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MDMA and Possible Mental Health Issue


Mar 19, 2014
Basically, this weekend a friend of mine did approximately 250mg of MDMA, he had 2 bombs and 1 key (A key being a bump insufflated off the end of the key if you ddn't know), and he ran into a very negative experience.

He said it felt very akin to a bad trip on acid, full of anxiety, fear and paranoia. He said he had no euphoria, and felt pre-peak for the whole time, he never had a climactic point of the experience. Also, he said, very strangely, that he felt the presence of some sort of humanoid creature, which was like a crab, he said he felt it near and could sense it was around, but didn't see it.

Since this event, every time he smokes a cigarette he feels very bloated, and almost throws up. He has smoked 7 cigs since, and everytime he's nearly threw up, and couldn't smoke him. Also, he smoked two zoots earlier today, and when he took a drag, he gagged, and very almost threw up, he said he was very nauseous.

On top of this, he said he got very angry when he thought two girls in his vicinity were whispering about him, and was close to beating them up.

I'm very worried about him, I honestly think it's paranoid schizophrenia, he said apart from this event, he's been very emotionless, which is a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.

If anyone has any sort of advice for this situation, please feel free to share, I told him to go to the doctors, but he is very unsure. I told him to carry on, see whether it worsens or gets better, and then I think with the results of this, I can bully him into it.

Thanks in advance.
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Get some medical help; if you're paranoid that people around you are whispering about you and getting upset to the point that you almost got violent you need help sooner rather than later.
SWIM highly recommends finding a good psychiatrist. Research a few in your area that specialize in substance abuse and email them exactly what is going on. Don't be afraid. You are paying them to listen to you & its their job not to judge but to help you. SWIM is not experiencing the same as your friend, but has been thoroughly feeling the benefit of fighting inner demons. Better to have a real doctor than to self medicate at the risk of yourself and the people around you.
Good advice but please don't use SWIM (someone who isn't me). It doesn't protect you and makes things difficult for people to read if they aren't familiar with it.
on my induced anxiety i had that kind of feelings, i got very angry, violent, my patience fade away...im sure your friend didnt has a long term (1 year ) full blown anxiety like me, but if could me a minor induced one. So i advice you to recommend him, stop chemicals for a while , he will be ok with time, but that attitude is a clear sign that he will have future problems if he dont let his own body rest. i felt like schyzofrenia when i suffered but for me this got better with the time as anxiety did.
take care
You didn't mention whether he tested his drugs or the extent/details of that testing. Also, did anyone else partake of the same batch? What were their effects?

At a bare minimum this information would help determine if it was MDMA at all. Pure speculation, but to not have euphoria on MDMA is quite odd. If not from interactions with medication or frequent abuse, it seems very unlikely to take MDMA and feel so down as you describe.