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Misc Issues getting scripts filled

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Aug 11, 2019
I have spoken previously about issues getting my script filled for the opioid-based pain killer patches Norspan (and yes gang stalking) and it happened again yesterday. I was on 20mcg patches and my GP suggested I go down to 15mcg which I was fine with as I do want to wean off them and he is happy to help me do this as he keeps saying. Anyway I take the script to the pharmacy and wait around and notice the security guard at the door looking threatening as I check out (who wasn't there when I walked in) and when I get home I noticed they are only 5mcg strength....

I rang up and they didn't seem surprised and just said to bring them back. They checked the script and it was indeed for 15mcg so their mistake. Anyway my father passed away on Sunday so I am not doing well and wasn't out to going back out so will have to go back tomorrow and take them back and get the right dose. I am going to try to record the interaction I have without looking obvious and see what else goes down, if anything.

I know a lot don't believe in the gang stalking and constant things that go wrong so please don't chime in with it's all a coincidence. It might well be but I seem to have a lot go wrong when dealing with getting this script refilled.

Edit to add my two abusive older brothers are convinced I am a drug addict and have run a smear campaign and convinced everyone of this. I do have addiction issues but it's mainly prescribed things and the family have alcohol issues themselves and hardly live a clean lifestyle. They run with any dirt they can get on me. What if this is a thing going on to try to "force" me to get help before I get anything from the will from the death of our father? He was elderly and it was expected and he passed peacefully thankfully but just food for thought. They are very manipulative.

Thank you for reading.
I’m going to chime in regardless and say once again it’s all a coincidence. Maybe if they had fought you a little bit on the return, but it sounds like a simple mistake that was easily rectified. You do realize this type of shit literally happens to EVERYONE! You are not in any way special, they made a mistake.

You recording them is also bothering me a great deal, considering this is pure innocent behavior. I’m truly worried you’re going to one day take it a step further. You need help and we aren’t just going to sit back and let you spin in your delusions, that’s the exact opposite of HR.

I’m going to chime in regardless and say once again it’s all a coincidence. Maybe if they had fought you a little bit on the return, but it sounds like a simple mistake that was easily rectified. You do realize this type of shit literally happens to EVERYONE! You are not in any way special, they made a mistake.

You recording them is also bothering me a great deal, considering this is pure innocent behavior. I’m truly worried you’re going to one day take it a step further. You need help and we aren’t just going to sit back and let you spin in your delusions, that’s the exact opposite of HR.

I ended up not recording them. The more people come at me with authority like this the more I am worried that something is going on. I am calm and peaceful and in control. I didn't record the interaction but more stuff went down and I am going to document that.

Also what's a step further than recording them or taking their photo? Are you implying that I'm a danger to society? That sounds like you projecting something onto me and that's huge. I'm deeply offended. As I said I am peaceful and calm and plan to stay that way but I won't back down or be bullied.

AND I just wanted to add that I in no way think I am special. I understand coincidences happen. But I am also on (and been on for some time) a medication that has printed on it in large letters "CONTROLLED DRUG: Possession without authority illegal" and my older abusive brothers have smeared my name and brainwashed everyone that I am a drug addict. One brother even said on Sunday not to waste any inheritance on drugs.

I am calm and peaceful and have no intention of taking things further or lashing out but everyone has a breaking point and following around women just going about their business (males doing this btw) is intimidating to me. I do not believe I am having hallucinations or am delusional - I just thought if I had evidence of it that that might prove that.
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Condolences for your loss
Thank you so much. As I have posted previously I was raised in a VERY abusive family and I was their scapegoat/target/punching bag. A group of people CAN and DO target one person (often the weakest). It literally happened in my family and it can happen in society. I don't know why gang stalking is so hard for people to believe. At what stage do you start to go hang on....how can all these things be coincidences? I was told off by my SEVENTEEN YEAR older brother via text today and he said I am now blocked as he has lost *HIS* father and I was told everything on Sunday (the day he died) about the next stages. I was literally in shock on Sunday and numb and just wanted to know the next step and if I could help with anything and instead I was threatened and spoken to like a child. If you have siblings that hate your guts nothing changes that sometimes.

I will say this as I imagine anything I type online is watched. Come at me! I have nothing left to lose and won't back down to bullies who try to intimidate people. No that's not a threat but DON'T stalk people! I was bullied by two MUCH older brothers so I can take some bullying and targeting and I will not back down to bullies EVER! They HATE it when you stand up to them and let it be seen what bullies they are.
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It seems like there might be a funeral and I'm not invited. I tried to contact the funeral home and they said they would call me back and in about an hour they did and said to contact the family. I said I am the family - I'm his daughter - and she said there is a woman looking after his case and she will call me back tomorrow... She sounded very unsettled. I even wonder if I am being followed to make sure I am not going to crash the funeral.

It's been like this my whole life. The final "fuck you" as it were. I have never been good enough and they were always out to prove what a bad person I am. For those that say I am paranoid and family is not like this - I envy you that you never experienced it. It happens.
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I am extremely sorry too hear about your loss, that's devastating.

A pharmacist messing up a prescription for any drug especially schedule 4B's and Schedule 8's. That's the type of mistake that may happen once during a whole career. I was actually reading about this on a question and answer platform when someone asked if this happens much and many pharmacists had the same answer.

If this happens again I would suggest reporting it too:

Amanda Watson
National Complaints Manager
Phone | (07) 3149 4680
Email | [email protected]
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

I believe they deal with pharmacists as well.
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