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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

LSD four "150 ug" tabs - Inexperienced - "trip report"


Mar 26, 2017
As the title says, I was able to locate some LSD locally at what I was told were 150ug tabs. I purchased six. As an inexperienced user, I locked myself in my room with my best friend, lined up Loveless by MBV and LSD and the search for god's s/t albums next to my turntable ready to listen, and we each placed a tab under our tongues. An hour passes, I start to feel very calm and focused, but not much else. Two more hours pass, same feeling. I begin to suspect I was scammed with either a much lower dosage than what I thought or with blank blotter paper (the paper was tasteless and had no visible color other than the image of a storm trooper). My friend placed a second tab under his tongue, and I placed three (I had some Xanax and Ativan nearby in case of a bad trip, and a roommate who could take me to the hospital in case of a major fuck up). An hour passes and he feels the same reported calm and focused feeling, as do I with some slight happiness. I put on Modest Mouse's good news for people who love bad news and feel overwhelming happiness as I sing the lyrics to the view, but nothing else. No visuals ever occurred, no euphoria except for during that single song. Was I scammed? I'm currently attempting to locate some more locally to compare the experiences, but from what I've read online it seems like I took a very small dose or the LSD was left in the sun or something. This dealer has since graduated so I was unable to confront her about this (not that would've been the best idea anyway) so I'm out what I paid and was left with a very lame experience. I'm annoyed as this was supposed to be my post finals last day of classes celebration before the start of summer classes at my uni.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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As an obviously totally unrelated note purchasing bitcoins has proved to be a terrible experience.
I can tell you from personal experience... if you really had taken a full 600ug dose or even the original 150ug - you would have tripped major balls. You were quite possibly either sold NBOME or another LSD imposer in a (successful) attempt to steal your money. Ordering online is the best way to go - street acid is not reliable at all, unless you test it with and Ehrlich kit.
Very unlikely it was an NBOMe as those are really strong drugs. Plus, if it didn't taste very bitter and numb your mouth it wasn't an NBOMe. If the blotters didn't really taste like anything it was either LSD or nothing. But yeah, street LSD is notoriously weak, it's the easiest drug to pass off shitty product with, since you can't see it or taste it. A plain or weak blotter tastes the same as a well-dosed blotter.

But yeah even 150ug should have had you properly tripping. 100ug even is quite active.

For all you know the dealer might have thought she had valid acid. Or maybe she ripped you off on purpose. Either way, yeah it's pretty common to get hosed buying LSD from dealers.