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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Harm Reduction IV technique


Aug 8, 2020
I shot pills for atleast 2 yrs straight, multiple times per day.. as many as i could get my hands on. I was taught by a friend of mine (RIP 2015)who was very experienced at IV how to do it. Once I learned how to do it myself I didnt want to start using the crooks of arms bc its too obvious so I was using the veins that run across my forearm. Starts at thumb side of wrist an runs up top of forearm. Now.. I NEVER had any trouble wat so ever on hitting.. never missed, no infections nothing. My main pill I liked was even them plastic opanas especially after I learned how to fix them up an still never had any trouble hitting. I rotated both arms the whole time. I stopped daily use bac in 2016. They healed nicely, no scars, no collapses. Fast forward to last year or so.. i started shooting meth. I went to those veins first and even tho they are nice and springy no matter how I go at it, I cant get a register. Been using hands and its not pretty. Things I've noticed: I have had few misses, it makes me shakey so for some reason I get shakey b4 I even do any just by knowing I'm fixing to do it, and lastly back then I was getting longer tips an now all I can get are short insulin points. I kno that all adds up but it just pisses me off that I can't hit those veins even tho they are totally fine to hit?!? Wen I hav tried it leaves a small purple spot after. Being shakey an trying is a nightmare in its self but I remember being pill sick bac then shaking an sweating but still was able to hit those veins on first try everytime. Any advice would be appreciated!
@Engine_Of_Chaos have you tried tying off at the armpit, harrrd? That's worked for me for getting the hand/wrist veins to pop better than tying off down close to them...
What about your cephalics, the ones that run up the bicep?
@Engine_Of_Chaos have you tried tying off at the armpit, harrrd? That's worked for me for getting the hand/wrist veins to pop better than tying off down close to them...
What about your cephalics, the ones that run up the bicep?

Thing is that my forearm veins pop without even tying off.. I mean they are very palpable an springy. I tied off so hard this morning that I left bruises (i use a silk scarf). I havent ever seen/felt any on my bicep. My left arm has big one in middle of crook and I have used it but usually i either go to deep or only register wen pulling out which messes me up an I'll feel a miss so i stop. I guess I've lost my finesse and technique which used to be flawless practically.
Hey Engine! Yea, this is a pretty annoying and disheartening occurrence for sure. You think you have some great, viable veins only to find that you mysteriously cannot register them. There are many potential causes, but essentially, veins can look good and viable and not be. That's kind of the breaks. The best thing I can advise is to do your best to give these veins a rest. Are you implying that you're able to hit your larger veins or is this pretty much an across-the-board issue?

Always make sure not to register too quickly or forcefully. A lot of folks I've talked to who were actually pretty knowledgeable about technique, were unaware of how stressful it is on the veins to register to quickly. This constricts the veins and can cause the walls of the lumen to stick together in addition to just being stressful on the vein in general.

I would definitely recommend exploring different injection sites, as the ones that you're trying to use need some RandR. I would recommend trying to use some topical supplements like arnica, aloe and so on. I don't know how helpful this stuff will be, but I know it won't hurt. Also, applying heat, either through a shower or a heating pad or what have you, will help aid your circulation and cause otherwise invisible veins to pop up. There is a little bit of advice for you to work with here, but let us know if you have any other questions and we will be here to help you.
Always make sure not to register too quickly or forcefully. A lot of folks I've talked to who were actually pretty knowledgeable about technique, were unaware of how stressful it is on the veins to register to quickly. This constricts the veins and can cause the walls of the lumen to stick together in addition to just being stressful on the vein in general.
This is news to me, thanks Keif.

I like trying to use the vacuum method so a tiny bit will appear as soon as you're in, making it pointless to actually even pull back, although I do check halfway to make sure I'm still in, and right before the end most times too, (normally to prolong the experience) depending on if it's a KO shot or not.

I take it you are familiar with the vacuum method, @Engine_Of_Chaos ?
This is news to me, thanks Keif.

I like trying to use the vacuum method so a tiny bit will appear as soon as you're in, making it pointless to actually even pull back, although I do check halfway to make sure I'm still in, and right before the end most times too, (normally to prolong the experience) depending on if it's a KO shot or not.

I take it you are familiar with the vacuum method, @Engine_Of_Chaos ?

Yes I believe thats pulling bac as you break the skin? I usually go in for the vein then pull back.
Yes I believe thats pulling bac as you break the skin? I usually go in for the vein then pull back.
Not necessarily AS you break the skin, could be after, between the skin pop and the vein pop.
If you initiate the vacuum after the skin pop then blood will show in the syringe as soon as you pop the vein and you don't need to pull back to check you can just shoot away.. REMEMBER TO WATCH THE STEEL so you don't come out of the vein.

I think it's called flagging? Not sure, even after years, I'm still no expert with some of the terminology.
I use a tens machine on my crook to keep it alive for some reason I can't hit the veins in my forearms.
Put less in your mix if too much its a coagulant and when it contacts blood it clots immed. So dilute it or make its ph get to centered do that and it should flow with ease
This. I have to add an extra 20cc of water to everything or else I have trouble registering a shot
Not necessarily AS you break the skin, could be after, between the skin pop and the vein pop.
If you initiate the vacuum after the skin pop then blood will show in the syringe as soon as you pop the vein and you don't need to pull back to check you can just shoot away.. REMEMBER TO WATCH THE STEEL so you don't come out of the vein.

I think it's called flagging? Not sure, even after years, I'm still no expert with some of the terminology.
That's how I always did it. Otherwise it seems like just adding an extra step for no reason.