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Heroin Lowering Heroin (and opiates in general) tolerance


Mar 28, 2024
Let's say a person was using bupe (~4mg/day for one month). After that I had some Heroin, used about 5grams in one week - but basically felt nothing (probably started too early and bupe was still blocking the receptors).
So, how long does it take to restore (or at least significantly lower) opiates tolerance level? One week? Two weeks?
It would only take a couple days of not taking bupe for heroin to work again. To actually reduce tolerance would take longer. You might see some results with 3 weeks+ but it will always be short lived and your tolerance will find its way back to where it was really quickly.
It would only take a couple days of not taking bupe for heroin to work again. To actually reduce tolerance would take longer. You might see some results with 3 weeks+ but it will always be short lived and your tolerance will find its way back to where it was really quickly.
I didn't feel heroin at all (even in super high doses) even on day 4 of no bupe.
And btw, I don't use H regularly, it was the first time in many months.
I guess the bupe was still in my system.

Few years ago, I was also on bupe for many months (4mg/d). I tapered it to about 1mg/day or less. Next day - even codeine worked fine.
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