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kava kava, how effective is it?


Dec 19, 2008
i need something to stop mild to moderate alcohol wds, valerian isnt really doing it, even in 2-3g doses, im thinking of trying kava, i dont want to touch benzos again as i had serious addiction problems before with them.

So how much kava to take, and what to expect?

thanks to any advice :)
you're buying grocery store kava? if that's the case, it'll probably take most of the container if you get the little extract pills. haven't tried the alcohol extract "tinctures". the powders are frustrating because of the large quantity you need to ingest. the more dirt/pepper like it tastes, the better though.

it'll feel like a benzo, really, for like 3 hours. the farthest i've gone with alcohol is signifigant morning anxiety, which kava did work for.
bah so i need to order some good quality stuff online? im gonna spend the night shaking and in pain tonight no matter what but would like something for the next few days.
im in the uk, can get it in health shops i think, will try tommorow.
Being that you are suffering alcohol withdrawals, I'm not sure using kava is wise because of liver toxicity issues.
I think there is only a toxicity issue if you eat certain parts of the kava plant.. to get the effects that you are looking for you want to consume the root.. which is not toxic..

I tried kava kava in stores and it really sucked (even the gel capsules) .. but I kept hearing how great it was supposed to be so I ordered some online.. MUCH better quality. Also make sure to do an extraction (filter through a muslim bag) with the powdered root so you are not actually drinking the powdered root... disgusting!

Good quality kava should make your whole tongue and throat go numb while drinking it.. it's like cocaine for you throat!
Um I just realized I didnt really answer you question. It feels like a benzo.. a lower dose feels like a slight intoxication.. a higher does will put you to sleep.

I have a bag of ground up (powdered root) I usally add 1 to 3 tablespoons to a cup of milk. It needs to be added to a liquid that has fat in it to help with the extraction. Than I add a teaspoon of soy lechin to help with the extraction. I blend the ingredients for 5 minutes in a blender (once again to help with the extraction) finally I take a muslim back and filter the root powder (now the consistency of mud) from the milk. I add chocolate syrup to the milk and drink. It should be consummed cold, high temperatures kill the active ingredient.
^^ True enough. OP just said they were going to go to a health store, which would probably carry only the gel caps, which from my knowledge are notoriously made from all parts of the kava plant to cut costs. Thus, my concerns about the liver toxicity.

If you can get something you are sure is root only though, then you are in business.
i've on tried the vitamin shoppe kava pills and tinchires, and they sucked imo.

i think valerian or skullcap is better.
^^ Yes I agree, that's why you have to buy the actual ground up root online.. MUCH stronger
Pills and even tincutres OTC at the grocery store/health store/pharmacy will just be weak, period.
You need fresh plant. Read up on traditional kava culture and how it is consumed.
I buy the cheap pressed tablets and can't believe how potent they are. My first time I took 2 and felt more intoxicated than I can remember from ANY drug...the effects were what I'd imagine a benzo + nitrous combo would feel like. Now I take it pretty much every night to sleep and it continues to be effective. The pills are a brown-green color, so who knows what's in them. The liver toxicity thing is definitely my biggest concern though.
When i was recently in Vanuatu i was up in Santo doing a lot of diving. Santo is the home of kava in Vanuatu. When taken to a kava hut with a few locals i was hitting that shit pretty hard to the point where the locals told me to slow down. 7 or 8 bowls later i had a mild tingle but pretty unimpressed.

Betel nut in Papua new guinea was a much better rush!