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Mad Love... please read!!


Jan 13, 2000
Hey guys. I posted this poem quite some time ago and didn't get much info back on it, so i will try again. It's about this guy I am in love with, Matt, but he only seems to care about me when we are rolling. We care for eachother so much but it is so hard to not ever go past being good "friends". He drives me nuts... let me know what you think!!!
That one single word
That explains so much
All you are left with
It eats at you
Tears at your very soul
Makes your heart hurt
I think I love you...
How sweet and childish I sound
Why is it that we always find eachother?
You always end up weeping in my arms
My heart beats fast
It always ends up in your hands, my heart
For time being you seem to love it... me
But when morning comes... once again alone
God, one more morning alone
Just friends, you say
Not understanding that I'm not capable of "friends"
For some reason it's all or nothing
But I'll leave it at that
Pathetic, I know
I deserve so much better than your heartache
But I have no way of stopping it
I just can't... I love you
I know exactly what you're talking about. Sweet nights filled with foreign chemicals and squishy hugs. But in the morning he's up and out like nothing ever happened. It's one of the hardest things in life, to love someone who doesn't love you the same in return. Or maybe he does and there's just a wall he hides behind. Either way, you can't force yourself into someone else's heart. You have to just let things happen as they will. I've learned some very tough and painful, yet valuable lessons by being in a relationship like that. But it's a heartbreaking situation, so my advice would be to not let yourself fall too deep. As hard as that may be. I wish you all the strength in the world.
"Shine on you crazy diamond....."
I know exactly what you mean. I was totally in love with a girl but to her we were just friends, but I got over it and now we are really just friends and both of us are much better off
I know exactly what you are saying. I had felt like this for about a year and a half before my BF realized that he loved me too. It was the worst and the best times of my life. can't we just be able to choose who we love?
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you."
-Winnie the Pooh
hey the poem was killer i know how it is when something of that nature happens but if u can find someone you really care about go for it and try atleast you can always go on and know that u didnt try