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Opioids Is there a better way to take Lope?

Loperamide? No, absolutely not. Any of these roas are worse than oral. What are you trying to accomplish? A high? Constipation? Pain relief? The route of admin. wont effect the bulky drugs' ability to cross the bbb. I would highly suggest staying as far as you can from this drug, because it's very cardiotoxic in high doses and is not recreational in thr slightest. I'd only ever recommend it's use in a low dose prior to low dose, real opioids, to block the gut receptors and possibly in turn increase blood concentrations. Stay safe.
Won't make a difference, though perhaps slight. Oral absorption is pretty high as far as i recall. But systemic bioavailability is very low, so increasing amount absorbed via say plugging it wont do much.