Sad Lost all friends due to drug use?

Due to who's drug use? Mine? Lost my ex due to that, but that's it.
Got too intense with Mescaline for her.

Lost much more to my friends' drug use. Especially one who died of an overdose,
but he was like the glue holding us all together. Haven't seen a shitload of these ppl since his farewell party
Opiates split my larger friend circle into 2 camps

IRL I'm officially not a user whatsoever though. I do occasionally smoke weed, but that's it.
This led to me being treated gingerly by my friends who are into drugs.
Suddenly i'm the "square" that doesn't take any shit. Pissed me off so distanced myself from those ppl as well.

Funny thing is, large chunk of family treats me like a junkie, even though I am over 10 years clean. (no thanks to those assholes)
Like I'm gonna sell LSD to their children or something
But honestly, that large chunk of my family can go fuck themselves for all I care.
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It links to your screenshot, but you can also have image show up in your post. At the page you linked, click on "Embed codes" at the bottom (next to "About"), then you'll see different "BBCode" options for the full image and the thumbnail. Here's the full one of yours, copy and pasted:

It links to your screenshot, but you can also have image show up in your post. At the page you linked, click on "Embed codes" at the bottom (next to "About"), then you'll see different "BBCode" options for the full image and the thumbnail. Here's the full one of yours, copy and pasted:

Sorry for so many questions. So from the screenshot can you tell me how to find a list of the forums to browse?
Sorry for so many questions. So from the screenshot can you tell me how to find a list of the forums to browse?
No problem, that's what I'm here for.

Click on the word "Forums" that is highlighted in your screenshot, it's a link as well as a drop-down menu.

You should see a forum list with different groups of forums, beginning with "Bluelight Basics." Scroll down past the "Focus Forums" and you should see the "Drug Experiences" group. The second one listed is "Drug Culture," where we are now.
How many of you lost almost all of your friends due to drug use? I know I have and it’s a lonely ass world now.. I’m hoping I can find some on here eventually but I’ll never stop felling like I let everyone down… I’m a hurricane
The worst case that comes to mind is a family of 8 males 3 three females drug overdoses or aids took all the boys an 1 of the girls
Man I been on BL a good while but yall are making me wanna throw it all out...all that Ive been carrying. Almost feel like I am gonna vomit. God I am so sorry yall. It sucks dont it?! That loneliness...even in a room full of people...cause ya already know ya better keep to yourself cause of that monkey on ya back. To have every fiber of your being yearn for the poison thats trying to kill you. Addiction had me by 19. I was on prescription opiates for pain from about 11 years old consistently until 19 year. I wish now I had just gave up my right leg. It's hard to have friends cause if they arent addicts theres so much about you theyll never understand. If they are keep it short and quick cause so many will rip ya off and you cant believe nothing they say. They still all about that agenda. I was there for years so I know. Addiction can have different phases depending on how long youve lived with it. Its all Ive ever known and I am now 44 so Ive got some experience under me. I've now maintained on suboxone for almost 15 years. I take 1/2 a day and sometimes even forget until that restless leg starts creeping in and goosebumps arise. But when chasing that dragon is still our no#1 priority we tend to fill our environment with whoever can fill our main purpose the all we know are zombie friends...other addicts. I think this affects us more than we realize. It definitely affects how we socialize. I feel like I lived stuck in fight or flight mode for over 20 years. Idk if Ive ever got out of it. Maybe Ive just gotten use to it. But over the years Ive gradually become almost like a recluse. I look at others living life up and just dont understand them.

I just felt yall and related so much. Made my heart hurt. Yall aint alone and will be on my mind. I am in legit tears. Much love to yall. Heaven mjust be next cause we've done been thru hell❤

It definitely effects how we socialize, good post btw.

So I’m someone that grew up very, different.. My whole life from the moment I was conceived has been revolving around drugs and their use. Over the years I’ve changed a lot. I now occasionally have to socialize with doctors and professional types, I run my own business too so with that comes a certain level of professionalism too.

But I just can’t relate! All these people want to talk about things that either don’t mean shit to me or are just so far out of my realm of world experiences. While these people were playing games or doing some relatively benign childhood activities, I was robbing people near nightly, most nights also selling tons of bud, opiates, etc. The parties we used to throw make the stuff I see in the movies look like a joke. There’s zero common ground.

I’ve watched someone die in front of me. I’ve watched people get beat within inches of their life. I’ve beat people myself to the point of unrecognition. I’ve done things that I’ll feel bad about til the day I die. Those aren’t things that just go away.

In the end I just keep to myself, have very few true friends, and keep pushing along. I’ve accepted my path will be a lonely one, it’s been that way since I was born. Even back in the days when I was around degenerates I could relate to, I still felt alone.

When I do have to socialize I stay quiet and on the occasion I do start to speak up it becomes obvious “I ain’t from around here.” Most of the time these people push to be my friend more for many reasons that I don’t care to speculate on, but it all comes back to me not being able to relate. For them, I’m someone exciting but to me it’s like a death sentence to become one of them.

I always say, and will say til I die. If I ever become a norm, let me eat a bullet cuz that ain’t living. Khaki shorts above the knee, Fanny pack, polo shirt tucked in, being led around by his nagging wife who’s happy she gets all the say but simultaneously despises him for having zero balls. You know the type… Ya death sounds a better option to me.

It definitely effects how we socialize, good post btw.

So I’m someone that grew up very, different.. My whole life from the moment I was conceived has been revolving around drugs and their use. Over the years I’ve changed a lot. I now occasionally have to socialize with doctors and professional types, I run my own business too so with that comes a certain level of professionalism too.

But I just can’t relate! All these people want to talk about things that either don’t mean shit to me or are just so far out of my realm of world experiences. While these people were playing games or doing some relatively benign childhood activities, I was robbing people near nightly, most nights also selling tons of bud, opiates, etc. The parties we used to throw make the stuff I see in the movies look like a joke. There’s zero common ground.

I’ve watched someone die in front of me. I’ve watched people get beat within inches of their life. I’ve beat people myself to the point of unrecognition. I’ve done things that I’ll feel bad about til the day I die. Those aren’t things that just go away.

In the end I just keep to myself, have very few true friends, and keep pushing along. I’ve accepted my path will be a lonely one, it’s been that way since I was born. Even back in the days when I was around degenerates I could relate to, I still felt alone.

When I do have to socialize I stay quiet and on the occasion I do start to speak up it becomes obvious “I ain’t from around here.” Most of the time these people push to be my friend more for many reasons that I don’t care to speculate on, but it all comes back to me not being able to relate. For them, I’m someone exciting but to me it’s like a death sentence to become one of them.

I always say, and will say til I die. If I ever become a norm, let me eat a bullet cuz that ain’t living. Khaki shorts above the knee, Fanny pack, polo shirt tucked in, being led around by his nagging wife who’s happy she gets all the say but simultaneously despises him for having zero balls. You know the type… Ya death sounds a better option to me.


Actually I bet you are hella interesting...your story is intriguing af lol

That's so crazy. I can relate to everything you just said so specifically. It's literally blows my mind. See the life you are explaining....that was my dad's. Altho I somehow thought it was a great idea to have three children each with a different narrcisistic socio son got my intelligence...and has tried so hard to continue the legacy...toward the bad. His father is in prison for life for affiliations with the mafia)
So much potential....but he has to make the decision on what road to take with it. He could do anything he wanted for a living...but he could also be one hell of a criminal. Its been like a generational curse. My dad was like a legend. Everyone has always said he was sort of an enigma to them tho. Like you....he didn't follow the pack bred mentality. We all would each be considered odd I guess because Ive always said I feel like I live in a different reality then everyone else..realitys never absolute but you know what I mean. I often feel like the world's a stage and I missed the day they handed out the scripts. Its like a world full of stepford wives and automated messages

When I was little and in crowds of people Id play my own game with myself. I'd watch people...listen to the words they used and analyze their composure....body language...and determine if I thought their words matched their intentions. Because of how ingenuine I feel so many are I am scared too death of becoming conditioned into being normal. So I remain completely vulnerable. Sometimes I say the most unexpected stuff just to shock myself back out there lol. I know I sound crazy lmao. Sometimes I cant help but feel Ive been set apart for something specific. That sounds pretentious but not like that. It's very intimidating. It can be stressful. I dont want to always see the elephant in the room cause wtf am I suppose to do about it ya know? But my point is that now I am raising that child...facing the parts that are like a curse(Not all of its bad...idc what they say) cause the bucks gonna stop here. And from what Ive experienced so far....its a very spiritual war...full of irony.

I am like you. Fuck being like everyone else lol. I am good lol
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I am sure I must sound like a true gem lmao..all that going on. But you'd just have to know me. Actually I am like the complete exact opposite of a narrcisistists. I just love to have children with them apparently. Good times ...good times
I lost all my friends because I'm a self absorbed, cold, unstable, and sometimes mean person to deal with and it really wears people down.

But the drugs totally help me accomplish all of those goals.

For 3 easy installments of $99.99 I can show you, yes you, the viewer! How to be a passive aggressive douche-bag who refuses to cooperate with others.

Trust me, you are gonna love it!
Lost all of your friends due to their own ODing or dying before their time, or due to the self destruction that rippled through your own life?

I feel I have lost many friends due to both.
How many of you lost almost all of your friends due to drug use? I know I have and it’s a lonely ass world now.. I’m hoping I can find some on here eventually but I’ll never stop felling like I let everyone down… I’m a hurricane
I sure have.
I've isolated myself during the years but since I stopped doing drugs and going to raves, I didn't really lose friends. I've just lost contact with druggies.
I lost most of my family and all my friends. Mostly my fault but some not. 1 mistake turned my whole family against me when they should have been supporting me. I have online friends i absolutely adore and can talk about anything without judgement and the bluelight discord is full of nice caring people but other then that i'm alone.
Only the cheese stands alone, though.
Either directly or indirectly all ( 95%+ ) friends and family from 20s and earlier are gone from drug/alcohol complications.
Hard accepting the phenom of death at times but there we have it.
Sometimes I ask why am I the one who lingers... what did I do wrong to deserve this fate?
bluelight discord is full of nice caring people
I was on this morn for a bit (first time) and couldnt figure out how to post a msg.
The only other time I used it was with c.h (some time ago) and logging in brought a bittersweet emotion as our msgs were the first I saw.
Best wishes....
Well to be fair I lost all my non drug related friends many years ago , then when I got clean I lost all my new friends all over again.
I just stay away from everyone, I reach out to a few but I think I'm really the only one that ended up reasonably well off.
Everyone I know either drinks , smokes or is wayyy into Jesus .
I'm just me, without drugs, I made a couple friends in a new city. honestly I miss my old friends but a lot of em are still fucking up with no interest in changing so I probably won't see them. I don't look down on em. Just a lot of trust issues with other addicts, but at the same time trust issues with everyone.
I have a dog , I keep a low profile, I'm reasonably happy but picky with who I open up to .