Knock kock. It's the cops! To answer or not to answer...

^ This must be some sort of urban myth. Besides, I can't imagine that there are more than one or two game wardens employed by the DEA in any given city, making en masse warrantless searches rather impractical... ;)
^ A game warden can enter your home without a warrant, but only if in hot pursuit of an escaped salmon.
The arrest (all of my arrests) have been 11-5-50s.

I've made countless attempts at sweeping my life clean of anything drug affiliated, including close ones. My addiction is what sets the stage for any legal problems I have had, and may have in the future..

Right now, at this very moment, my room is clean; I have, maybe, a few old syringes and baggies that I'm only holding on to be properly disposed of.

Then why are you afraid, shroomster?
Because if they can pop in at anytime they please, then violating probation won't presume more drug screenings and court appearances, but a cold, hard jail cell and dry toilet paper. Additionally, I rather not have to fret over law enforcement in my own home. I live with a father who shouldn't have to be subject to a violation of privacy because his son is a drug addict and can't keep his shit together.

Even if I were to move out today (coincidentally, I'm moving to a sober living this afternoon :D ), if the police were to bring in a dog trained to smell the life I've been leading, certainly they'd find something. A bag, a broken syringe, some crumbs of something I never bothered to vacuum. Then what? Court is expensive. Investigations are expensive. Money is scarce.

Get that shit out of the house!
ive had to pull a anne frank on cops when they busted in a squat i staying in
the only reason they did cause the landlord told them they could