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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

JWH-018 (K2 Summit) - New Experience - Musical Enhancement Extreme


Mar 5, 2009
I nabbed me a 3G bag of K2 Summit, basically the Spice Gold replacement. I read good things about it and decided to give it a go to get the curiosity bug out.

Trip report starts shortly after 2am. I decided to smoke after I couldn't fall asleep. I haven't used cannabis in 4 days, but was an extremely heavy user prior to that. I am a musician, and music is on par with oxygen for me, and I felt like this stuff enhanced the way music sounded 10 fold.

Set and setting: 2am, my bedroom, roommates asleep, been feeling irritable all day, most likely due to me not having smoked in days. I used my trust bong for this experiement. I wrote this trip report in real time, play by play, so I left it just as it is to give you an idea of the state of mind I was in.

2:10 - Fired it up

2:12 - I turn on KoRn - Blind in my headphones and immediately am captivated by the music, but KoRn does this to me stone cold sober, so.... :p

2:15 - Feeling minor effects of what resemble cannabis.

2:18 - I find it hard to focus on things

2:19 - I'm definately feeling effects now, but still somewhat minor. I feel as if I took one decent bong rip of good quality cannabis.

2:21 - Another one of my favorite KoRn songs comes on, a song I listen to on almost a daily basis as of late, and it sounds unusually awesome. I start swaying back and forth the music with my legs under the covers and decide to myself I am definately in a state of MILD euphoria. Feels very natural, and probably is, but hey, if I feel good, I feel good!

2:23 - I decide to load another. I want to be STONED.

2:24 - My lighter is dead. Son of a mother fucking cock sucker. I take off my headphones and begin the search...

2:28 - Found a lighter, loaded another bowl and took a FATTTTTY rip. This smoke is surprizingly tolerable. Other smoke blends I've had tasted like 374 year old rotten turle's ball sack. Feeling more and more stoned... This is nice!

2:31 - Wow, definately feeling discoordinated and stoned. I take another fat rip.

2:33 - Was that just a rush of euphoria?? Surely I couldn't be THAT excited about taking a sip of grape fruit juice.....

2:34 - I start headbanging like a mother fucker to KoRn - Chi. If I didn't have roommates I would've been singing like a bluejay. Yeah at 2:34am, I have work in the morning and a huge party planned at my house tomorrow night. I win.

2:36 - The harddrive on my computer starts spooling up and spinning at random speeds, and for a good 45 seconds or so, I could've sworn it was some strange music. Wow, I'm getting baked.

2:38 - Screw that noise!! I replay the song after it ends (Chi, my favorite KoRn track). I feel really floaty and keep feeling like I'm falling into my keyboard as I type. I'm in a happy place.

2:40 - I have been in quite an irritable mood all day, and let me tell you any feelings of irritability have been completely flushed away and I have not a care in the world. So far, this is 1:1 cannabis, if not better, however like I said I haven't smoked in about 4 days so who's to say if I smoked

2:42 - I look down at my shirt and soak in the big Alice In Chains logo, and decide to turn on some old favorites. Would goes on. Innnnnto the flood againnnn....... *singing quietly* RIP Layne!!

2:44 - I am absolutely entranced by the music. Time to take another hit. Wow, a real big one, and I hold it in and blow it out my nose. That gave me a rush....still not feeling any noticable difference to cannabis.

2:46 - I'm officially fucked up. The muscles in my legs are twitching, my ears are ringing (probably due to the loud music). I take my headphones off and feel...exposed. I quickly crawl back into my headphone hell and turn on Junkhead, but at a lower volume.

2:48 - I've heard this song 100002 times, but for some reason, I'm hearing parts of it I never noticed. The reverb on Layne's voice is more noticable to me than his actual voice. It's weird!! I couldn't imagine driving right now. Ahhhh....

2:50 - Lay back and look over at my fishtank, and quietly say to myself "I'm fuckin' stoned...This shit works..."

2:51 - I kinda want to go for a walk to see how I feel, but the thought of leaving this blanket terrifies me. Fuck that.

2:52 - I reconsider...

2:53 - Rain When I Die. Mmmmm... Music still sounding better than normal. I smoke whatever is left in the bowl. Provides a decent hit.

2:54 - I currently feel like I have this heightened awareness to music. I'm hearing things in songs I never noticed before, and also, I can focus on certain instruments or voices, and nearly block out everything else and just hear that one instrument or voice. This is amazing. Weed never did this for me. I want to smoke this stuff when I jam with my band!! The wonders this could provide!!!

2:56 - As I'm typing this, the rest of the world outside my laptop monitor begins to fade away into nothing. It's just me and the laptop. I'm pounding away on the keys, focused, enjoying the shit out of writing this trip report, and I feel like my entire life is being controlled by the music right now. Music has never, ever, ever sounded like this before. I get probably the best idea I've had all evening. Led Zeppelin - Rain Song. Holy tits.


3:00 - Yeah, that crap right there ^^^ all those slashes was my hand falling onto the computer when the Rain Song came on, and me not giving two shits. I figured I should just leave it there. This song puts me on another planet, however it could be better. I shouldn't have listened to such hard music before I whipped this out. It sounds weak to me, but still captivating. Wow I love typing this.

3:02 - Good god, I have work in the morning, I really should go to sleep. I'm going to lay my head down with the headphones still on and let the Rain Song finish, and I'll just slip them off and hopefully drift off. See ya in a few if that doesn't work out.

3:20 - Well I'm back. I'm gettin hit with some slight paranoia because I can seriously hear absolutely everything. It's the weirdest thing, I just have this insanely heightened ability to hear things. I layed my head down and I was hearing all sorts of things. I was hearing vibrations, I felt like I was sensing an earthquake before it was about to happen and almost convinced myself it was going to happen because I've been subconciously predicting random things lately, so I started freaking myself out. There's your proof right there that this stuff works. My mind is going a mile a minute and I'm thinking up some crazy ass stuff...


I eventually layed my head down and tried to fall asleep again, and did. It should be noted I woke up with a splitting headache and feeling like poop, but a shower mostly fixed that.

Finally a good JWH report. All the ones I've seen on BL have been of OD's and panic attacks. I've been meaning to write one but always get distracted. But yes that is one of the things I enjoy most about JWH. There is a significant enhancement of music which was something I never really got with weed and very good analgesic effects. There are very few songs I haven't enjoyed while on JWH.

It's great stuff if it's used responsibly, just like anything else. Seems good to have around for when you run out of weed, but as long as the real deal is around it's hard for me to justify putting this into the bowl.
haha, nice report its so true, i've tried summit, blue and pink, i've hit the mark of "to much" quiet a bit yet i still love the stuff, nice report man.
Thanks guys! I will probably never buy this stuff again simply because it's just too damn close to weed. If getting your hands on chronic is not a problem, and you don't have any drug tests or anything like that to worry about, it's pointless. However, it definitely has its place in the world of a smart stoner.
unfortunately I OD'd 8)

I often wish in life that there were an "Undo" button for when you F-Up
The moment before I OD'd I thought, hmmm is this too much? *TOKE* ... oops too late now. Woa Tachycardia and paranoid anxiety panic attack :|

and now a month later, still have anxiety and muscle spasms are driving me insane. :\ I really could do with an UNDO button.

If you're going to try JWH which I highly recommend against, not just because of my OD but also because there's so little known about it, it's a research drug.

IF you're going to, start out small, like grain of salt small and work up from there over time. You can always add more, but once You've nuked your brain on OD, you can't take it away.

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