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Is he lucky?


Sep 15, 2010
prison sentence question

My cousin just got sentenced to 8 year in prison 4 suspended. Only has to serve 1 right now. His charges were possesion of X. Manufactuering meth and they found coke in his system and somehow charged him wit that. His house got raided several times and both times only found a lil weed and some pieces. If you want some more info just ask. But wat i wanna know is did he get lucky?
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he's going to prison....not lucky.

ever spend ANY time behind bars? I spent a month in county and it was def no picnic.

also, when does "several" mean two times? and how did he get charged with possession of x and manufacturing meth if all they ever found was a little bit of weed and weed pipes?
The first time he got raided was his own dumbass fault. The cops come to the door lookin for his bro. And him and some friends were smokin a joint. They smelled it. But couldnt come in. He walked outside wit a ounce of dank in his pocket and 7 hits of x in his sock. They searched him found the bud put him in the car and he stashed the pills under the seat. They found them the next day. The meth charge was bullshit he was at a lab down the street when something caught fire and the dumbass cookin it threw it at him and he got very badly burned. So he and the guy makin it got charged wit it. I would like to mention my cousin NEVER touched meth ever. He was just there cuz it was a buddies house that lived down the street. Wat i ment by lucky was he only got a year right now.
He healed very well tho. Only thing that will always be scared is his arms. The thing is the hospital report said the burns were from cooking oil...