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just say know

Jan 30, 2015
Life is like a seed. sometimes in order to grow; you are to be dropped in dirt, covered by darkness, and struggle for light.
When you arise from the other side and the sun shines on you; it is so good to see you. enjoy it.

Life is like a book; there are happy chapters and sad chapter: but you never know unless you keep turning the page.

Life is like a book you are writing; you have a choice in your story line. you can edit your life. sometimes words fail you; but you do have that right to "write".

Life is like a picture you draw: life is like a blank canvas. you can fill in the emptiness with texture, color, and create a bigger picture to focus on.

Life is like a snack; enjoy your snack when you have it.

Life isn't unfair; life can be unfair at times: but that doesn't mean it has to be.

Life is worth living through: life isn't a coloring book, you can't fill in your favorite colors. it is neither "white" nor "black" nore "grey" but a spectrum of colors, textures, and shades.

Life is different for everyone.

Life isn't easy.

Life makes you stare into the mirror. it makes you think. and it can upset you.

Life isn't always about you, other people, or a "mission"; sometimes life is a little mixture of those things. sometimes you miss out on the point or get lost in a sea of priorities or problems.

Life? life is complicated. it's not your fault if life fails on you. life is easy to make out as a bad or good thing; but sometimes it's not simple like that. life and death aren't your fault; but you can decide something.

You can decide that your life holds value to one person; you.

You can decide life can't be "fixed" by one solution.

You can decide life is worth holding onto.

You can also decide negative things in regards to life.

How you view life is important to you; and how you convey that viewpoint is important to others.

Life is a journey; i think....
I enjoyed reading that, thanks for sharing. I'm going to move this over to Words if you don't mind.
JSK you left out "like a box of chocolates." Nice post I would have thought you would have put it in "Words" though. But it was a nice read wherever.