Kittens, snorting, and ecstacy.

Whatever!! That shit burns like hell!!! For about 10-15 minutes, your eyes water, your nose runs, you have a drip, and the fuckin taste is terrible.....Vicks inhalers help soothe it but only while it's stuck up your nose!!!!!!! It hurts so bad, I usually don't even feel the roll!
I used to snort my pills all the time...sniffing vickx beforehand would numb it a bit. I gave up snorting them tho, because my nose would bleed a bit inbetween rolls...and I actually rediscovered that lovely fast-but-still-gradual way that a roll hits you when you swallow it, and makes you wanna fall over

I agree tho, that snorting 2CB is like 1000 knives being thrust up your nose! I was in tears, not just eyes watering from the sting, but actual tears of pain

the bluelighter formerly known as Joelle :)
I've never done this,,,,but I've had friends who have,,,,You can take it and crush it up...put it in a gel capsul and shove it up your A$$...I guess it gets into your body a lot sooner than any other way...but I don't know...It's your choice,,,.,

Rehab's for quitters, and Quitters never win!
If you want to eliminate the E "burn", don't crush tablets. Get caps of pure E and put the powder in a bullet. It's like riding a rocket to the moon. Bon Voyage.

Now, on the cat thing...we're all gonna see some trouble on the horizon...My cat is on to E...She was on bluelight checking the pill reports this morning and was MOST interested in the Dolphins.
I see a price increase on the horizon. Damn.
Don't anybody start a thread about Kitties on K.
PLUR to all

Sometimes you can see THE LIGHT
In the strangest of places
If you look at it RIGHT
Please, for the love of the Animal. My friend's cat once made the mistake of eating an eighth of mushrooms that were left on a table. HUGE MISTAKE!! The cat was crawliung on the ceiling I shit you not. It hasn't been the same ever since. Drugs and pets do not go, except for weed and dogs. My friends dog used to eat his weed everytime he left it on the table. He got a half pound once, we sat there and broke the whole thing up, left the room, came back and the dog finished it all, half pound gone. He was not a happy camper, although the dog felt great.
"Trip, Trip, CandyFlip!
I'm gonna roll hard and
I'm gonna dance quick"
just to let you all know...
surfaceNoise loves kitten more than anything...he just wants to see kitten be as happy as we are at times...i think tonight we should share some Buddahs with kitten, what do you think surfaceNoise? J/K!!...believe me, he would never give kitten anything she didnt ask for...except scratchies and kissies...hahaa!
Thank you ma-en,
After a bit of research on the topic I have made the following dicoveries and feel I should clearup any misinformation. First off it would be unusually difficult to kill anything with ecstacy. Overdoses of e are rarely fatal. A human dose to a cat would most likely not kill the cat but would increase negative side effects to an intollerable level. Lab animals (mice, rats and rhesus monkeys), unfortunately, have been exposed to extreemly high doses of mdma sometimes on a daily basis, subcutaneously/subdermally (injected under the skin or into the muscle - a much more direct and potent delivery method). And while these tests have not concluded e to be toxic to the point of fatality at these doses, it has overwhelmingly shown mdma to be a neurotoxin. In other words it can and does cause specific and signifigant damage to certain parts of the brain, most noteably to seratonin producing and recieving cells. One or more tests (on mice) has shown this damage to be reversable, at least in terms of seratonin production and metabolization within the brain, however the effected cells and/or dendrites may be permanently changed or damaged. A certain amount of this most likely occurs in our brains too, given a normal dose, but relatively little when compared to the large doses that lab animals or frequent users are exposed to.
Also it is important to keep in mind that ecstacy is a stimulant and not an halucenogen and therefore drawing any comparison between acid or mushrooms and e would be faulty. For example slipping me acid at a croweded mal can not accurately be compared to giving a cat e. Seratonin has pretty much the same function accross mamalian brains. It is closely associated with sensory input and mood regulation. Our brains via evolution have developed to specialize and have strengths in the areas of social and creative information processing. Seratonin most likely plays a large roll in how sensory input information is processed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Evolutionarilly speaking cats have been optimized for hunting or mousing (hunting for small animals). Stimulating senses and informational processors of cats may be plesurable for them, or it may very well be very unpleasant. It would seem obvious to me that cat very much enjoy focusing their senses and behaviors for such activites as stalking and hunting as well as getting stroked, lounging on an warm blanket, and even preening (especially preening). However it may or may not be the case that over stimulation of a cats seratonergic system increases the enjoyment of these cat activities. It may very well be distracting, annoying or downright uncomfortable for them. And as far as mood regulation is concerned it seems to be closely associated with pleasure across mammal species, but it is important to keep in mind that we don't understand the process in ourselves or cats.
As far as weed is concerned, I doubt that all animals enjoy it's effects. I have tried it several times, rarely with positive results. I have always felt somewhat confused and parnoid, sometimes to the point of panic. If anyone knows what I am doing wrong please let me know.
Thank you all,
SurfaceNoise, where did you hear that MDMA is not a hallucinogen. I believe it to be. Have you ever "seen" things while rollin ur ballses off? I do believe it is also a stimulant (i.e. METHAMPHETAMINES). However, I know as a fact it is at least a very mild hallucinogen. It definitely alters your perception, a little at the very least. If I am wrong go ahead an wire me w/ C-4 and blow me up into tiny little stepper69's
MDMA is not a hallucinogen. If you're tripping on what you assume to be E, it's probably been cut with something else; MDA has the effects of MDMA plus hallucinations.
mdma may not be best described as a hallucinogen, but even pure mdma at higher doses will give you visual distortion, visual sensitivity to light, and eye twitches.
mdma, more than just an empathogen!!
Okay, I figured after 30 post the question would be answered but since we have gone to other things I need to say some thing. ECSTASY IS A HALUCINAGIN. It creates altered perceptions of reality. MDMA in high doses DOES cause halucinations. Having said that, my comparison to that and someone slipping you acid was simply to demonstrate the fear factor of "WTF IS HAPPENING TO ME!?" Ecstasy is most certainly a stimulant. Studies have shown that during the peak MDMA often speeds the heart up to rates that are even greater than coke or meth. Of course, crystal it's spead up for several hours vs. 1-1.5hrs. Anyway, if your not giving it to the cat then it's a moot point. If you just feell like GIVING away the Buddah, my address is...
Take care. Oh btw, I find this humorous. I've given MANY people their first bump of K, and of course they all want to know what it is etc. At least half of them all say the same thing, "wow, and cats can do thiss stuff legally? Cats have it good."

"Tis better to understand what you hate, than to hate what you don't understand."
the good thing about railing e is that if you usually get pukey off e when you swallow it, you won't if you snort it. But yes it does burn like hell, and I find I don't get that high off it. But my boyfriend loves snorting it