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Is there a female alternative to MDMA 'stimdick'?


Aug 1, 2014
When I rolled the other night I had forgotten about the penile issues that come with MDMA until I went to the bathroom. I had no need for my Johnson that evening so it was of no worry, though we did have a few laughs about a friend of mine and his girlfriend.

I didn't want to ask my friend's girlfriend because it was her first time rolling, so I was wondering if women get something similar to a male's 'stimdick' while on MDMA?

I tried to do a search around the internet but I couldn't find the right phrasing to get any results.

Bit of a weird question, but I'm curious :)

No I don't think they do. In fact, I think girls are far more likely to get horny than guys on MDMA.
A close female friend of mine does not have much of a sex drive, MDMA doesn't do much for that. It just stays the same really. Alcohol on the other hand does increase her sex drive a bit at times.

I'd imagine it to differ from person to person though. Would be interesting to have some feedback from females on the forum.
For me MDMA enhances what I would normally feel in the situation, I never get turned on by the drug itself.

Hugs from random people is really nice, but it's just a hug. A hug from my boyfriend on the other hand, oh my... Makes me want to go straight to the bedroom, every time... lol...
I know how you feel depends onwho your with, so the majority of times I've been rolling with my boyfriend. I find I get particularly aroused but can never climax, still pleasure and stuff, just not climax!
I get slightly physically aroused on MDMA from touching/cuddling someone I'm attracted to but I don't really get psychologically aroused. I don't really feel like sex on M, I would prefer cuddling and back rubs :D
It doesn't really do anything for my libido which is already high. Secondly, the one time I did try to have sex with somebody on it I was all dried out.
My ex would get crazy horny when on e, she would get so wet and rub herself constantly because i am just a useless pookie monster when i roll.
I do get aroused on MDMA fairly easily but I find that sex is nearly impossible because I'm so focused on the fact that I'm rolling that I can't really focus on my OWN pleasure, let alone my partner's pleasure. I prefer to use the time rolling for cuddles, kisses, talking, and touching--then on the comedown (provided we aren't completely exhausted) sex is usually possible and quite enjoyable.