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L-Tyrosine + 5-HTP


Dec 18, 2002
I started taking 5-HTP about 2 days ago because I'm stocking up my brain for NYE. Since then I've been taking about 2-3 a day (they are the 50mg capsules)...I read that L-Tyrosine can also help in pre-loading....what I was wondering is:
1. Is it safe to take 5-HTP and L-Tyrosine together?
2. Is it worth my money to take both or will 5-HTP do the trick by itself?
3. Where do I find L-Tyrosine? And is it simply called "L-Tyrosine" or is it under another name.
Thanx...hope I'm not being annoying with all the damn questions....
I don't think pre loading on hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)has the same efficacy as some people think.
Maybe you should consider L-trytophan instead. Tryptophan (Trp) is the precusrsor to 5-HTP. The primary source of Trp is dietary protein, its entry into the brain is directly related to its concentration in blood. The brain is surrounded by a blood brain barrier that prevents many chemicals found within blood from entering the brain. Trp has a carrier protein that allows entry into brain, however I don't believe 5-HTP can cross in the same manner, if at all.
L-Tyrosine is a precursor for norepinenphrine/epinephrine. Likewise increasing blood levels of Tyr will promote entry of Try into brain possilby cause increased Nor/epinephrine synthesis.
Its perfectly safe to take them together, they're amino acids. You can prolly find them at GNC
[ 22 December 2002: Message edited by: mobius ]
I went to GNC.com and found:
1000mg pills (30 p/ bottle)
500mg pills (60 p/ bottle)
Damn 1000 p/ pill sounds like a lot!!! Even 500mg does....which one should I buy and how much should a take per day? They said 4 a day (but thats if you want to use it as a dietary supplement).....
Give me some guidance
If you're temporarily supplementing your diet with these pills then I don't think it'll make a difference
5-HTP can cross the blood-brain barrier. I'm 99% sure norepinenphrine synthisis in the brain is fairly robust anyway, so there's not much benifit from trying to boost it by taking L-Tyrosine. The only reason 5-HTP (or L-trytophan) helps is because your brain is so poor at producing seratonin.
Another tip: It seems to be quite common to take vitamin B6 along with 5-HTP, the resoning being that 5-HTP and B6 are the two precursors to seratonin. Now the average person already has far more B6 in their system than 5-HTP, so supplementing for this purpose is pretty much pointless. Furthermore, although both these compounds can cross the blood-brain barrier, seratonin (5-HT) cannot, so you actually want to avoid interaction of 5-HTP and B6 before they reach the brain. The best way to do this is low B6 levels.
In practise this makes very little (any?) difference but it was an enjoyable rant.
I've never noticed any difference with either pre-loading, but 5-HTP makes a huge difference for me post-loading.
Originally posted by PopRivit
I've never noticed any difference with either pre-loading, but 5-HTP makes a huge difference for me post-loading.
I totally agree. 5-HTP only makes a difference to me when I post-load when it helps me to get back to my normal self a bit quicker than it would normally. I have tried pre-loading with it and it doesn't improve the effects from E noticably. For me, more difference comes from the quality of the pills and whether I am feeling fit and healthy when I start. So that means getting plenty of sleep, eating well and not having a cold or anything.
I actually find taking 5-HTP in everyday circumstances actually makes me feel a bit strange. Nothing major but noticeable anyway.
I was always under the impression that L-Tyrosine was the precursor to Dopamine. Am I wrong?
no, you are not wrong, l-tyrosine is the percursor to dopamine.
no sense really preloading with this, the body makes enough dopamine, and replenishes it quite well. as for post loading with it, don't. it is not needed.
Originally posted by mellow_yellow18:

I totally agree. 5-HTP only makes a difference to me when I post-load when it helps me to get back to my normal self a bit quicker than it would normally.
I actually find taking 5-HTP in everyday circumstances actually makes me feel a bit strange. Nothing major but noticeable anyway.

Yeah, i find that i feel a little 'off' when i take 5-htp... hard to define.. just as you put it, 'strange'.
However, i have found that it works wonders for ME in pre-loading... i peak harder and longer with fewer pills. I guess its different strokes for different folks... or maybe its all in my mind :)
But seriously, 5htp is EXCELLENT for post-loading... but i also find benefits in pre-loading... BLAH!! i think that makes sense... its really hot here... im sweating!
If L-Tyrosine is the precursor for Dopamine... wouldnt post loading with it after mdma use increase the likely hood of neurotoxicity?
Does it work in the same way that 5htp is good to recover from mdma use, that L-Tyrosine is good to recover from dopamine related substances like meth and coke?
How the hell do you guys all sound so convincing and knowlegable. Did you learn this stuff on the net or at uni ect..
Originally posted by Malfunctions:
If L-Tyrosine is the precursor for Dopamine... wouldnt post loading with it after mdma use increase the likely hood of neurotoxicity?
Does it work in the same way that 5htp is good to recover from mdma use, that L-Tyrosine is good to recover from dopamine related substances like meth and coke?

Since it's the precursor, it's probably going to take awhile for your body to synthesize the dopamine from it, so i doubt you'd significantly increase the chances of neurotoxicity, which seems to occur during the actual comedown, not in the days after (like 6hrs post-dropping). And theoretically, yeah, it should work for meth and coke post-loads... though I'm not sure, being that I stay away from dopamine-related drugs as much as I can. *shrug*