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Mandelin Reagent Test On Methoxetamine (MXE) Questions


Nov 26, 2014
Hello everyone. I have a few questions on testing Methoxetamine (MXE) with a Mandelin Reagent test.

I tested approximately 5mg (could have been a tad more because my MG scale is not very expensive) with a Mandelin test kit and the results came back an ugly yellowish/greenish (but definitely more green) color. On one chart (the chart with the blue background that has the results for approximately 30 different substances, MDMA being first on the list and Sugar being at the very bottom) it shows that when MXE is tested with the Mandelin Reagent it should come back a green color and get darker as time goes on, with the end color being a very dark green and then to almost black.

On the other hand, Bunk Police has a number of videos that test for different chemicals and for MXE it comes up as a very clear yellow color.

My questions are:
-Which color should it come up as? Yellow or green.
-What colors have your batches of MXE tested as?
-Are there any other test kits that will confirm the presence of legit MXE? (I have a marquis and ehrlich test kit as well.)

The MXE in question is a very slightly off-white, floury looking substance. It does not look "shardy" like Ketamine. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Can you link to the chart? Sometimes impurities can affect the result. Yours sounds promising. I suggest cross checking with a second reagent.
Hello. How are you doing? Thank you so much for your reply. Crap, how would I link something to a message?
The chart in question has a blue background with block shapes around the outer edges. At the top it reads: Substance, Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin, Simon (in that order). Then the substances it starts with are: MDMA, MDE, MDA, Methamphetamine, Amphetamine, 2C-B, 2C-I, 2C-E (in that order). Then towards the end it ends with: Heroin, Cocaine, Ritalin, Aspirin, Sugar (in that order). If you google search "MXE reagent kit" and go to 'images' instead of 'web' you should be able to find it. I'm really sorry... I probably sound like an idiot. :| I tried saving the picture and then uploading it but it has a small square icon with an x in the middle of it which is not 'clickable'.
To post an image in a forum you need to host it somewhere and then link to the place it is hosted.

Once you have downloaded it you can upload it to a site like www.imgur.com who will host it and you can use the link they give you to allow other people to view the image on their server.

Is this it? https://i.imgur.com/0a9jBcd.jpg

Please also edit your posts to add new information instead of making several in a row.

Anyway, sometimes minor impurities can affect the result. Your result does sound promising. I suggest cross checking with a second reagent or sending it to ecstasydata.
Oh okay, I thought it was as simple as copy and pasting it or saving it in a file and then copy and pasting it here. I will have to make an account of imgur. And yes that is the exact same chart that I am referring to. That is it. Also, my apologies for the two posts in a row. In the future I will just edit my previous post and add to it. And I see... minor impurities. Okay, that's not as bad as I thought. I was apprehensive to try any because I thought it might have been a whole nother substance altogether. I will have to try different reagent tests on this because I have Ehrlich, Mandelin, & Marquis. Thank you so much for your advice. I sincerely appreciate it! :D