Kill myself, be a drain on society, or use a chemical nearly as illegal as plutonium?


Jul 12, 2011
I've been on 13 various antidepressants and mood stabilizers, and the only thing that really has ever helped me was amphetamine class drugs combined with marijuana. The thing with me is, I have bipolar disorder type II, which means I have brief (less than a week) hypomanic episodes extremely rarely, low levels of depression almost constantly, and really bad episodes of depression every month or two. Basically, once I graduated from college, I realized that pretty much my whole life was motivated by hating my life and thinking that if I worked at it it would get better. I did get a prescription for adderall for ADD in college, and that was the only thing that really helped. It improved my mood just a bit, gave me more energy, and improved my focus. But when the depression got really bad, adderall did nothing for that. So I started trying street drugs, and found that low doses of methamphetamine would basically instantly pull me out of my worst depressions. Combining this with marijuana was a huge benefit to me, since it smoothed over most of the negative personality changes that meth tends to cause in people. I went from suicidal and looking like I was going to have to drop out of grad school, to acing all my classes and getting a job as a research assistant in a high-tech lab. It was like, for once in my life, I could do whatever I put my mind to. I had friends, and actually enjoyed things like being around other people and going to parties. I was actually starting to become popular, especially among certain groups of international students that dominated the lab I worked in. I had the best relationship of my life with an Indian girl I met through one of my coworker's friends. Every day, I'd think I can't believe this is me living this life. I'd always been depressed, unreliable, socially awkward, apathetic, and a loner. And now all of a sudden I'm popular, great at my job, and people like me. I remember showing up at a party with my girlfriend and two of her friends, which was being hosted by a guy who was a friend of mine, but we didn't have too many friends in common so I didn't know that many people there. And as we were walking up to the house, there were two guys standing outside, and I overheard one ask the other who knew me there. And the guy was like "who cares? He has three beautiful girls with him!" This new personality of mine was such a huge improvement over my old one, there was no way I could ever let it go. I mean, people liked me more, and I was leading the life I'd always wanted to live.

Of course, everyone knows that meth can cause problems. Mine were mostly that a) I became obsessed with various projects, whether personal or work-related, b) I could be kind of a jerk to people, especially those I had disagreements with, and c) I became more reckless, when I've always been pretty reckless already. Smoking weed pulled me away from those tendencies, but I'd be so obsessed with work, I couldn't pull myself away from it to go smoke some weed and take a break. My meth use did reach a steady state of about a gram a month. Overall, I still think meth was a net benefit to me. But if I did just meth and not weed, I could easily see that taking me to a very bad place. I should have let at least the people close to me know what I was doing, but I didn't. Part of that was the fact that something like 90+ percent of people are arrested for drug-related crimes because of people ratting them out, or telling other people who rat them out, so I told no one. And part of it was that if I told anyone, I was afraid that they'd try and force me to quit and I'd have to give up the new life I had.

My problem was that eventually my car was searched by the police, due to some really bad luck and carelessness on my part. Although the only things I was really doing illegal were using meth and growing 10 plants of weed at a time, they managed to spin the various crimes they charged me with into 4 separate felony charges, So bam, I'm out on bail and being drug tested, and instantly stuck with my old personality again. My work ground to a halt. I didn't immediately lose all my friends, but I didn't really ever want to be around them or anyone else either. My girlfriend, who still wasn't sure what was going on (I told her I was arrested for the weed, but left out the meth charges) noticed the change in me, and told me more than once that she wished that I was more like I used to be. Our relationship went downhill pretty fast. I didn't even want to be in it, and calling her and talking to her every day was a chore. I was always relieved when I got the daily phone call out of the way. We broke up after not too long, and I used that as an excuse for my depression, even though the truth was, I was depressed anyway and I was relieved to no longer have the obligation of a relationship. I lost touch with most of my friends. I lost all my money due to all the bullshit hoops I had to jump through, and the fact that they confiscated about half of everything I owned as "evidence" which I still don't have back two years later. Also, no psychiatrist in the county would write me a prescription for Adderall due to the legal charges against me, so I didn't even have that anymore. My personality was back to my sophomore year of college, where I couldn't be organized to save my life and it was rapidly becoming clear that if something didn't change, I'd have to either change my major or drop out.

Anyway, that's how the last two years have been for me. I'm a convicted felon and can't vote or get a job at any company that has a human resources department that does background checks. I'm basically living off the state, because I don't give a shit anymore. My life just keeps getting worse and worse, and most of the things that I could do to change it are prohibited by probation. They put all these ridiculous alcohol restrictions on me even though I don't, and never have had, had a problem with alcohol. I also can't even move without getting the judge's explicit permission, having the place I'm moving to inspected regularly by probation officers, and having a land line installed so they can put in one of those stupid electronic monitoring devices. Is that the kind of person you'd want as a roommate? I know this shit won't last forever, and I know other people have gotten it worse. I recently read about a guy in California who got 11 years of prison several decades ago for having only slightly more methamphetamine as I did, although my guess is that his "mistake" was not plea-bargaining. Still, I can't help but feel like this whole experience has taught me nothing except that this country is turning into a corrupt police state where everything is illegal and a felony, and where laws are arbitrarily enforced and punishments often far outweigh the crimes.

The only thing that keeps me going sometimes is knowing that it's possible for my life to be better, because for a while, it was. But still, I'm not sure how much longer I could have continued getting that benefit from using meth and/or weed. At least, all the drug "abuse" counselors I've been required to talk to have said that eventually it would have gotten out of control. And in a way, it was. I definitely was dependent on drugs, but I don' think it was much different from the way a diabetic is dependent on insulin. Instead of self-medicating, I've become a cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry, where the government routinely pays more per month than rent would cost me, in order to feed me a diet of whatever chemical their sales reps are encouraging doctors to pull out of their asses this month. I've tried various RCs, but the most helpful ones seem to be in the amphetamine class, and those show up on drug tests. Other stimulants that are less closely related to amphetamines don't show up, but they're nowhere near as helpful either, at least as far as getting work done and such. MXE set off a 10=day period of me feeling great once, but then when I tried to do it at subsequent times, it didn't last as long or it wasn't as much of a benefit. I was hoping JWH compounds might provide some of the same benefits weed did for me before, but they weren't even close. It's like trying to replace wine with denatured alcohol. Honestly, there is a way I'd be able to manipulate the system such that I can essentially be using meth under their radar, but without the weed to calm me down and even things out, I'd be setting myself up for bad things to happen.

Every few months I make a half-assed suicide attempt, but don't let anyone know. The latest one was taking a very large dose of a medication that said on the label that it could cause death when combined with an MAOI, while I was taking an MAOI. I just spent the night feeling like my heart was going to explode, and then things went back to normal Before that, I took a bunch of RCs at once, had the most bizarre hallucinations of my life, and apparently claimed I was invincible and ran straight into a glass coffee table. I had to laugh when the ER staff told my parents my tox screen came back clean. God, I hate my life so much. It's not that it's so horrible, just that apparently I'm unable to enjoy much of anything without illegal chemicals in my system. To be honest, I don't even care about the legal shit I'm in. If I wasn't so depressed all the time, these restrictions would be a nuisance, but one I could deal with.

It's funny how the court-mandated counselors are telling me that to help with depression, get out and do things with other people, and the electronic monitoring schedule says I have a convenient excuse for staying in bed all day. It's also funny how society apparently considers me, a grad student working on CANCER RESEARCH who happened to use illegal drugs, as being worse than every scumbag and useless piece of shit I've ever met in my life. None of them are convicted felons, and all of them can vote. I guess I can always move to a foreign country, and to be honest, I probably will. If I make it that long without getting "lucky" with a half-assed suicide attempt, that is.
*hug* I would help you if I could but you are clearly smarter than me and I don't know what I could tell you.
Get your meds switched up and see if something else works better?

...someone better should be along to help you soon.. it'll be ok
You aren't alone! I'm sorry that things are so awful for you right now :-(
It is terrible the "War on Drugs" and the the fact that people are imprisoned for being sad (as the Red Hot Chili Peppers song "My Friends" says).

But things can get better, even with shitty circumstances making it hard. Unfortunately I'm not sure if you'll like my advice, but I'll give you my thoughts anyway in case you find something useful in it.

I think that we need to take responsibility for our own mental health. Western medicine, the judicial system, and court-ordered counseling don't seem to be helping you. Seek out alternatives, such as a good new doctor, psychiatrist or counselor (I know, good ones can be hard to find), alternative medicine such as naturopathy, supplements, self-help books and other books about mental health, exercise, yoga, meditation, hobbies, ways to change your thinking, art/creativity, indigenous medicine, etc. It may take a lot of little things and some hard work to start feeling better, but it can be done. You just need to put in the effort and find what works for you. If you put all of your hopes in finding the perfect drug that "cures" you it will likely never happen. To be honest, it sounds like a lot of these drugs are doing you more harm than good. Sadly, there is no easy quick fix for depression, bipolar, drug addiction, or any other harmful behaviours and brain imbalances. We do need help, but we have to put the effort into finding/getting the right help, and we have to help ourselves. I think you can do it. You seem like a strong person. If you like reading I can recommend some great books about mental health issues and addiction.
You aren't alone! I'm sorry that things are so awful for you right now :-(
It is terrible the "War on Drugs" and the the fact that people are imprisoned for being sad (as the Red Hot Chili Peppers song "My Friends" says).

But things can get better, even with shitty circumstances making it hard. Unfortunately I'm not sure if you'll like my advice, but I'll give you my thoughts anyway in case you find something useful in it.

I think that we need to take responsibility for our own mental health. Western medicine, the judicial system, and court-ordered counseling don't seem to be helping you. Seek out alternatives, such as a good new doctor, psychiatrist or counselor (I know, good ones can be hard to find), alternative medicine such as naturopathy, supplements, self-help books and other books about mental health, exercise, yoga, meditation, hobbies, ways to change your thinking, art/creativity, indigenous medicine, etc. It may take a lot of little things and some hard work to start feeling better, but it can be done. You just need to put in the effort and find what works for you. If you put all of your hopes in finding the perfect drug that "cures" you it will likely never happen. To be honest, it sounds like a lot of these drugs are doing you more harm than good. Sadly, there is no easy quick fix for depression, bipolar, drug addiction, or any other harmful behaviours and brain imbalances. We do need help, but we have to put the effort into finding/getting the right help, and we have to help ourselves. I think you can do it. You seem like a strong person. If you like reading I can recommend some great books about mental health issues and addiction.

move out of the country. If you pick the right one they wont do background checks and having a bachelors degree (i assume you have one if your in grad school) qualifies you automatically to teach english in many places for a fair salary and room/bored. Some good choices: brazil, morocco, mexico, china, ect.
*hug* I would help you if I could but you are clearly smarter than me and I don't know what I could tell you.
Get your meds switched up and see if something else works better?

...someone better should be along to help you soon.. it'll be ok
Thanks. That's what I've been trying to do. The trouble is, a lot of antidepressants make my ADD symptoms worse, and none have really improved them. Also, on a scale from 1 to 100, where 1 is my normal, no drugs at all level of functioning, and 100 is where I was with street drugs, most prescription drugs have either been negative or in the single digits. RCs have been somewhat better, but with more erratic side effects, or only temporary benefits.

You aren't alone! I'm sorry that things are so awful for you right now :-(
It is terrible the "War on Drugs" and the the fact that people are imprisoned for being sad (as the Red Hot Chili Peppers song "My Friends" says).

But things can get better, even with shitty circumstances making it hard. Unfortunately I'm not sure if you'll like my advice, but I'll give you my thoughts anyway in case you find something useful in it.

I think that we need to take responsibility for our own mental health. Western medicine, the judicial system, and court-ordered counseling don't seem to be helping you. Seek out alternatives, such as a good new doctor, psychiatrist or counselor (I know, good ones can be hard to find), alternative medicine such as naturopathy, supplements, self-help books and other books about mental health, exercise, yoga, meditation, hobbies, ways to change your thinking, art/creativity, indigenous medicine, etc. It may take a lot of little things and some hard work to start feeling better, but it can be done. You just need to put in the effort and find what works for you. If you put all of your hopes in finding the perfect drug that "cures" you it will likely never happen. To be honest, it sounds like a lot of these drugs are doing you more harm than good. Sadly, there is no easy quick fix for depression, bipolar, drug addiction, or any other harmful behaviours and brain imbalances. We do need help, but we have to put the effort into finding/getting the right help, and we have to help ourselves. I think you can do it. You seem like a strong person. If you like reading I can recommend some great books about mental health issues and addiction.
Thanks. To be honest, the only drug I think I was ever really addicted to was MDPV, and it's probably a good thing that I can't get that anymore. I've been to a depressingly high number of counselors and psychiatrists, even ones that were quite good. The counselors haven't been much help. About the only insight I got from counseling was that I was brought up in an environment where "a strong work ethic" was considered the greatest possible good, and I was often kind of unmotivated and lazy. But I was willing to risk a lot to become the type of person my family wanted me to be. Still, it's not like that information was of any help to me. Other counselors have been stupid and patronizing, saying that maybe I need to "learn study skills" or lower my expectations. Gee thanks, dumbass. If only I'd thought to "learn study skills" when I was studying in college, reading the same information over and over and remembering none of it, then crying because I didn't know what was wrong with me. Well now I do know, it's called ADD, which is something that can be treated with medication that you assholes won't give me because apparently even the POSSIBILITY that I might not do what I'm told with regards to using it, is so much worse than being a useless piece of shit.

As far as trying other stuff, I've tried all sorts of herbal supplements. I even went to see this lady who didn't seem to know much about biology, but was into naturopathy or something similar, and she had me take a handful of herb capsules three times a day that didn't seem to do much aside from turn my pee bright yellow. Exercising is of limited benefit. If I get some exercise in the morning, I feel a bit more alert during the day, but it's a minor effect that doesn't seem to do much long-term.

The good news is, if I stick with the current mental health program I'm in, there's a good chance I could get a prescription for Adderall again. If I can get that, I'll be maybe a bit less than halfway to where I want to be mentally. But it'd sure be better than nothing.

move out of the country. If you pick the right one they wont do background checks and having a bachelors degree (i assume you have one if your in grad school) qualifies you automatically to teach english in many places for a fair salary and room/bored. Some good choices: brazil, morocco, mexico, china, ect.
I've nearly got a master's degree in engineering, so if I finish it, I think I should be ok. My first choice if I moved out of the country would probably be India, since I have a lot of Indian friends from grad school and I like the culture and food. I read the book Shantaram, about an escaped criminal from Australia who made a new life for himself in India, written by a guy who did just that. Now I've been imagining getting a fake passport and fleeing the country. I probably won't, for my family's sake, but it's going to be at least three years since until I'm off probation, so I'm really not even half done with this crap.
Oh, by the way, I listened to "My Friends", and realized that yes, in fact, there is the possibility of me going to prison because I feel sad. I haven't been sentenced yet, and one of the most important things a judge takes into consideration when sentencing is whether he things the accused will do the same thing again. Well, if I found a successful treatment regimen and got my life back on track, then the judge will see that as progress, and go easy on me. But if every treatment is as useless as the last and the depression never goes away, then the judge will see I haven't been making progress, think I'll probably do it again, and go hard on me. So yes, I can be punished for not responding to their treatment.

I've kind of been faking it by taking ridiculously easy classes that don't help me at all with my degree and don't teach me anything, at my lawyer's advice. Now I'm taking an actual grad school class, so we'll see how that goes.
can u get pee to fake ur tests? buy adderall off another person or meth and then start accomplishing stuff. it onlystays in ur system for 3 days right, so cud u time it?
With my pee tests, they watch you pee, and the tests are random. Right now I'm seeing about getting adderall legitimately, so I hope that pans out. Still, when I was using meth, I really needed to be able to smoke weed to pull the meth blinders off. If I didn't, I can really easily see how that drug could put you in a bad place and lead to making terrible decisions.

Also, the probation office sometimes insists I do this sweat patch test that collects chemicals from your sweat. There isn't any way to get around it, which is why they like it, but it also has a notoriously high false-positive rate for meth and cocaine especially, due to environmental contamination possibility. And let me tell you from experience, if a drug test comes back positive, and you haven't used anything, absolutely nobody will believe you. And the more vehemently you insist you haven't been using, the harder they come down on your ass. If it wasn't for false positives, I wouldn't have had to spend a month in jail.
Honestly, I think you need to stick with it. Life, that is. You come across as very intelligent, which will make your life more difficult. You probably don't realize yet what an advantage intelligence is but it gives you a huge advantage over most people. In a case like this you can use your brain to work the system, you know how it works and what needs to be done. Being on suicidewatch will not help. Being bipolar doesn't help, but the fact that you are aware of it should help you to realize that a lot of what you feel is out of proportion to reality. I suspect that you can be an asset to society if you figure out a way to get by long enough to get out of the system and figure out a way to stabilize. If adderal helps, that combined with weed is a much better solution than meth. Antidepressants work for some people, but there are a lot of people that they don't work for. I would not rule out finding alternative ways to feel better 70% of the time and understand that you are going to still have bouts with depression, but that they will be temporary.

I know this sounds stupid, but if meth and adderal work, energy drinks may help. Obviously they are pretty dirty and weak compared to adderal (that sounds strange doesn't it?), but they have helped me in some bad times. I don't know if they are available to you.

Anyway, Good Luck.

Holy crap I've been on here a long time. I just saw what my join date is. Maybe you will be on this board trying to help people out in 2022.
Honestly, I think you need to stick with it. Life, that is. You come across as very intelligent, which will make your life more difficult. You probably don't realize yet what an advantage intelligence is but it gives you a huge advantage over most people. In a case like this you can use your brain to work the system, you know how it works and what needs to be done. Being on suicidewatch will not help. Being bipolar doesn't help, but the fact that you are aware of it should help you to realize that a lot of what you feel is out of proportion to reality. I suspect that you can be an asset to society if you figure out a way to get by long enough to get out of the system and figure out a way to stabilize. If adderal helps, that combined with weed is a much better solution than meth. Antidepressants work for some people, but there are a lot of people that they don't work for. I would not rule out finding alternative ways to feel better 70% of the time and understand that you are going to still have bouts with depression, but that they will be temporary.

I know this sounds stupid, but if meth and adderal work, energy drinks may help. Obviously they are pretty dirty and weak compared to adderal (that sounds strange doesn't it?), but they have helped me in some bad times. I don't know if they are available to you.

Anyway, Good Luck.

Holy crap I've been on here a long time. I just saw what my join date is. Maybe you will be on this board trying to help people out in 2022.
I've kind of been telling myself this too. That is, I have quite a few advantages in my life and I should stick it out because eventually those advantages will actually help me, but right now, having an education and skills with my mind so sluggish all the time is kind of like having a car with no gas.

My ideal solution would be to get on prescription Desoxyn, and go to a state that has medical weed, but there's no chance of that until I'm off probation. Adderall and weed would probably work most of the time, but I would miss the boost that meth gave to my social skills. I remember talking late into the night with one of my friends who was a PhD student, about philosophy and technology and all that stuff, and finding the words and connecting the ideas just happened automatically, and my thought process flowed along without any glitches. But then I tried doing that later, with just Adderall, and I'd go off on tangents, forget what I was trying to say, and not totally understand what he was talking about. It was like I had to focus on making my brain work and not the conversation. With Adderall, there is no improvement to my ability to function socially, and I really liked it when I had such an easy time functioning socially. If I could get it in pill form, then I wouldn't have all the problems from eyeballing doses, but that's probably a lot harder to get than the street variety.
CBR you're a legend. I'm pretty jelly of that join date <3. Good to see an original user still around.
......but I would miss the boost that meth gave to my social skills. I remember talking late into the night with one of my friends who was a PhD student, about philosophy and technology and all that stuff, and finding the words and connecting the ideas just happened automatically, and my thought process flowed along without any glitches.
While I can understand that this is what it feels like to you, that your ideas just flow and expressing them is easier, I would have to say that most of the time I talk to people on meth I find it hard to follow even half the connections they are making and so I nod a lot and just let them go on. I have ADD myself, and I know that inner disorganization you are talking about, but I can still be articulate when I need to be and I bet you can, too. I think that giving your brain a break from meth and weed may be a blessing in disguise, but that totally depends on you not convincing yourself that being on that coctail is the only way for you to function well. You are obviously smart, enjoy people and meaningful work and learning ways to function socially without a substance is very possible. While you may be right that meth and weed make it easier for you on one level, they come with all sorts of strings attached, right?

Even if meth and weed helped you on one level, on another level they were hurting you as well. Whether or not they should be legal (and we probably have consensus here that they should) they are illegal now. Getting four felonies, having to lie to your girlfriend and friends, losing your job--all of these are the downsides. I really think that you have non-drug alternatives and that in the next few months while you are being tested and can't use, you should try them out! Have you ever tried therapy like CBT? I think that you have convinced yourself that this is your only solution. I believe that learning to work with the brains we have, being accepted as the people we are, is better in the long run than any medication, legal or illegal.
Thanks. That's what I've been trying to do. The trouble is, a lot of antidepressants make my ADD symptoms worse, and none have really improved them. Also, on a scale from 1 to 100, where 1 is my normal, no drugs at all level of functioning, and 100 is where I was with street drugs, most prescription drugs have either been negative or in the single digits. RCs have been somewhat better, but with more erratic side effects, or only temporary benefits.

Thanks. To be honest, the only drug I think I was ever really addicted to was MDPV, and it's probably a good thing that I can't get that anymore. I've been to a depressingly high number of counselors and psychiatrists, even ones that were quite good. The counselors haven't been much help. About the only insight I got from counseling was that I was brought up in an environment where "a strong work ethic" was considered the greatest possible good, and I was often kind of unmotivated and lazy. But I was willing to risk a lot to become the type of person my family wanted me to be. Still, it's not like that information was of any help to me. Other counselors have been stupid and patronizing, saying that maybe I need to "learn study skills" or lower my expectations. Gee thanks, dumbass. If only I'd thought to "learn study skills" when I was studying in college, reading the same information over and over and remembering none of it, then crying because I didn't know what was wrong with me. Well now I do know, it's called ADD, which is something that can be treated with medication that you assholes won't give me because apparently even the POSSIBILITY that I might not do what I'm told with regards to using it, is so much worse than being a useless piece of shit.

As far as trying other stuff, I've tried all sorts of herbal supplements. I even went to see this lady who didn't seem to know much about biology, but was into naturopathy or something similar, and she had me take a handful of herb capsules three times a day that didn't seem to do much aside from turn my pee bright yellow. Exercising is of limited benefit. If I get some exercise in the morning, I feel a bit more alert during the day, but it's a minor effect that doesn't seem to do much long-term.

The good news is, if I stick with the current mental health program I'm in, there's a good chance I could get a prescription for Adderall again. If I can get that, I'll be maybe a bit less than halfway to where I want to be mentally. But it'd sure be better than nothing.
I noticed out of the things I suggested you didn't mention trying any of the ways of changing your thinking and brain wiring, like reading self-help books and putting their advice into practice, meditation, mindfulness/compassionate curiosity for the self, etc. These things have been much more helpful for me (and many other people I know) than any drug, and I think they're very important even when you are able to find a medication that somewhat helps for you. A medication may change the chemistry in the brain, but it doesn't change our thoughts.

An excellent book on ADD/ADHD is Scattered Minds by Gabor Mate.

Many things (like exercise or supplements) have to be done in combination, there is no one single thing that by itself will "cure" you. And it takes a lot of effort on your part, unfortunately.

Sorry you have had such non-helpful experiences with doctors and counselors. I have too.

Oh, by the way, I listened to "My Friends", and realized that yes, in fact, there is the possibility of me going to prison because I feel sad. I haven't been sentenced yet, and one of the most important things a judge takes into consideration when sentencing is whether he things the accused will do the same thing again. Well, if I found a successful treatment regimen and got my life back on track, then the judge will see that as progress, and go easy on me. But if every treatment is as useless as the last and the depression never goes away, then the judge will see I haven't been making progress, think I'll probably do it again, and go hard on me. So yes, I can be punished for not responding to their treatment.
That's so frustrating :( As I said, you may have to take matters into your own hands. If you can find a good doctor who is wiling to prescribe you Adderall, that's a step, but it is only one part of the process, it will not magically fix everything. And I definitely think that the answer in your current solution is to stick with legal solutions and stay away from meth.

Also, the probation office sometimes insists I do this sweat patch test that collects chemicals from your sweat. There isn't any way to get around it, which is why they like it, but it also has a notoriously high false-positive rate for meth and cocaine especially, due to environmental contamination possibility. And let me tell you from experience, if a drug test comes back positive, and you haven't used anything, absolutely nobody will believe you. And the more vehemently you insist you haven't been using, the harder they come down on your ass. If it wasn't for false positives, I wouldn't have had to spend a month in jail.

I hate that! I have had that experience of a false positive and it's terrible, there is absolutely nothing you can do to get them to believe you. :X
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I was just looking at the passport laws yesterday. You can get one its more our less up to the country youre going to whether or not they will let you in. I'm bipolar 2 also opiates were my shit though i thought they were the only thing that would make me happy. I read about your ADD i wont dispute you saying speed does such wonders for you. After all we know our brain chemistry better than anyone.
I went through a shitload of meds and side effects and wds and all that guinea pig bullshit. Lamictal is the only one that works, even though being bipolar i still think I'm fine and go off it all the time.
I dont even really know what my point is here, i mean ive been in a good bit of trouble with the law and its hard enough to find a decent job. I do know that even felons can find employment they enjoy. The shock of it at first is shit but its not the end of the world. Dont be tempting fate by dabbling with shit, youre not sentenced especially. Id be looking into some long term dual diagnoses treatment. It will be taken off your sentence, you can get some help, it might work, and you can clear your head and see how possible it really is to live without drugs. Nobody wants to go but shit if its that death or prison what can it hurt? I go through bouts of depression sober im not saying all your problems will go away but imo its with another shot shot. Be easy man. Oh and desoxyn? Unless you have narcolepsy I dont think its possible. Ive been through many treatment centers. Some did wonders for me, some didnt, i don't give up I can't so i try again.
(Did not read the whole thread.)

@Onepot, if you have documentable ADHD, tell your doc that the Addy's give you mild tremors or something like that, and is there something else to try. YOu want to angle for something called Desoxyn and it is pharmaceutical quality methamphetamine. It will set you right. My old dealer gets 'em for ADHD.

If meth is so bad, how come you can get a legal scrip for it here in the US?
I noticed out of the things I suggested you didn't mention trying any of the ways of changing your thinking and brain wiring drugs, like reading self-help books and putting their advice into practice, meditation, mindfulness/compassionate curiosity for the self, etc. These things have been much more helpful for me (and many other people I know) than any drug, and I think they're very important even when you are able to find a medication that somewhat helps for you. A medication may change the chemistry in the brain, but it doesn't change our thoughts.

An excellent book on ADD/ADHD is Scattered Minds by Gabor Mate.

Many things (like exercise or supplements) have to be done in combination, there is no one single thing that by itself will "cure" you. And it takes a lot of effort on your part, unfortunately.

Sorry you have had such non-helpful experiences with doctors and counselors. I have too.

That's so frustrating :( As I said, you may have to take matters into your own hands. If you can find a good doctor who is wiling to prescribe you Adderall, that's a step, but it is only one part of the process, it will not magically fix everything. And I definitely think that the answer in your current solution is to stick with legal solutions and stay away from meth.

I hate that! I have had that experience of a false positive and it's terrible, there is absolutely nothing you can do to get them to believe you. :X

You won't like it, but I agree with everything he/she said. It WILL be a lot of hard work. It won't be magical... but please, please, stick with life.
I noticed out of the things I suggested you didn't mention trying any of the ways of changing your thinking and brain wiring drugs, like reading self-help books and putting their advice into practice, meditation, mindfulness/compassionate curiosity for the self, etc. These things have been much more helpful for me (and many other people I know) than any drug, and I think they're very important even when you are able to find a medication that somewhat helps for you. A medication may change the chemistry in the brain, but it doesn't change our thoughts.
You won't like it, but I agree with everything he/she said. It WILL be a lot of hard work. It won't be magical... but please, please, stick with life.

Just wanted to point out that where I said "...thinking and brain wiring drugs, like..." I did not mean to type "drugs", I just meant to type "...thinking and brain wiring, like..."
I guess maybe I was originally going to type "...thinking and brain wiring aside from drugs, like..." or something like that. I just meant ways to change our own thought patterns as opposed to just thinking a drug will cure us. So that part of my post as I had originally mis-typed it doesn't really make sense. Hopefully it was still clear enough to understand :)