• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Lab tests

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Aug 25, 2013
Hey, I don't know if this is the right place to put this but i figured the people posting here would have the most knowledge about my question. I am new to this forum and don't exactly know where things go haha.

Anyways my Cousin said he and his friend did one Dilaudid total. He did about a quarter of one (so about 1 MG) last Wednesday and he got called in for a random drug test by his PO. He passed 100% fine and left that day. However, it was just a piss test and not sent to the lab. on Monday, him and his friend split 3/4ths of one (so about 1.5 mg). He did not know that come Thursday he would be sending in pee to a lab for his Intensive Out Patient group. They made him pee in a standard T-cup drug test and he was all clear like he knew he would be. Then they said it was going to the lab. This is when he started to freak out a little. He drank plenty of fluids knowing he was going to get some sort of pee test.

What i would like to know is how drug tests at labs work and if based on the information given you think worrying is necessary because believe me he is very stressed out.

So to help you answer my questions here is what i know:
1. the pee has been sent to redwood toxicology lab.
2. he was plenty hydrated when he pissed in the cup.
3. He did 2.5 mgs total of Dilaudid which he IV'ed.
4. The cut off at Redwood is 300 ng/mL (whatever that means)
5. 1.5 mgs of diluadid was done on monday at about 6 pm and the drug test was about the same time on thursday.

If anyone can help me out and put my Cousins mind at ease or prepare for the worst it would be really helpful.

If I posted this in the wrong spot I am sure an admin will move it. thanks guys.
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