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long term effect of mdma use?


Nov 25, 2014
Friend was at 4 day festival and rolled heavy everyday. On the last day he overdosed says he did orally and through the nose and almost didnt make it. Heart was going crazy, body heating up etc. 2 days later friend went to the er cause he still wasnt feeling well. Got blood work etc nothing was wrong. 4 months later. Still feels pretty bad. Chest and back pain. Went to a cardio got a stress test, ekg, ecg everything came back normal. Still have stomach and back pain. Cant swallow spit like he use to etc. Could this be from mdma or just a massive amount of anxiety from what happened. Also parts of body drying out such ass tongue, eyebrows, hands. Was telling him to use 5 htp to bring back sertonin levels. Not sure if im correct though. Advice and opinions welcome. Thanks.
Time to go to a doctor and tell him exactly what you did. If all the tests you've gotten done came back negative, it sounds like you're in good shape but if you're still experiencing these symptoms, clearly something is wrong. I don't know if you were honest with the people who performed these tests, but it sounds like there might be some more drug-specific tests that need to be done that look for certain things instead of just the vitals. If you haven't, go to your doctor and tell him exactly what you did. You will not get in trouble for it, he can only help you....err....your friend. :)

And for future reference, tell your friend to never do that again, and have him tell his friends too.
did he test his stuff? the symptoms sound more typical for cathinones than for mdma.

mdma can cause anxiety, especially with abuse like that. so that could play a role here, but if he didn't test the material i'd rather suspect some research chemicals (though who knows what kinds of after effects you get with such huge doses of mdma...), which due to them being pretty unknown can have unexpected side/after effects.

consulting a doctor if you're worried about physical symptoms surely is the best course of action. it would be nice if there was still some of the material available to send in to analysis. knowing what substance it was makes it easier to find a correct diagnosis. eating healthily is always a good thing to do. but supplementing with 5-htp is not proven to help. it's doubtful if the 5-htp even gets to the brain.
He didnt test his stuff but others did the same material and were fine. It was probably because my friend did alot at the time. Still has high blood pressure and random occurences of blood shot eyes and dry rough tongue. Stomach amd chest pains. Told the doctor about mdma use and was told if it didnt kill him then hes in the clear but seems like they dont know much. Thanks for the replies.
You will be okay trust me. You may be suffering from PTSD after such heavy use. It will pass but if it does not try to seek further medical help as Seattle stranger recommended. I have done ecstasy and other similar type drugs as you have described in large doses for many years and suffered considerable damage. You will be okay though it could take some time.

Respect the drug and try not to pick at old wounds. Move on from this and become stronger. It is the only way I think.
Thanks for all the replies everyone. Really means alot. Ive been completely sober from everything other then maybe a few shots of wiskey in the past 5 months. Hoping to get back into my regular health and move on. Any other opinion and advice welcome.
A four day binge will really drain you, both physically and mentally. Time is your friend. Exercise and laying off drugs should see you pull through eventually. The good news your symptoms are in no way the most extreme that some people around here have to suffer with after such a binge. Most of them have returned back to normal with no long lasting effects. The bad news is that underlying anxiety may come back if you decide to indulge in the future.
I was using about once or twice a month before that. The symptoms i get come and go but i get dry eyes/bloodshot eyes. Feel like my vision is going. Dry tongue and dry skin everywhere. Tiny speck of blood when i blow my nose or spit. I get panic attacks once in a while too. I dont plan to use after this I feel like this was a huge wake up call for me.