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Stimulants Managing meth use

creation does this

Jan 17, 2017
so I use to be a mean tweaker, swell as other drugs, and long story short, with minimal cravings i'm willing to quit chive , crack, pcp, etc. but meth is another story, I can't live without it, so I've agreed to only use it sometimes, I was just wondering...
how often should i use, and how many days should i use for, just 1, no more than two, I definently cut the limit at 3 because thats about where severe addiction steps in for me.
I'm pretty much trying to avoid severe addiction, mild-moderate cravings i can handle, but much more than that and i cave in. Aswell I'm trying to avoid, oh so dearly, the psychosis oh so famous with prolonged methamphetamine use. try to hang on to my sanity here, already lost it once spun out not, pheelin' to lose it twice knadig?
pretty much, how much, how often, how long, and any techniques for not caving to cravings as to dose early or prolonged.
Hi there! I am a opiate addict and occasinal cocaine user so not much experince with the ice/glass/shards/speed (whatever it's called in your specific area) but when I stopped messing around with pills and dope the last time, which to me is a lot like what meth is to you. My drug of choice I've had a long affair with and till this day can't seem to get more than a couple months clean time from it. I have a suboxone script and try to stick with it but it's hard to not get much of a buzz and still have to take something so nasty tasting every day. But anyhow, what I'm,getting at is maybe when your craving hard there's something you,can take to kill it like how I use the subs. Could you get your hands on any adderall? Maybe pop 1 or 2 and get that speedy feeling without the crazy rush and crushing comedowns. I'm sure when your craving the real stuff it's not easy to just replace with something that doesn't offer nearly as potent of a high but it's just a thought. I figured if I replied maybe your post will draw some more attention. Meth is an extremely addicting drug, maybe the most addicting depending on how you look at it and the reality is it's going to be difficult to control yourself around it if you've had past problems with not using it. I hope maybe I gave you something useful to ponder. Be safe, take it easy, see ya later alligator!
Coming from one tweaker to another this is all out of love.......

I emphasize with you on the meth situation, I too hit a point where I gave all other drugs up and thought it was possible to slow down and still use meth. I was sadly mistaken. Every time I would use, I ended up just caving in and doing exactly what I said I was not going to do, and it all ended badly by me using way too much and ruining everything. To make a long story short, my wife is filing for divorce, i am back living at my dads which is embarrassing, dropped out of college, failed rehab, and all because I have this insane tendency that I can control myself on this drug. My advice is to find a hobbie or something else you love and saturate yourself with that, also get support whatever that looks like for you.

If you do decide to still use..... which i do not recommend but i am doing the same thing so I do not judge you one bit, make sure you eat and hydrate before, and during. Try to eat 2 to 3 times and keep replenished. Also do not go over 48 hours with out sleep.....If you do this it will significantly drop your chances of psychosis. Hope this helps.
Coming from one tweaker to another this is all out of love.......

I emphasize with you on the meth situation, I too hit a point where I gave all other drugs up and thought it was possible to slow down and still use meth. I was sadly mistaken. Every time I would use, I ended up just caving in and doing exactly what I said I was not going to do, and it all ended badly by me using way too much and ruining everything. To make a long story short, my wife is filing for divorce, i am back living at my dads which is embarrassing, dropped out of college, failed rehab, and all because I have this insane tendency that I can control myself on this drug. My advice is to find a hobbie or something else you love and saturate yourself with that, also get support whatever that looks like for you.

If you do decide to still use..... which i do not recommend but i am doing the same thing so I do not judge you one bit, make sure you eat and hydrate before, and during. Try to eat 2 to 3 times and keep replenished. Also do not go over 48 hours with out sleep.....If you do this it will significantly drop your chances of psychosis. Hope this helps.
yeah just went 4 days up, I meant to only stay up for 3, do it 2 days, come down and sleep on the 3rd, but then I made a friend in my new living situation, ends up he likes getting spun too, so oi caved and split a bag with him stayed up another night, slept on the 4th, man did I crash, I noticed the first night was all party, by the second night I was experiencing hallucinations, though no psychosis, and on the 3rd night, at around 2am, my head just started talking to me, defiantly learned my lesson, ain't gunna fuck around that long straight again. i'm taking a significant dry out period before i use again, trying to deminish the physical and psychological symptoms of the binge which seem to be residual even after use, and when I use again defiantly 2 night max, thanks for the heads up family.
Dude, I so know what you're going through. My bf and I started using about 2 and 1/2 months ago. It's been a binge and I'm coming up to what I call the "big crash". This isn't like the regular crash you get after day 2 or 3. This is the crash that comes after daily use for 2 months, and managing those mini crashes with lots of broken up sleep and binge eating for a couple days. Last night we smoked a freaking half and I passed out about an hour later. Slept for 10 hours straight. Then fell asleep again for another 2 hours late in the afternoon. We just re-upped. I'm at a loss as to how we're going to slow down.....

So that's the main reason I clicked on this thread. I was hoping to find some advice myself. Sorry I don't have a lot to offer. I can say though, that getting away from people who do it is going to be a BIG help to you. Unfortunately for myself, I'm literally surrounded. I will also say that the advice mentioned above is pretty solid. It's putting it into practice that will prove difficult. I just started a new job, so I'm planning to make my life revolve around that. Not sure I will have much luck with a hobby, but I might take up going for walks again. I used to enjoy that.......

Good luck, and please keep us updated!
If you do decide to still use..... which i do not recommend but i am doing the same thing so I do not judge you one bit, make sure you eat and hydrate before, and during. Try to eat 2 to 3 times and keep replenished. Also do not go over 48 hours with out sleep.....If you do this it will significantly drop your chances of psychosis. Hope this helps.

This is very good advice.

I knew someone who originally had an issue with heroin, then switched from heroin to full time methamp. Anyways, he found buprenorphine very helpful in helping him stop using methamp. I imagine something like tramadol might also be helpful. Of course those medications need to be strictly manages to avoid a situation where you have to go through an uncomfortable detox.

In terms of more conventional prescriptions, some antidepressants can be helpful for methamp use (like bupropion I believe), but of course YMMV.
Sidewinder, that's the cycle I go through and am attempting to get out of the spiral as we speak.

Daily use until I'm falling asleep randomly despite sleeping 8+ hours a night, your body just fucking becomes drained at some point and then it's lights out.
does anyone know how long seroquel stays in your system because it blocks the effects of meth and i wanna smoke this last bit of meth that i have left.
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This is very good advice.

I knew someone who originally had an issue with heroin, then switched from heroin to full time methamp. Anyways, he found buprenorphine very helpful in helping him stop using methamp. I imagine something like tramadol might also be helpful. Of course those medications need to be strictly manages to avoid a situation where you have to go through an uncomfortable detox.

In terms of more conventional prescriptions, some antidepressants can be helpful for methamp use (like bupropion I believe), but of course YMMV.
Yep bupropion (Wellbutrin) did the trick for helping me stop IV meth use, and did help a lot with depression
Are there any kind of over-the-counter supplements or foods or just anything nonprescription that would help with the insane fatigue and depression/irritability? I have yet to do research, but thought maybe someone could point me in the right direction.
Having dealt with this several times, I think the absolute best thing to do is see a doc and get a script for Wellbutrin. It is worth it and it was a real lifesaver for me.

Until then, if you absolutely have to function but can barely move, hit up Walgreens and buy the Primatene tablets in the cold and allergies section. They will be by the Sudafed.

You want the ones that come in a box of 60 and you have to take a little card up to the pharmacy to get them. Pair up two of those with either a coffee, a caffeine pill, or a Red Bull. You're just doing the old bodybuilding-classic ECA stack. It isn't healthy for you long-term, don't even try to abuse it (not fun), but in a pinch it will make you functional.

And while others will disagree with me and I cannot back this up with anything, FUCK Bronkaid, do not get those. Get the Primatene.
Hey OP: I have a very similar experience with meth as you did/do. I used for about 2-3 years at least 3-5 times a week before totally spinning out during a psychedelic trip which was stupidly done at the end of a 3 day sleep deprived bender.

My focus was to work. I adapted a "Ben Cousins" model of drug use for my lifestyle which was to work/study/train my butt off for 1-2 months at a time and rewarding myself with a long weekend (friday to sunday) of drug use (meth/alcohol/benzos for come downs)
If you have had a serious psychotic experience that enough will deter you from establishing any regular use of ice. Not only are you costing yourself money and time chasing a higher tolerance but you'll be chasing a dragon I believe you can only truly catch by abstaining for short-medium periods of time (and by exercise/training/repairing your body).

When I was a "mean-tweaker" I barely did any physical activity and this added so many tangents to my addiction problems. I took a massive break from ALL drugs and got a physically demanding job and a gym membership. Over 2 and a half years later I have kept my use both in-line and extremely enjoyable by limiting myself to large/ish holidays, birthdays or long weekends. I find also that forums and information hubs such as this one can really help to limit your use via sharing experiences or reading about others that may have toe the line for too long.

Get a physical job, work out, eat right and keep your body healthy and you will enjoy doing more drugs less often 1000x better than using a small amount/regular amount weekly/daily.

[Edit - I understand not everyone can get a physical job/or to a gym.. but there is always something you can do to gain natural endorphins-]

Hope you get it level bro!!
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Are there any kind of over-the-counter supplements or foods or just anything nonprescription that would help with the insane fatigue and depression/irritability? I have yet to do research, but thought maybe someone could point me in the right direction.

Hey SideWinder007
I used to smoke pot when I was a heavy user. I can honestly say that Marijuana and Meth combined is a HORRIBLE combo and especially with long term use can cause instant fits of psychosis/psychotic behaviour. Although it may initially "chill" you out, it has a seeded effect which can uproot and cause major distress and anxiety.

I had a major addiction to smoking bongs and I managed to get that "chill" effect by supplementing pot with a blend of : Tobacco, Mugwort, Damiana, Hops and Rosemary. Not only does this give me placebo-effect of having a bowl of weed to smoke, but the actual herbal effects of all these legal and over the counter herbs do in fact help (helps with sleeplessness, headaches, nausea, anxiety, restlessness and general yearn to "smoke" something) all of them except tobacco can be boiled in a tea if you don't smoke joints/bongs/pipes.

Over the counter supplements? - Hemp Whey/Powder - is great for nutrition and filling up your belly via a smoothie shake. It's not too imposing after a 1-2 day bender either..

Magnesium Salts : Put a HEAP of these in a bath after a bender and it will help your body so much.. not only is it relaxing but helps with jaw clench and skin stuff.

If you drink coffee, replace with cacao (no, not chocolaty cocoa, the bitter stuff) if you don't drink coffee/stimulant drinks, start drinking lots of different teas. Especially when coming down. It will help your body start "moving out" the leftover shittyness.

And lastly.. Exercise! whether it's walking a dog, running, lifting weights, doing chin ups, or swimming.. do something to physically sweat some toxins out and release some natural endorphins..

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HIIT exercise did more for me last time I quit than anything else except Wellbutrin.

They were honestly about on par with each other.

Combined I felt about as "recovered" as I ever thought I was gonna get with only 18 months clean.

They are the core of my upcoming recovery plan as well.
With most drugs when you come off them one natural solution you always have is good old exercise it helped me get off coke
HIIT, I'll say it all day everyday. Between that and Wellbutrin I was golden.