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LSD alone? (Highish dose)

The therapeutic range of lsd is quite large.....that being said, if clarity is important in your meditation practice, you would be surprised at the beneficial effects of small doses like 50ug

I LOVE LOVE LOVE eating a ten strip and rolling on the floor like a lunatic, but is that as helpful for me in my day to day life?

The trick, I am learning, is to condition your mind to go to those places with solely your endogenous brainestry. LSD can show you how. There is some merit to the argument of taking the lowest effective dose when using entheogens to better yourself.
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How does LSD compare to LSA? I've only tried LSA once, CWE from 6 HBWR seeds, I heard LSD was stronger?
LSA and LSD are nothing alike really - LSD is vastly superior in every way.
LSA and LSD are nothing alike really - LSD is vastly superior in every way.

I have to agree, anything is better than LSA, I did 16 seeds of Hawaiian baby woodrose last night... omg it was too much, I lost all sense of who I am, I'm still having issues knowing what is real and what is not, and its been 22hrs and i'm still hallucinating a bit still. (I'm hesitant to smoke weed as I think it may restart the trip)

I used 4g of Vitamin C 4g of EDTA and 4mg of LSA (16 seeds at 0.25mg per seed approx) I don't recommend this unless you are an experienced psychonaut..

With the added Vitamin C and EDTA I had no cramps, no bluing of the skin, no breathing issues, etc...(I had accelerated heart rate, but that went away after I lost my EGO) but I had serious nausea about 8 hours later, kept wanting to blow chunks but nothing ever came out..

16 seeds into a coffee grinder with 4g of VitC, and the EDTA, ground until it was all a fine fine powder like smooth talc, then stirred the mixture into chilled water after the mixture was stirred enough I added in ICE and put a cold pack underneath it to keep it even colder. I did this Cold water extraction for only 1 hour and tripped for 22 hrs. Maybe because it was only my 4th time with any psychedelic and first time with anything this strong. (Unless you count weed which I smoke on a daily basis.)
I think what may have enhanced this trip a bit was the fact that I smoked 3 bowls in my vaporizer one bowl had 2 little scoops of kief. Kief by itself usually gives me nice visuals but nothing mind bending. (except the first time I had weed, I tripped pretty hard for about 6hrs, but damn was that Chinese food good.)

This was seriously strong stuff, I was having huge lapses of time, found myself appearing in random places around the house, even had a strange dream people were trying to wake me up because this world wasn't the real world, like everyone in this world was asleep or in a coma.. and everyone in that world was awake, and safe.

I think the psychedelic experience makes you realize that you don't want to loose certain things, ego destruction was a bit scary, after that it was time travel fast forward and rewind for hours, with bits of time rewinding including a car passing by. (I saw the same car drive by in the same direction 5 times) I found that looking at memories was literally "LOOKING" at them. I saw the memory like I was there, back in time. Has anyone else had this time traveling effect before? Do you think it is actual time travel?

I think if I were to try this again I wouldn't go past 8 or maybe 10 seeds, it's far to mind bending beyond that point. Not trying to discourage people, but LSA is serious stuff and should not be taken lightly.

Now the positives are that I've found that I think quicker, and I am able to think about things to the end of a train of logic or thought, I find this sort of thinking is hard to get used too and it gives me a head ache... lol, but I'm sure i'll get used to it eventually. For this reason I would probably try LSD if people say its "not as bad as LSA"

Just wish I knew where to find LSD in California, haven't found any in the 5yrs I've been looking, people keep trying to hock other stuff like DMT, or E.

I personally wont take any drug that's addictive, does a list exist that lists all of the non addictive drugs? primarily hallucinogens (no Deliriant plz)
darkstar01 said:
I had no cramps, no bluing of the skin, no breathing issues, etc...(I had accelerated heart rate, but that went away after I lost my EGO) but I had serious nausea about 8 hours later, kept wanting to blow chunks but nothing ever came out...
no Deleriant plz

That sounds terrible....lsd will feel like driving a Cadillac after that ^ I mean HBWR sounds absolutely awful like torture....dmt is in a class above HBWR as you say that is available to you....talk about HR...people are ingesting poison because they can't get their hands on suitable gear
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You can never deem a situation like this "positively safe", however if you have tested your product and are familiar with the drug you will be just fine. McKenna said that is the only way to trip is alone ( a sober sitter in the other room never hurts )

To me ( I do not trip any longer ) tripping alone is absolutely the best.
I liked aspects of the trip, but for me the parts I thought were interesting but also torture at the same time. At a point I thought I was going to die, but something inside myself said "I don't want to die" meaning me. the "I" in who I am. At one point I just "was", rather than just being something like myself, or a human, but something more pure, something beyond the soul. It's very hard to describe.

I think if I were to have a trip sitter they would have to be someone I trust like my wife, but she doesn't approve of hallucinogens so I just experiment solo.

I wonder if anyone has videos of trip experiences, that would be interesting to watch. I'm considering recording myself one of these days with one of those wearable cameras, maybe gain some insight into my own mind.
Already did it. at one point I was lying in my bed turned all the lights off and just flew through the galaxy
It would be very similar to doing meditation that long alone...... It will probably energize you to do what you are wanting to do in life and you will get in touch with your true self!
I also definitely prefer to trip alone, last weekend I had a pretty awesome experience with 2 blotters and watched the 184min version of the 1970's Woodstock documentary.