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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Is aMT new? Its only just started appearing on the legal website.


May 28, 2010
Alpha-MethylTryptamine (aMT) has started appearing on the legal high websites to buy. But i thought aMT had already been around a very long time. Why has it only just started appearing on them now, has it always been legal? Is it the same version as the others?
AMT, or alpha-methyltryptamine, is a Schedule I substance in the United States. It is controlled in several other countries, but is currently unregulated in the UK. So, check to see what country that website is based out of. They probably have shipping restrictions to countries where it's controlled.
Yeah, the UK RC scene is pretty shitty for the most part but you guys lucked out with aMT.
Why have they only just started selling it now? They say its in freebase form so apparently its better? If its been unregulated in the UK for a long time why hasnt it been there sooner?
Could just be new to that particular website. I know of several places that have been selling AMT in the UK for quite some time.. So, it's not necessarily new.

And AMT, I think, is usually in freebase form. AMT is AMT, no matter what form it's in.. HCL, Acetate, Fumerate, etc... I'm not the best with chemistry, but as I understand it, the form that it's in will only really effect how well/quickly it is absorbed, and some forms are better than others for certain routes of administration.
It's been on a few seller's websites for ages, but with the current crack down many other are resorting to selling it due to not being able to sell meph/methylone/etc.