Irritated Kratom withdrawal like none other


Mar 5, 2009
Hello all. Brief history, I'm relatively healthy 34 yo male, professional, married, etc.. I've been using kratom pretty much regularly for going on 10 years now. I've quit cold turkey before, ran out unexpectedly and couldn't get more for days, and even taken trips out of town with absolutely zero kratom or weed. Each time the withdrawal was lame, but totally manageable, and usually the same effects. Well, over the years, my usage has skyrocketed, and also plummeted, going from habits of 40g a day down to barely ~6g once a day, if I even remembered it.

However, I had a little hospital stay late last year for what we thought was a rapid onset of alcohol withdrawal. At the time, I was barely using kratom much at all, albeit still daily. One day I had a rapid sudden (and I mean SUDDEN) flush of PROFUSE sweating, hot flashes, anxiety, nausea and vomiting, tremors, and general hell. It jumped on me and didn't stop until the next day, I felt like I was going to die. When I finally got home (this happened on a camping trip), I was able to neck down some kratom, and it only minimally helped. Well, this same thing happened several more times (all the while my kratom and alcohol intake hadn't really changed, and booze didn't chase these feelings away at all). I ended up in the hospital for what they thought was alcohol wd, and after being released, I didn't touch anything for a month. I slowly eased back into light alcohol consumption, but it wasn't long until I made the logic of "I want wine, but I'll have kratom instead, don't want to be in the hospital again!" Well, fast forward a couple of months and my alcohol use is about half of what it used to be, but my kratom use is through the roof. Or, was. I decided to start tapering, but was somewhat aggressive with it and cut my doses down to about half over the course of a couple weeks.

Well, a very similar, very sudden onset of absolutely obnoxious amounts of sweating, shaking, anxiety, hot cold hot cold, and everything else has happen twice again now since the hospital. When I feel like this, and I have some kratom, it only helps very, very minimally, and for a short time. Everything comes right back after an hour or so. I'm sitting at my computer with what feels like a full-on opiate wd, pouring sweat but how is it setting in SO damn fast, and then leaves just as fast!!?

We've been thinking all along this seems like something else is at play. Does this sound like any of y'alls experience? Like I said, it's usually a gradual onset and a low-level simply annoying withdrawal with kratom. This is next level shit.

If it wasn't for this damn virus, I'd be sitting in front of a doctor as we speak.

Thanks in advance!

And yes, before you ask, I absolutely have every intention of getting out of this hole and stop putting myself and my wife through literal hell. This just isn't fair.
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You need to get a full check-up because it sounds like you have some kind of underlying problem.

You said you had those horrible symptoms at a time in the past even when you were barely taking Kratom. When you do take kratom, it hardly touched it. If it were truly kratom withdrawal, I’m pretty sure you’d feel much better after consuming some.

Also, you said after taking kratom, the symptoms are back within an hour. Kratom lasts longer than that. It really seems like something else is going on here. You need to find out what that is. Kratom is only semi-covering whatever problem you have.

You sure it’s only kratom and alcohol you take?

When you cut out the kratom and alcohol for a month, you didn’t have any of those symptoms at all? It could be triggering whatever the problem is. Also, your usage sounds very all over the place and it’s not doing you any good at all anyway. If I were you, I’d completely stop the kratom and alcohol and get a full check-up to make sure something isn’t wrong. Sorry you’re going through that.

Get everything checked, but get your liver checked out for sure.
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