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long delays till come up on empathogens?


May 23, 2013
just wondering how often ppl get really delayed come ups. sitting here after going out, not feeling anything whatsoever after 3 hrs dosing apb on empty stomach (160mg) drove home...then 3.5 hrs iin start to get dialated eyes and come up feelings. hit the peak 5 hrs after dropping. great roll. but nothing happened for 3.5 hrs, i though i was immuned or underdosed somehow. Glad it happened, i knew there was no way a person can have 160 and nothing happen.

It happened another time a few years ago with good ole M. nothing for 3 hrs, then boom!......normally most times after 45 min u'd be swimming in it.
A year ago or so I ate a few slices of pizza, and doses mdma right after. Started with 100mg, nothing happened after an hour. Dosed 100 more, nothing happened for another hour. Got kind of disappointed and dosed 150, it took 10 minutes before I felt the rush of 350mg kicking in, I could barely walk and sat in a couch for 5 hours telling everyone how much I love them. So yeah, it can take quite some time for it to kick in. Especially when you have eaten beforehand.
3h is a very long time to come up though. If you have eaten a big meal just beforehand it is possible, but if your stomach was empty or even half empty there is probably something else going on...
I've had a few people at raves talk to me about really long come-ups, it's not that uncommon. Sometimes it takes me a good while to fully come-up.
Second time I ever rolled, I took the pill shortly after a decent meal (say within an hour). Had a cone, which unfortunately hit me a little harder than expected and I fell asleep lol....2 hours or so later I awoke as I begun to come up somewhat hard hahaha.

Contrary to this, having gone an entire 24 hours without consuming anything requiring digestion, and then dropping a 200mg cap with some Vital Greens....I was being hit very hard within only 15 minutes.

Everyone's mileage will vary, from person to person, roll to roll. It's annoying hahaha