Ketamine Overdose


Nov 20, 2010
I am an eighteen year old girl who was very mislead this summer. My friends and I took on a life we never could have imagined for ourselves. We lived in parks... in crowds on twenty. Aged 15- 24. We lived for the night and suffered through the day. Never wanting sleep, but when it was necessary... choosing to be together.

Ketamine had taken over us. In the beginning it started with vials and mirrors with pristine white lines cut up. Kholes consisted of thinking crazy things and sometimes feeling your deepest fears. But still... you thought. Soon my closest friends and I escalated to balls of k and the needle. Shooting up was the new fad. we called it "the game". Do you play the game? Do you use needles? Everything was wrong but to think about it unbearable.

The month of September and October involved me trying to quit. I didnt want to be that person. But really deep down.. I didnt want to quit. I wanted it so bad. All week Id be thinking about friday when I was allowed to get my fix. Really just to feel that little prick and then the falling. The easing into a place where you finally don't have to think.

One thursday... one month ago... I bought a ball of k, took one hit, started throwing up, and dont remember anything else until I wake up in hospital with tubes all in my arms. Long story a little bit shorter.... I overdosed and had complete heart and lung failure. The k was laced with crystal meth and I couldn't handle it. I was put into a coma, on life support, for six hopes that my heart and lungs would have a chance to heal.

Im not sure how I made it through. I have so much more to say. I just wanted to start with that.
I am so sorry to hear about your overdose experience. :(

I'm going to move this to The Dark Side because I think it belongs there more so than Other Drugs.
Oh! Thank you! I wasnt sure where to put what. I just wanted to get it out.
Could you send me a link so I know where it is please?
Bless you.

And I've been where you are and there is no5thing wuite like waking up with tubes down your throat. Central lines in your neck tubes shoved ionto every conceivable part of your body and not knowing what the hell ha00ened or how you got there. We all think it can't happen to us. And to be put into a coma to sustain your life says it all doesn't it.. I know this. I didn't learn the first time. XTUPID and did it gain a month later. That one laned me on oxygen tanks for fiv3 mov3es and they thought it would be for life. I survived but all total it took about 8 mon5hs to get well and a year later I still have have some short term memory loss. My vocabulary is nothing like it used to be and I would gauge I'm a tad bit slower. Just enough that I know the difference. .

I'm so glad you survived this. I truly am. As one survivor to another............big huge hugs and prayers for a peacefulful gentle and healing life.
Tammie. We live and we learn eh?