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Leaving addict boyfriend - Advice?


Jul 2, 2014
Recently I made a post about my boyfriend's meth use and mood swings due to withdrawal. To give you a bit of background, we have been together for one year and he's been an addict for about six months. He has always been a very heavy drug user in general.

This used to be fine, as I like to party on the weekends as well, but in the last few months he has completely lost control.

He has tried to cut back on his meth use (4 - 5 weeks clean, I think) but is really just replacing meth with very heavy drinking, accompanied with lots of ecstasy and a large amount of weed. He'll have these binges a couple of times during the week and all weekend long. He's even began drinking codeine, and dangerous amounts of it. I'm not sure he's even extracting it properly, as he's always complaining of stomach cramps (but then again the excessive drinking wouldn't be helping!). He used to only smoke weed in the evenings, but now it's all throughout the day, even at work. I can't remember the last time I saw him sober.

His problem has not gotten better, it's just been replaced by something else that is, in a way, even more destructive to his mental and physical health. He is extremely disrespectful to me. He is constantly making plans with me when he's drunk and then standing me up later. I cannot believe how quickly this has escalated into something even more fucked up than it was, and all so he can cope with withdrawal. I do not know who he is anymore. It's almost like meth is the better alternative, which is scary.

I understand that beating this was never going to be easy, but his drug/alcohol use in general is just getting a lot worse.

Yesterday, he said to me that he doesn't want to quit, just wants to cut back. I can't make him want to get better. I really feel that he needs to do this on his own. I feel that by me sticking around, it's just a validation to him that his use is not that bad.

It hurts me so much to watch him do this to himself. It also hurts that all of this shit comes before me. I used to be a priority for him. I am now an option - someone he can call to come down with when all his mates have gone home and he feels lonely.

He assures me that he is not unhappy and doesn't need any help. But how could a happy person do this to themselves?

He clearly does not want to stop. Perhaps I'm abandoning him, but I really don't want to be around this anymore.

I have relayed everything I've said above to him many, many times. I am at a loss at what to say now. What can I say to him to make him realise how far it's gone and why I'm leaving?

Thanks in advance.
yeah move on

he's a mess and it looks like he wont change- very self destructive, but the bad boyfriend behaviour is the big issue
It is a most heart ripping experience when the one we love is an addict on a self destructing path. As they roll through their days in denial and we, their partners must sit by and watch them slowly commit suicide a little bit day by day, helpless to do much about it.

You already know what must be done. You haven't failed him; he is failing himself and to expect you to sit by and watch this destruction?, well, that's not love my dear, that is brutal.
I'm sorry to read your going through this. In similar situation with my partner, though its solely alcohol for him; and I have no idea what to do about it because he won't even admit there's a problem.
People will tell you to leave him. But I know it is difficult to say the least doing so, especially if you love him.

I don't know what advice I could offer you. Protect your self. Keep your guard up. If he is being a jerk in other ways that could motivate you to move on. If you've already packed a bag, good. Yet watch out for fall out. Perhaps leaving in the middle of the night without him knowing would be safer considering his mood swings.
Do not allow yourself to become a victim.

good luck lady. You must do what is right for you
Thank you for your replies.

I broke up with him yesterday and it was the saddest experience. He didn't even fight it or come after me, because he knows it's the only way. I chose him and he chose drugs. It is what it is.

I was sorry to hear your story, Ubi, but I really appreciate you sharing your experience. We don't live together and he's not violent, so I suppose that makes leaving a bit easier.

It's so much harder when they're completely in denial. They still think they haven't crossed the line, when in fact they're so far gone they're unrecognisable to you. Unfortunately, I don't think there's much you can do. He really needs to admit to himself that he's messed up before anything can change.

I wish you and your guy all the best
Hey MedicalCoding, thanks for asking.

I'm not as bad as I thought I would be. Sad but relived, but I also feel a sense of freedom and excitement, which is interesting. A weight's definitely been lifted!

I still worry for him and think I probably will forever until he comes around and gets some help. Such is life, i suppose!
Thank you for your replies.

I broke up with him yesterday and it was the saddest experience. He didn't even fight it or come after me, because he knows it's the only way. I chose him and he chose drugs. It is what it is.

I was sorry to hear your story, Ubi, but I really appreciate you sharing your experience. We don't live together and he's not violent, so I suppose that makes leaving a bit easier.

It's so much harder when they're completely in denial. They still think they haven't crossed the line, when in fact they're so far gone they're unrecognisable to you. Unfortunately, I don't think there's much you can do. He really needs to admit to himself that he's messed up before anything can change.

I wish you and your guy all the best

Haly, good on you... Must have been sad.
But you did it. You did. right flippin on.
Find a new guy. I was in an on and off relationship with an alcoholic for 2 years. I don't understand why he hasn't made contact since he got out of rehab.
Perhaps he's worried if he contacts you, you'll end up seeing each other again and doesn't want to mess you around anymore? He might also be trying to focus on his sobriety. Don't take it personally, it might be a good thing that he hasn't gotten in touch.

Thanks Ubi - making me feel heaps better :)

Power to you Haly. Stay bright and shine on:)
Nice to hear Haly that you are happily separated otherwise these kind of cases get worse at this stage.