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Kratom and Tramadol


Feb 9, 2022
I've been on tramadol for years and am going to try Kratom. How long should I wait after taking Tramadol to feel the effects of Kratom? I'm going to start with a low dose of 2 capsules of maeng da I think. Any suggestions?
How many mgs of tramadol do you take per day? 50...100....150....more than 200?

Only reason i ask is that you have an opioid tolerance and kratom isn't really that strong. So you may have to dose it in a larger quantity than someone who had zero opioid tolerance.

Welcome to Bluelight Shilo. 2 capsules is only 1 gram of kratom. Not real sure you are even going to feel that. I would start with 3 grams ( 6 capsules ) and see how you feel.

You can take it right now or before tramadol or after tramadol. Kratom is only a partial agonist at the MU receptor and a pretty weak one at that. Extracts ( tinctures ) are stronger but you just have capsules so there is no danger of OD or respiratory depression or anything that will harm you.

Keep us posted on if you feel anything from the 3 grams you take. With an opioid tolerance you may need a bit more.
Thank you for the welcome to my first post. I've been reading alot on here but never posted. I ended up taking 4 capsules but didn't really feel anything. I usually take 200 mgs tramadol a day, sometimes 300 depending on pain but then I take less the next day so I don't run out. I get horrible wd headaches when I stop tramadal I guess I can take the tramadal later, hopefully I don't feel like crap tomorrow:)