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May 28, 2016
Hi, im going to try and convince my new dr to give me atovan or lorazepam, im sick of valium and 10mg does not help my depression, this lorazepam,atovan ive never tried I wont get clonazepam its too strong, so unless anyone can advise a better drug for anxiety,depression,insomnia and ive tried all different therapies, so is lorazepam possible to get In uk.
Most benzos are not too great for depression, but on the flip side, most anti-depressants are good at dealing with anxiety and depression. You might want to try mirtazapine, its an antidepressant that also help with anxiety and sleep. The likelihood of your doctor giving your lorazepam is pretty low.
It sounds like your a bit confused lorazepam and diazepam fall under a class called benzodiazepines and all effect the same receptor in the brain and while slight differences exsist like half life the overall difference is very small.

I agree benzodiazepines are not effective for depression. Also people with depression often have anxiety and insomnia as a result. Therefore, i would recommend trying to ask your doctor about antidepressants that have antianxiety and help with sleep examples are tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants like trazadone mitrazapine. Additionally they dont carry the same risk of dependence.
Yes ur right folks, benzos do give u depression and insomnia, so to hell with them, I tried mirtazipine some time ago 15mg didnt do nowt, maybe the 45mg is for me cheers
You should have a frank discussion with your doctor if you feel that the benzo your are on currently may be contributing to your depression. I always thought all benzos were essentially the same with the only difference being short-acting or long-acting. How wrong I was! Though I no longer take benzos everyday, the difference when I switched to a low dose short-acting benzo to control the extreme anxiety versus the long acting one I had been on is night and day. Antidepressants are always an option, and in some cases may be better, however, the option of changing benzos is so worth exploring.
Try adderall, that helps wonders for my depression. More energy, happy, focused and content. There is also no crazy withdrawals like with benzos. On a more ironic note, the chemist who invented benzos didn't take them because he said they made him depressed if he did. Benzos for depression is a horrible idea, why take a downer when you're down? Adderall is very effective, ask your doctor about it.
Lol i do have depression and take adderall. But i think the issue with major depression is a reduced ability to feel pleasure. Adderall does feel good but in the end it was not effective at preventing the eventual hopeless suicidal thoughts that led to a suicide attempt. As my depression got worse the best way i could describe it is like the beads in adderall where gone so i could take a pill but feel nothing still empty flat. After being stabilized on effexor and lithium however now when i take adderall i do feel better. Or when i see a hot girl i feel more motivated and better. Or if i am on youtube i want to watch something. Or if i am just doing a chore its not so unbearable my mood i wanna just go jump off a cliff or back to bed.
Lol i do have depression and take adderall. But i think the issue with major depression is a reduced ability to feel pleasure. Adderall does feel good but in the end it was not effective at preventing the eventual hopeless suicidal thoughts that led to a suicide attempt. As my depression got worse the best way i could describe it is like the beads in adderall where gone so i could take a pill but feel nothing still empty flat. After being stabilized on effexor and lithium however now when i take adderall i do feel better. Or when i see a hot girl i feel more motivated and better. Or if i am on youtube i want to watch something. Or if i am just doing a chore its not so unbearable my mood i wanna just go jump off a cliff or back to bed.

I feel you man I've been there. When you're truly depressed you don't just feel down, you feel like anything positive, fun, happy or good doesn't even exist. It's pure torture. But for me my depression is mainly low dopamine so adderall helps me feel normal. I've never taken an ssri that didn't make me feel like I was a mindless zombie. Depression can be caused by lack of dopamine that's why so many people who take SSRI's find they don't work because serotonin isn't the problem for them it's dopamine, which is the chemical adderall releases.
Valium, in a bit higher dose than 10mg.. like 30mg, will have you feeling ecstatic if you are anything like me! God I miss those things, I take 3mg of kpin a day now instead.. my current doc, doesn't like valium, only prescribed kpin, and occasionally Ativan which ime, sucks.. I wouldn't bother lorazepam, unless you do think they help a lot more. Also it depends on the DR. some will not prescribe benzos, and if they do, they do it sparingly at best. Some like my previous doc who originally put me on kpin (and a few others years ago)in the first place.. he was so nonchalant about it. I simply said, I had trouble sleeping, tons of anxiety, and had very bad shyness or social anxiety disorder.. He asked me if I had tried anything for it, and if so what. I literally told him, "my friend gave me a klonopin, one day when I had a nervous breakdown/anxiety attack, and it worked like a charm, and kept all my anxiety away for so long." telling him the honest to god truth! And he knew I wasn't trying to drug seek, he could tell I was being straight with him, so he put me on 0.5mg of kpin a day to start, which then led to 5mg a day... then switched over to 50mg of valium a day.. loved it!!! Best benzo ime, I like it a bit more than kpin, but I love kpin too.. its a very misunderstood benzo. Lots of people, take it, don't feel any relief for over an hr, because unless you chew, parachute, or sub it under your tongue, they take a loooong time to take effect, also last all day long too.

I wouldn't advise, taking the benzo path.. its straight HELL to get off of them, or if you happen to run out of your script too early.. But I had no choice really, unless I wanted to be a deadbeat, unhappy, nervous, shy, insomniac for the rest of my life, whilst not taking kpin or other benzos.. But they are really helpful, if taken as they are meant to be, and not abused, just for therapeutic value alone.. not the high, I don't get high, I just turn normal, with a slight slight buzz...

Good luck pal..
Alprazolam is the only benzo I know of that is rxd for depression, and imo works great.

Anxiety, depression, insomnia? Xanax / Alprazolam works great for all the above.

Though it's A very potent benzo..
Plus side is though is that it comes in very low doses, including 0.25mg, 0.5mg, 1mg, and 2mg.
Yeah if it came down to short-acting benzos I would pick alprazolam better known as Xanax anyday over Ativan. Much better at getting rid of anxiety than Ativan is, ime. And its just an all around better feeling benzo imo than Ativan, which is useless to me.. does nothing for my level of general/social anxiety all day and night, kpin and valium are my favs... Xanax isn't too shabby either, just hate how it turns me into a fearless, insane, and rude (because I feel like I can do whatever I want or say whatever to whoever is talking to me, I usually talk tho, and say stupid shit to the ladies too.. ridiculousness at a high dose that Xanax is.. its also, very addicting as opposed to most other benzos, in the short and long term.. you eat one, and feel good, then feel like you can do whatever the fuck you want, and eat another.. and another.. etc.. then with me at least, I usually get real bad mood swings, and awful anxiety if it wears off sooner than I want it to, which because of its very short duration of action it lasts like 4-5 hrs tops for me..

Here is what I have found to be my favorite and also most effective benzos, I have tried... there is a lot of them I haven't tried yet. In this order from fav to least fav benzo as far as its therapeutic properties are concerned and other various things in each one also.

Valium/diazepam, Klonopin/clonazepam, Alprazolam, temazepam, and Ativan, which again is useless ime with it. yet tons of people loooove Ativan, and tell me amazing things about it, the majority of people I know, hate it though, like me.
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Well, mate, we dont get xanax off drs in uk u mention it and they have a heart attack honest, weird but its a vallium country, so I may as well try go back up to 25 to 30mg but I doubt it as im classed as a bit of a benzo seeker, I try to hard or alternatively just continue my dettox as im on 1x10mg daily and 32mls of meth its horrible but really ive abused benzos for 30 yrs again im not lying so having read all your messages and with my father on my back then really it makes sense, gotta stop fantazising and obsesing about benzos,as my drugs worker pointed out within 10 mins of talking to me, so yes I reckon the answer is already spoken for thanx,f..ck lorazepam and ive never heard any good reviews on it.