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ketamine cocaine mix?

I find that coke and ketamine in the same line is an instant k hole and not very enjoyable if taken in large amounts or you are not used to taking the 2 drugs together
I prefer just adding a bit of good quality coke at the start of the line of k, more k than coke especially if the coke is the quality it should be and that way the coke sorts your nose out for the k and stops any pain etc or your nose clogging up if your on a binge. Always hate with ket that when I'm binging my nose closes over. This also works good with pills and doesn't give as bad a drip.

It seems to keep me more up than going into a hole.
around belfast, we call that 'challenge'

eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes


A pal of mine used to rack us all up lines of CKM - Just stupid (all in the same line) if u ask me but hey I wasn't going to refuse an offer like that now was I !!

Coke and Ket can compliment each other really well IMO/E. The combo served me well during the mandy/pill drought a few years back.

Used to describe the effects as 'being in a ket bubble'

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+1 to SG. mixing ket with coke is just a waste of coke - if your looking for a stim to mix it with just use good ol sulphate. For me the only thing i would ever mix coke with is smack in a nice speedball straight in the arm it is with out doubt the best euphoric rush on earth with dikes coming in a fairly close second

What is dike a term for in the drugworld?... Only ever heard it on here and I keep meaning to ask about it
and why would you want to mix coke with Ketamine? Wouldn't that be a waste of coke (especially if it was nice coke) - but tbh I never tried Ket, I don't like psychedlics at all & I saw people close to having full blown breakdown on K as much as euphoric experiences on it while living in Ibiza a decade ago - that was enough to put me off it for life
MATT!! That video I CANNOT UNDERSTAND A WORD of the accents at all... The Northern accent would drive any person mad!! (although it is sexy on girls I have to say :p) .. but then Northern girls are just hotter in general than ours in the Republic
MATT!! That video I CANNOT UNDERSTAND A WORD of the accents at all... The Northern accent would drive any person mad!! (although it is sexy on girls I have to say :p) .. but then Northern girls are just hotter in general than ours in the Republic

Hahaha I had that problem at bangface, add ketamine to any harsh accent and it's near gibberish
Hahaha I had that problem at bangface, add ketamine to any harsh accent and it's near gibberish

lol!! Is your accent that strong?.. My accent is strong but it's a very different accent to the northern - I think you know where i'm from right? Our accent is not nice to strangers either apparently...

It's very frustrating I have to take calls sometimes in work and I know when I see the number ringing if it's from Letterkenny or further north that I'm gonna have great fun trying to understand!! =D
MATT!! That video I CANNOT UNDERSTAND A WORD of the accents at all... The Northern accent would drive any person mad!! (although it is sexy on girls I have to say :p) .. but then Northern girls are just hotter in general than ours in the Republic

Really? I can understand it perfectly. Other than ket boy obviously. I assume he's not saying anything other than "WAAAARGHGHGHAHWHAHAHAHTHGH"
Not a fan, cos I overdo the cocaine everytime, and end up a total wreck. Even worse with rock. I prefer amphetamine+ket cos I'll just do one solid dose of amp and leave it at that, maybe a redose HOURS later instead of the constant redosing with the yay. Seems like ket skews my time perception too much for sensible redosing.
Really? I can understand it perfectly. Other than ket boy obviously. I assume he's not saying anything other than "WAAAARGHGHGHAHWHAHAHAHTHGH"

Lol I was pretty wasted last night so I was exaggerating - I can understand it but even at the best of times I find it tough, even though they speak like that 30 minutes from where I am...
lol!! Is your accent that strong?.. My accent is strong but it's a very different accent to the northern - I think you know where i'm from right? Our accent is not nice to strangers either apparently...

It's very frustrating I have to take calls sometimes in work and I know when I see the number ringing if it's from Letterkenny or further north that I'm gonna have great fun trying to understand!! =D

It's not massively strong but it can go out of control when mangled, it's a messy accent tbh
I loved it. I started experimenting it in Ibiza. It was a goddess feeling. it feels a bit like LSD but not really and you have such a strong connection with the universe... and at same time self control...and btw sex with it is heaven.. but I must say you should be a pro user to allow yourself a feeling like this and mind set is also very important so, anyhow there are lots of BUT who can apply to the result of what I feel and felt under the influence of CK
Not a combination I've personally tried, but don't think I'd enjoy it. One drug is trying to dissolve your ego, and the other one is inflating it. Other than MDMA, I wouldn't want to mix a stimulant with ketamine, especially not at the same time. I'm sure I'll try it one day, though. ;)

An interesting thread to bump, CK. Welcome to Bluelight. :)
Expensive waste of coke if you ask me. Better to do just a small line to perk you up between holes maybe. Or very small lines of each no mixing it's almost unpleasant when mixed. Better coke then ket then coke then ket :D
Expensive waste of ket if you ask me.

Fixed that for ya ;)

This was momentarily popular amongst my friends when I was at uni, so about 10 years ago now. We also used to call it CK1. I had a girlfriend at the time who didn't like ket but it suddenly became ok when mixed with coke, so I didn't have a problem with them doing it (because it seemed to legitimise my usage). I just chose not to tarnish my ket with coke. Although to be fair I've never really been too fussed about coke at the best of times.

Ketamine when you get home from a night out on pills is literally amazing. But other than that, no stims! :p
Not a combination I've personally tried, but don't think I'd enjoy it. One drug is trying to dissolve your ego, and the other one is inflating it. Other than MDMA, I wouldn't want to mix a stimulant with ketamine, especially not at the same time. I'm sure I'll try it one day, though. ;)

An interesting thread to bump, CK. Welcome to Bluelight. :)

Speed and ket is amazing, made for each other. sharpens the wonk up, amps each other, its so good

Mixing ket with mephedrone has lead to some very messed up experiences though, dunno why those two dont mix