Writing-up 'Legal highs'/Novel Psychoactive Substances: User Perspectives


Feb 8, 2013
Hi all, I’m a postgraduate student at the University of Kent, currently studying my MA. I’m currently working on putting my final research project together, it focuses on analysing policy approaches to regulating novel psychoactive substances (‘legal highs’) in the UK. Most of the policy debates currently going on pay little consideration to users and what they have to say. I want to be able to give you a voice and I’m really interested in what you have to say. If you’re from the UK and could spare approximately 10 minutes to complete a short survey around your use and views of NPS (novel psychoactive substances), it would be extremely helpful.

I can assure anonymity to all participants and I have ensured that IP addresses will not be stored. Your data will also not be passed on to any third party and will be used solely for the purposes of this research.

This promises to be an interesting dissertation and I will return to this thread once the final project is completed with a link to the finished dissertation so you are all able to view the outcome. The project is being supervised by Dr. Kate O’Brien.

If you would like to get into contact with me about the project in any way, please do not hesitate to either e-mail me at [email protected] or reply in this thread. I will be checking this thread daily if you would prefer to ask anything here.

Thank you,

Charlie Jenkins

Link to survey: www.surveymonkey.com/s/NPSUK
I'm also looking to conduct some web-based focus groups in early August, so if anyone would be interested in getting involved please drop me an e-mail at [email protected].

The survey listed above is currently still live if anyone who is interested in participating is yet to complete it.

Hi..If you've read any articles re:ACMD /government decisions on topical RC's, you will know that whatever research you may produce, it will
make not a jot of a difference. Apologies for being blunt, but it may help you pass your final exam but it will not help the people who are actually affected by the issues you are studying.... btw..nice choice for a dissertation:)
Yup, groovy topic. Sure, I'm up for filling out a survey. But from the start let me make it clear that I think altering one's consciousness is surefire a sign of consciousness. Can't alter what you ain't got. Humans have been getting off their face since before they were humans. No prohibitions in the 19thc., no anti-drug hysteria. So I'm a total libertarian when it comes to what humans should be allowed to ingest. Think about it: 1984 is right now in this jakes. That evil, and I use the word advisedly, female dog Thatcher gutted this country, and produced a generation of kids that starton 'brown'--garbage street semi-smack--and 'white', garbage crack. No future, as John Lydon croaked a few decades back. Yup, Big Mother is watching us. The Ministry of Defence? Surely the War Office had the virtue of adhering to something like reality. And what are the drug squads of this country doing but policing our nervous systems: send in the Thought Police; don't bother they're here.