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Just Like You (Slam Poem)


Oct 15, 2010
Just Like You - (Slam Poem)

I was the good.... You were the bad
You were the happy...I was the sad
I was the faithful ....You were the player
You were the selfish....I was the fair
I was the giver ...You were the taker
I was the truth ...You were the faker
I was the sweet ...You were the tart
You were the breaker... I was the heart
You were the smart... I was the dummy
I was the joke... You were the funny
You were the win ...I was the loss
I was the learner...You were the taught
You taught me so well.... I learned so much
I learned not to care... Now i dont give a fuck
I shoulda been a pro... Because you never knew
I'm fucking someone else... While I'm fucking you too
You swore You had me figured.... You swore I couldnt play
I didnt know I could.... untill you made me this way
Carelessly corrupted....
good girl... gone bad
You did such a good job... I dont miss what i had
Be hurt if u may... Hate me if you will
I got coldness in my heart.... Tell me can you feel?
I give a fuck if you cant.... I give a fuck if you do
You should be glad motherfucker.... cause im JUST LIKE YOU