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Low testrostrone cuz of opioid abuse.


Aug 21, 2017
I have been abusing about 600-800 mg codeine a day from past 5 year's. I've recently started OST on buprenorphine. My LH and FSH is around normal except for my testrostrone which is low.
Right now I'm on 4mg buprenorphine a day. I'm worried about my testrostrone, I don't wanna go on replacement threapy cuz of the side effects. Is it a good idea to continue buprenorphine? Can I raise my testosterone through exercise and healthy lifestyle while still on buprenorphine??
I'm having a similar problem I think with methadone. I'm a guy but I am growing boobs. Like huge boobs..... I'm going to go to the doctor about it soon I think.
I'm having a similar problem I think with methadone. I'm a guy but I am growing boobs. Like huge boobs..... I'm going to go to the doctor about it soon I think.

cj, ask your doctor if Anastrozole would be appropriate.
I'm having a similar problem I think with methadone. I'm a guy but I am growing boobs. Like huge boobs..... I'm going to go to the doctor about it soon I think.

My Testosterone levels were significantly lower when I was taking Methadone. The doctor prescribed Testosterone injection- 3-4 times a year.
My Testosterone levels were significantly lower when I was taking Methadone. The doctor prescribed Testosterone injection- 3-4 times a year.
Personal question. Did it help your sex drive at all? I've been dead down there for awhile now
My testosterone was at like 155 ( whatever the measure it with) while I was heavy using. After six months of bi-monthly shots it was raised to 558 which is normal in the mid range for my age.

When I first started taking it cj it seemed to increase my sex drive and equipment. Now it's not really doing allot except for a crap ton of oily skin. I'll probably be on it the rest of my life or so my doctor told me. I've also noticed the dreaded shrinkage of my testicles which I knew was part of the deal.

Then again I'm still using so it could help more if I wasn't. I imagine my testosterone would shoot up higher from being away from opiates. That's just my observation from my own personal experiences.
But testosterone replacement threapy has nasty side effects, once you go on the threapy, your body will stop producing natural testrostrone. You might have to depend on it from the rest of your life. Some of the side effects include, oily skin, hair loss, gyno (man boobs), and more. And buprenorphine does not lower your testrostrone as much as methadone does. The best option if possible would be to reduce the dose and built it up naturally if you still can.
When I got clean 5 years ago I was on androgel 1.62%. I was naturally producing the testosterone of a 3 year old. I hadn't had a full erection in nearly 2 years. My marriage was in shambles. Yeah, opiates (partial and full agonist) do a number on testosterone production.

I wake up with an erection every day at 41. My testosterone has returned to normal levels. I haven't been on androgel since the day I got clean. I didn't get clean to return to being a man, I got clean because I was dying and finally found the way I was living to be unacceptable. One of the side benefits of complete abstinence has been return of healthy function. I completely understand what you guys are going through.
But testosterone replacement threapy has nasty side effects, once you go on the threapy, your body will stop producing natural testrostrone. You might have to depend on it from the rest of your life. Some of the side effects include, oily skin, hair loss, gyno (man boobs), and more. And buprenorphine does not lower your testrostrone as much as methadone does. The best option if possible would be to reduce the dose and built it up naturally if you still can.

Very true.