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Opioids Kratom Megathread V.6

Making kratom extract for tincture:

When using the ethanol/citric acid technique, is it actually necessary to let the mixture sit for the week or so, as many recipes call for? I can?t tell if this step is meant for the evaporation of the alcohol or if this time is needed for the alcohol to dissolve the alkaloids (or maybe it?s both?).
If the time makes the difference in terms of getting all of the alkaloids out of the plant material then I?m all for not skipping this step, even if the majority are dissolved immediately.
Most of these teks I?ve found aren?t very clear about this. One says if you don?t let it sit then to use the hot water bath technique instead, which would seem to imply that the sitting-time step is in fact just for the purpose of evaporation.
As an experiment I made a tincture with a small amount (.5 oz) Red Maeng Da powder, just enough for a relatively small single dose. I skipped the sitting time and evaporated it to about half volume in a hot water bath (although I assume this step is unnecessary if you want to drink the alcohol) and drank it down when it was finished. I definitely feel some effects, but certainly not as much as the last batch I made in which I did let it sit for a week. However, the experiment wasn?t super consistent because this dose is smaller than I might have liked and the powder was a different brand. I was just curious.
So, does anyone have any good input on this? Does the sitting time make any difference at all in terms of potency? I mean, people make tea out of it and you don?t let that steep for a week?!
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I?ll greatly appreciate any information.
It’s supposed to sit in ethanol so the alkaloids get extracted, not to let the ethanol evaporate. I believe the tinted bottle is to avoid light damage, but I’m only speculating on that.

Probably should follow the directions for letting it sit in the ethanol. I imagine it’ll take a while for everything to get extracted from the plant material. More sitting in ethanol (up to a point of course, which point I don’t know) means more alkaloid.

I never liked kratom tea, and while it seems to help avoid some nausea for some people I found it to be a waste. Eating the plant material worked better for me. An ethanol extraction will have fast effects than just eating plant material. Effects would probably come in faster than potent tea too. Assuming it is equivalent potency tea would probably have slightly quicker effects than plant material, but not quite as immediate as alkaloids extracted in ethanol.

Making bigger batches of extraction using ethanol and working with more plant matter (see if you can find the solubility or the alkaloids in kratom, their concentration in plant material, and use that for a baseline) will likely work out better than making one small batch at a time. But if you make a large batch of ethanol extraction you’ll want to store it in a bottle tinted to prevent sunlight from affecting the solution.

Where are you finding your recipes for this extraction?
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Ok, I thought that was the case, but I remember looking up some teks for cannabis oil not long ago and the few or so I looked at, which were similar, didn?t say anything about needing to let it sit; just shake well and move on to straining. Without bothering to look it up I assumed it would have been pretty similar but of course we?re talking about two different plants (and I?m no scientist!) and I suppose the fact it?s oil makes a difference.
The reason I was asking the question anyway was because I wondered if I could mix up a batch to use the same day or would I have to wait (for maximum potency anyway).
Without naming specific sites (not totally sure if I can) these recipes I?ve looked at, which are fairly similar using this basic technique, are pretty much just the ones that a google search gives me. I think I?ve come across some here and maybe others that are pretty similar but sometimes vary slightly.
As long as it isn’t to a distributor, into is fine.

I mean, I have no idea how long it would need to sit, a day might be enough, but that would surprise me. If you’re working with fortified leaf it might take less time.

But I’m no expert on this particular subject, so take it with a grain of salt.

With cannabis and green dragon I would find it to work better if I let the stuff sit for a while, more than just shaking it and straining.
Something similar to Kratom?

I was wondering if there's something similar to Kratom available? I mean something that that produces similar high-calmness as Kratom or even stronger. It helps my depression for at least few hours but it gives me terrible nausea. I tried marijuana few times but it gave me terrible feeling and anxiety every time I tried it.
Kratom is an opioid, there's nothing else that is legal and produces similar effects, almost all drugs that are opioids are controlled substances and remarkably adictive.

Using kratom regularly for depression/self-medication is not a smart idea as you will just become dependent on the stuff.
I was wondering if there's something similar to Kratom available? I mean something that that produces similar high-calmness as Kratom or even stronger. It helps my depression for at least few hours but it gives me terrible nausea. I tried marijuana few times but it gave me terrible feeling and anxiety every time I tried it.

There's really nothing like kratom. Kava is ground up root that gives an anxiolytic mood lift but its not stimulating or euphoric like kratom. There's opium, either the tar/poppy seed tea or poppy pod tea but it is much more sedating than kratom and much more addicting. You might like some of the more stimulating opioids like tramadol ( but don't take too much or you'll have a seizure) or oxycodone (also very very addicting).

Have you tried taking an anti-histamine like benadryl/gravol or some ginger with your kratom to quell the nausea? How much are you taking? Maybe you just need to take less.
Whatever you do, stay clear of the Synthetic cannabinoids & Salvia Divinorum that certain people or headshop owners might try to push. No matter what they might claim it's a nightmare compared to the real cannabis you didn't like, and some blends can be dangerous.

Some people do better with Kratom in pills and/or extracts but this requires a very reputable dealer as things like Desmethyltramadol have been found in batches in the past. I wish you luck in finding something beneficial, just be wary of shady salesmen.
Yeah the recipe I followed was from a site that sells. And after just now looking again, I see that it does actually say ?in order to extract all the alkaloids, you?re going to want to let it sit for a week.? So I guess that only confirms your answer more. Ok cool, I feel better now. Thanks toothpastedog!
I have a kilo of the stuff in my freezer waiting to be made into tincture. I?m wondering if I should make it all in one big batch. It would be nice to not have to do this again for a while. Just less than an hour ago I tried my first real toss n wash with enough powder for me to call it a real good dose. I feel fantastic right now but that method is a pain in the ass. Not really practical all the time. But I just love the convenience of tincture. It tastes much worse than the straight powder but it?s a trade off. I figure I should get at least 48 good doses out of the kilo. And if I can learn to control myself that should last me a good long time. It?s not easy though; I find myself taking kratom more and more frequently. It?s hard not to when you have so much of it lying around. And it seems I can always find an excuse to take some. I would love to get back to only taking it on weekends; I?d save money, enjoy it more feel better about myself. Addiction is a bitch!
Using kratom for depression or anxiety is not a sustainable approach.

I have tried. It works for a while but in the end it makes the moodswings worse and you become dependent on kratom and start to experience it's array of nasty side effects.
Now I?m wondering if this same type of extraction could be dried, powdered, and insufflated...?
That sounds like a horrible idea, but do what you must. Oral bioavailability should be pretty high so I don’t imagine insulfation would be any better (it could even be worse). Plus I’d be willing to bet you’re left with sludge once the ethanol evaporated.

Whatever you do DO NOT try evaporating it and then injecting. Plugging might be interesting, but please for the love of all thing profane do not try injecting the stuff.
Using kratom for depression or anxiety is not a sustainable approach.

I have tried. It works for a while but in the end it makes the moodswings worse and you become dependent on kratom and start to experience it's array of nasty side effects.

Side effects? such as...

I have not noticed any side effects as far as chronic side effects, but of course if too much is taken at one time one will end up nauseous or cross eyed other than that I have noticed nothing.
Kratom is, for me, the most benign drug I have ever taken as far as benefit:side effect ratio. SAnd I have taken most of them...drugs, I mean.

I only ask because I take Kratom daily and have for over two years and its efficacy is still as good as or better than it was when I started.
Although my dosage now is about 25% of my dosages then, before I realized that with Kratom, less is more.
^^ Interesting. I use kratom daily too and my dose has done nothing other than sky rocket since I started. Have gone from 8 grams a day to over an ounce.
Do you guys think Kratom lowers testosterone and if so, how much, and how long do you think you'd have to abstain for your test levels to go back to normal?

Everyone says all opioids do so Im thinking maybe it might hopefully not do it as much as others.

I know when I used to use much higher doses that when in withdrawal I didn't want to work out and my libido wasn't as strong and I don't like that shit and I do martial arts so I don't want lower testosterone but at the same time I love Kratom.

A recent Kratom vendor I spoke to says he doensn't ,but he has to sell his product so of course he'd say that.

Has anyone here ever had their test levels checked who does Kratom semi-regularly and if so, what were the results?
I love the effect that Kratom has on my anxiety and depression but I refuse to ever let myself get addicted and keep constant track of what days I use and which I don't and never use more than 4 days a week though I should really use only 2-3. I have had uncomfortable WD before and when it happens i just abstain till it's totally gone before I dose again.

However, I am calmer lately even on some days I don't take it and I wouldn't 100% rule out the ability to it or other drugs to leave some positive effects even once they leave the system.

I mean I'm not sure it's legit, but we know that people can have good trips on different psychs that help them mentally (or hurt them) even after the trip is over because it is like resetting a computer basically: anything that interrupts a typical thought pattern can be a good thing. I mean I have also done other things like neurofeedback which I believe have helped me, but my cyclical worries are not as extreme as they used to be and I was wondering the other day while NOT on Kratom if it played a roll.

It's like if you have a negative way of thinking regularly when sober and then you have days on Kratom where you think less negatively I tend to wonder if any of that could cross over to when you are sober as a reminder that you don't have to think that way, but then again, that might not work and you might just be negative.

I can't tell, cause I still have my negative shitty days, (who doesn't), but it's an interesting question.

Otherwise, I wouldn't suggest using it regularly and becoming 100% dependent on it for anxiety/depression, but then I again, I do the same with worse drugs like Klonopin so I'm one to talk haha. The main reason I wouldn't is that WD sets in MUCH quicker from Kratom than Klonopin. I've gone days without Klonopin without noticing WD cause of the long half life and it's not good IMO to be addicted to anything where the WD sets in in like 5 hours. That's true dependency and I won't let that happen to me.
So I tried it, made a small extraction with a half oz of white maeng da, ethanol/citric acid, no sitting time (obviously), reduced it in a hot water bath until sticky then dried it out with a hair dryer. I was surprised that it got nice and dry and no longer sticky! Then used a razor scraper to get it all off. I found that using the corner of the blade works much better than trying to push the entire edge into it. Then I chopped it up as fine as I could, yielding some more similar in texture to brown sugar, maybe slightly finer.

Just out of curiosity I snorted a couple small lines. Didn?t feel much but I didn?t expect to. But at least it didn?t burn and the drip didn?t taste bad. I figure it?s just too impractical to have to snort that much volume to get the desired dosage. But I just had to try for the heck of it.

I put the remaining powder into capsules (about 5) and swallowed them about 18 minutes ago.

I decided to just go nuts and make the whole big batch with the kilo of red MD. Now I?m trying to figure out if I want to let it sit for more than a week; I?m reading anything from 1-4 weeks. Somebody out there must know what the cut off is for maximum potency. There?s no point in letting it sit there longer if it?s not making any difference.

I have no intention of injecting it, my shooting days are over. But just out of curiosity, is it not able to be injected?
Plant material is not a good idea to inject. Plus we don’t know what’s in there, so assuming the worst is the only safe option.

No idea how long to let the kratom sit in ethanol, I’d imagine a week would probably do it though. You can always let it sit for a week, strain the solids and do another extraction to see what’s left. Experimentation at its finest! :)

If you happen to plug or smoke your extract, please let us know how that goes. Not suggesting you should - oral is still probably the best ROA - just if it happens to happen.
While you?re probably not wrong about that, toothpastedog, I never really knew what was in the bags of smack I used to shoot! But at this point in my life, I don?t really want to be sticking needles in myself anyway and snorting always felt a little strange to me. I?m fine with swallowing pills and liquids and smoking certain things. I?ve read that smoking kratom is impractical. But I do wonder if an extract would make a difference.
Okay this might be an odd question, but has anyone else noticed a serious drop in potency lately (this year)? I recently (maybe a month ago) started using Kratom again after many weeks clean from all opioids. I've been through maybe 6 different batches and strains since I picked it back up and I don't feel any of it. At most it relaxes my mind and calms me down, and even those feelings are impossible to distinguish from a possible placebo effect.

I tried an old stash from last year and practically nodded out on my couch. Anything from this year (2018) is basically inactive to me. I feel like a moron for spending $200+ on bags of dirt.

It certainly smells, tastes and looks (although it's much finer and powdery) like Kratom. I've drank it in juice, toss and washed, and tried multiple different tea recipes. I still continue to ingest it for the minor/imagined relaxing effects. So far no adverse effects. What gives?
