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Opioids Kratom Megathread V.6

it seems like there's a decent case that mitragynine could be cardiotoxic... wish there was more study on this
They might put you on fluconazole. Kratom alkaloids are metabolized by the same alkaloids, so I wouldn't combine those two meds.
Thanks for your reply. Better to be safe than sorry! So difficult to treat this, so I'm avoiding just about everything and boy it gets painful. Kratom sounds wonderful right now but not worth making infection worse. Thanks again!
what do you guys think are the negatives of spendings ones life on krato0m? I have been on the leaf for a few years now ever since quitting heroin and i used to want to be off it for a while but recently i realized how much i still love kratom. i wish i had just stuck with kratom and never tried heroin because i actually enjoy kratom so much more than heroin. heroin actually just ruined my life while kratom enhances it.
Has anyone been addicted to kratom, or had a bad experience with it? What happened?

I successfully used kratom for almost a year before addiction set in. Kratom is a wonderful substance; many use it for legitimate medical purposes, and for many (including myself) it is a substitute for harmful substances that lead to all sorts of problems. However, those who claim it is not addictive are either misinformed or lying.

I'm now a daily user, pretty much. Once I go a full day without it, withdrawal symptoms are definitely present. I WD'd from heroin the painful, old fashioned way about 10 years ago and have had the displeasure of experiencing opiate withdrawal several times, going back many years. Kratom withdrawal is like a very mild opiate withdrawal. The main symptoms I experience are lethargy, depression, lower body aches, anxiety, chills, constant yawning, and sleep disturbances. While far from excruciating, it is still very unpleasant. Having experienced true opiate withdrawal in the past, it's more of a major annoyance than anything. As a matter of fact, the withdrawal I experienced from Effexor and Seroquel many years ago were also much, MUCH worse.

One of these days when I first fill my benzo script I'm going to man up and just abstain through the WD period and hopefully get back to the 2-3 times per week regime I stuck with for the first 9 months or so.
I couldn't stick to 2 or 3 times because doing that made my depression worse than being totally sober.

It was either be addicted and not depressed and functional or be depressed and drink more often.
I couldn't stick to 2 or 3 times because doing that made my depression worse than being totally sober.

It was either be addicted and not depressed and functional or be depressed and drink more often.

You're onto something and I would probably have to place myself in the same boat. Phenibut made me stop drinking, kratom has kept me from starting again. I pretty much agree with you on all fronts. My plan, though, is to try and be more responsible with my benzo script, in which case I could limit my kratom use to a few times a week. Of course, I've yet to be able to do this, since benzos are the one drug that gives me that "so THIS is what normal is" feeling, which is really all I want.

We shall see. All things considered, there are a lot worse and more expensive things to be addicted to than kratom, so I don't stress too much about it. I spend on kratom now about what I used to spend on cigarettes and alcohol, maybe even less.
I'd like to know how this works out for you, if you wouldn't mind updating here and there! Kratom is must certainly addictive, no delusion there.
I've been prescribed high benzo dosages for about 10 year's now. They don't seem to do much anymore, even after drastic cutting dose. But on Kratom, whew sedation takes hold on me. Maybe I should change strains up...
But yeah man, be cautious of course. I guess I'm curious how others use benzos and Kratom, as I'm currently stuck on them for now. Best O luck!
I'd like to know how this works out for you, if you wouldn't mind updating here and there! Kratom is must certainly addictive, no delusion there.
I've been prescribed high benzo dosages for about 10 year's now. They don't seem to do much anymore, even after drastic cutting dose. But on Kratom, whew sedation takes hold on me. Maybe I should change strains up...
But yeah man, be cautious of course. I guess I'm curious how others use benzos and Kratom, as I'm currently stuck on them for now. Best O luck!

I think after three stints with diazepam, the last of which was about three years, its effectiveness had dwindled to almost nothing, so I had my doc switch me to klonopin. Once again, however, my lowered inhibitions as a result of a brand new benzo script did me no favors in terms of limiting or abstaining from kratom. I will be getting a new clonazepam script on Monday at a higher dose and I will try again. Idk if the latter being more effective than the diazepam works for or against me in kratom reduction/abstention, but I've used less the past week with no benzos, so it's a start.

As far as sedation from combining the two goes, I don't generally experience any sedation from either benzos or kratom, and mixing them really doesn't seem to change that. This is where kratom and opiates are very different IME. Because of that I don't think there's really any danger there.

Ultimately I can do without kratom at the end of the day, from a psychological standpoint, whereas this is simply not the case with benzos. I'm determined to make more efficient use of my benzos, which if accomplished will enable me to drastically reduce my kratom intake. Again, we shall see. Such is the nature of an addictive personality...

Sorry for rambling a bit, I didn't see your response to my post until just now. I will update again this week ?
My dad wants to try kramtom for the itching from plaque psoriasis. I told him it might just make him care a bit less about it and sleep better( it's bad enough where it wakes him at night). Any thoughts on what color might be best for him to try? He has no opioid tolerance. On the very rare occasions that he gets cocodaml 2 tablets have him nodding.., he is 75 by the way
TBH I never found a significant difference between specific strains of kratom (or what were purported to be by the sellers), rather I've found a difference more in quality between different suppliers. But since we don't discuss sourcing discussions on BL, you'll have to do your own research (elsewhere?).

Really, I'd suggest he tries something other than kratom. For one thing, it can do a bit of a number of the liver (how is his liver, dose he take any other meds or substances, does he drink, etc). For another, one of the side effects of kratom, like traditional opioids, is itchiness. I am imagine that something that has a side effect of itchiness would work well to treat itchiness from another condition, but I don't know anything about plaque psoriasis.

If it's possible, I'd strongly suggest he works with his doctor to find a more appropriate medication, supplement or substance.
Thanks for the reply. He has an appointment with his doctor in August and he won't go sooner than that (I keep saying you should but he just wants to live through it until the appointment so as not to bother anyone.

The trouble is that the medicine with they gave him at his last appointment isn't working. So he's trying to find something to work through until his next one. I did warn him that because it's an opioid like substance they can cause itching. He drinks a little bit only occasionally like socially and the medicine that they gave him is not supposed to impact liver function … Although it can raise cholesteryl . I don't know the name of it he didn't tell me he just told me it's doing naff-all and it's been since May so I should be doing something by now
I take kratom everyday, usually 8G doses once or twice but recently cut it down to 5G it seems a little better. Mix with benadryl a lot. Mixed with hydrocodone yesterday that was nice. Sometimes I can drink a couple beers without getting sick on it and that's kinda nice.
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the potency/quality in kratom has gone down ever since the pre ban scare. At one point I was dependent on it, taking four table spoons a day of red MD. I jumped off that train cold turkey, then a couple months later started taking it once or twice a week max. The thing is, it just doesn't seem to work like it used to for me, even when mixing with extracts.

I talked to my supplier and he thinks I am taking too much, claiming they are very potent strains which is where the whole "less is more theory" comes into play. He gave me a ton of free samples so I can't complain, but can someone please give me some insight into the less is more theory? It never used to be like that, at least not with the kratom I used to get. And is there such a thing as a permanent kratom tolerance in your opinion? Thanks
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to extend a sincere thank you to all the posters, moderators in this thread for the countless amount of what I view as "life saving" information they provide :)

After a 12+ year opiate habit, the last 5 of which were Suboxone "maintenance", I wasn't sure if I would be strong enough to kick it on my own. But here comes Kratom, like a gift from the gods, to seriously alleviate (borderline ELIMINATE!) acute WD symptoms

Seems like 6 g's of Red Bali, every 4 hours or so, does the trick

Anyway, thanks again for all the insight and for helping me discover this amazing plant!
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the potency/quality in kratom has gone down ever since the pre ban scare. At one point I was dependent on it, taking four table spoons a day of red MD. I jumped off that train cold turkey, then a couple months later started taking it once or twice a week max. The thing is, it just doesn't seem to work like it used to for me, even when mixing with extracts.

I talked to my supplier and he thinks I am taking too much, claiming they are very potent strains which is where the whole "less is more theory" comes into play. He gave me a ton of free samples so I can't complain, but can someone please give me some insight into the less is more theory? It never used to be like that, at least not with the kratom I used to get. And is there such a thing as a permanent kratom tolerance in your opinion? Thanks

Sounds more like you're finally over the honeymoon period of the kratom's opioid like effects and now more tolerant? Even without having any dependency tolerance can stick around in small, annoying subtle ways.
Like I said above, I would normally take 8-10 grams of crushed leaf powder per dose. Sometimes more. But, I just recently cut it down to 5G at a time, and I get a better feeling from it. It feels more euphoric and like I can get stuff done and makes me social etc, which is why I use it anyway for the most part. It just feels better to take less, it's very strange I know. Try it out. Maybe cut your usual dose in half and try it. Just play around to find an optimal dose. You'll be surprised I bet. Again, this goes against every other drug I've ever taken lol. So weird. And I think there is a permanent tolerance to kratom but I don't think it's as bad as with hydro or oxy. Like I finally got some hydro's yesterday and had to take 75 mg to feel anything. Haven't had any other opiate besides kratom (if it is one) in a few months. With kratom I don't see me ever going below 3-4mg even after a tolerance break. Bu that's not too bad. It's cheap when it's kratom. Hydro/oxy on the other hand... crazy expensive! Hope this helps. Peace,
I'm new and don't know how topost, sorry guys..So here's my story/question. I'm 38 now if age has to do with anything and always have been active. After my second daughter I had issues. Got diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid arthritis. So after trying all kinds of meds , mind you I worked for a Dr at the time, no results I got put on Norco 10 6 x day for 4 years. That stopped working so he added oxy 3 x a day on top of what I was taking.I was taking that for about a year. One morning I woke up and my daughter asked for breakfast I asked her to wait 30 min after I took my meds she started crying she really didn't eat night before. All of a sudden I got really mad at myself and threw all my meds that I just got refilled down the toilet. I went through 14 days of PURE HELL. I thought I was dying for real. Finally after that clarity set in and I left my kids dad, he didn't help me once when was going through that, not only reason though. two years later my RA symptom's were off the charts I was hurting all the time instead of just having flare ups. So I decided to go to my doc again and talk out options. Within 2 yrs I went from 3 Norco a day to taking 8-10. I've never bought off the street till now. Yup I have a huge issue now. So I was told about suboxone, someone who did it and said with that x 4 days then kratom id be good. After our Metallica concert I started suboxone 12mg. After two days I weaned down I think about 12 days. 3 days after that withdrawals started. I haven't had anything since June 23 of this year given its not quite as severe as last time. Don't get me wrong this has been horrible but I've managed without crying but maybe once or twice, not sleeping all through the night. My fiancé now has been pretty supportive except I had a few potty mouth times. But I have been taking supplements, Gatorade, I can eat fine, I'm still really weak and my neck and muscles still ache pretty bad to the point I don't want to do anything, my neck and limbs just hurt they feel so heavy. I've gone to the park and walk most days forcing myself but after that even taking a shower is a chore. Shouldn't this be gone by now, at least the physical part? Mentally I'm good now. I've had Norco this whole time and never took any, nor do I want it. The physical is my problem, its not the RA either and I think the fibro was misdiagnosed honestly. How much longer do I have for the physical, its slightly better than two days ago but geez. Any advice would be appreciated.. And just an fyi ive never posted but both times ive gone through this ive read all of yalls stories over and over again even ones from years ago they do help us that's been my greatest support. Yall do good work guys!!!
not looking for any sources whatsoever - but is Kratom still available in the Uk or was it smited by the might NPS blanket ban? ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
I accidentally left a bag of Kratom in my car ~ 6 months ago. It slid under the seat and was forgotten about until I rediscovered it last week.

My car is always parked outside in direct sunlight. It has been 90 to 110 F here for quite some time. Inside temperature of my car must have been very very hot on many days over the last couple months. So this poor bag of Kratom has been subjected to quite a bit of heat abuse.

Last couple of days I compared the effects of this bag to another bag from the same batch. Both bags are the same strain and were purchased from the same vendor at the same time (I usually buy 4 of the same bag at a time from this vendor). One bag sat in my car all this time and the other has been in my closet.

The bag from my car smells a little different. More 'earthy' I guess? Not mouldy just different somehow.

But I can't tell any difference in effects between the two. Not all that surprising really... It's grown in tropical places and people boil the shit out of it to make tea without much notice of degradation.
not looking for any sources whatsoever - but is Kratom still available in the Uk or was it smited by the might NPS blanket ban? ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

Although we don't discuss legal topics on BL, it was my understanding that your NPS did in fact ban it. You might want to PM some of your U.K. breatheren about this question though.