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LSD and Benadryl


Oct 13, 2014
So I took LSD for the first time about a week ago. I took it at 11pm at night without really thinking and ended up taking 50mg of benadryl in order to try to fall asleep at around 3am, which obviously didn't work so I did not sleep that night. My friend gave me a sleeping pill that next night though so I was out. After that I was able to sleep naturally and well and got back to my normal sleep schedule for the most part.

So yesterday I actually slept until 3:00pm because I had stayed up so late so I knew it would be hard to sleep that night because I had to get up early for class at 7:30. I attempted to fall asleep around 1am but I just tossed and turned so I took 50mg of benadryl, the first time I had taken it since my trip, and attempted to fall asleep. The benadryl did the opposite. It gave me a few of the feelings I had felt when on acid, such as my mouth being somewhat numb, not feeling cold, and feeling like my eyes were dilated even though they weren't. I pretty much did not sleep at all that night. Usually benadryl knocks me out and this is the first time that had happened.

Does this mean that benadryl will no longer put me to sleep or could it just be that I had stayed up so late? Will I be able to fall asleep tonight naturally if I generally do for the most part? Any answers are appreciated!
diphenhydramine does this to me now and I can't use it for sleep. Ever. Have you ever tried melatonine and magnesium? I haven't done LSD in over 15 years and my benadryl adverse reaction hasn't re-set .