around me more than me. Edited to add, I made a thread on this about a month ago - check it out, might give you some answers.
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